Розіщення productive forces and регіоналістика - Стеченко Д.М.

10.2. Central Region

To the Central Region's warehouse enter Kiev and Sistan regions: Vinnytsya, Zhytomyrska, Kiev, Hmelnitsk, Cherkaska, Chernigivska. Yogo area 158.7 yew. Km2. Tse naybіlshy for ploscheyu (26,4 відсотка від загальної площі) регіон України. The number of inhabitants in the country of the region is 12.2 million, or 23.7 per square meter of the population of Ukraine.

At the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 96 mіst ta 176 selisch mіs'kogo type, іn 1/5 від їхньої загальної кількості в Україні.

The territory of the Central Region is characterized by a wagon of transport-geographic positions - the central metropolitan area, and such proximity to the syringe bases, the main promises of regions and regions of the finished products. For the region it is typical that the riznomannity and storage of the terri- tory are great, the territory of the small parts is zoomed in. In the center of the region, there is an endemic, economical, cultural and scientific center - the capital of Kiev. Negative є those, scho regiion at the spaciousness, the hunted logs of the Chornobyl disaster.

Vazhlivim regionalitnym chinnikom rozvitku gospodarstva Central Region - yogo moglinnyi rabotresurshny potentsial. On teritorii to finish the population density of the population is 83 individuals per km2. The main problem of the region is the development of Mali Mis'k settlements, vidrodzhennya villages and Silesian statehood. Більшість малих і середніх міст регіону мають сприятть умиви for social and cultural rozvitku - vigіdnogo rozmіschennya промислових підприємств, наукових, освітніх і медичних установ, orgізацій spherical service, infrastructures тощо.

Prote nadmіrna concentrating promyslovostі in the high and middle spaces in the 60-80s rock was post-ordained postinym deficit in them robochoї sili, activezatsієyu pendulum migratіїї, посиеним вісопливом поселення до міст. The cob of the 90's rockies and processions nabuvayut rotary strained. Zalishaetsya topical problem of active development of malych і serednіh міст.

Basically, the management of the socially-economical and cultural tourism of the countryside and the Silesian statehood-the process of depopulation and replacement of the villages of the Silesian settlements. Ці зададаня реалізуються through privatization on the villages, tobto organisatsiyu selyans'kikh і farmerskikh gospodarstv, securene for them mіtsnoї materіno-tehnіchnyi basi, vіdrozhennya vіrobnichoї cooperativ, folk promislіv, strenennya різноманітних промислових виробництв, crafts, tourism, розширення облари послуг, будівництва, торгівлі тощо.

Vidobutok і a detachment of cinnamon kopalins є osnovoju rozvitku okremih zaluzey promyslovosty. In the part of the region (Chernigivska oblast), the natural resources of naphtha and natural gas, yakі vikoristovuytsya yak palivo i himichna sirovina. Sered інших мінеральних ресурсів у регіоні є родовища ільменітів у Житомирській області, а и takozh velikі zapashi nerudnogo sirovini z vigіdnimi umovami rozrobki. Значні запаси мінеральних вод у Хмільнику (Вінницька область) і Миронівці (Київська область).

Pevnyi vplyiv on formvannya gospodarstva regeonu mayut lіsovі resursi. Основные лісові масиви регіону зосереджені в поліській yгого частині. In the region, it is prudent for the development of bugs of the Silesian Volgobnitsv.

The structure of the statehood of the state is to be folded. Suhasna vibrochnica specialization of the Central Regency in the territory of the sub-region is represented by machine-buses (littering, verstabuduvannya, електроніка, радіоапаратура тощо), хімічною, харчовою, легкою промисловістю.

Серед регіонів України The Central Regions are one of the most inadequately protected areas with palynoenergetic resources, and there are no disturbances for bringing in other regions.

Машинобудівна продукція має внутрішньодержавне та міжнароднее значення. Naibilshimi centers machine-building є Kyiv, Bila Tserkva, Brovary, Nijin, Berdichiv, Korosten, Mogiliv-Podilsky. Naivazhlivishe znachennya poyuppriemstva serednogo i iznogo mashinobuduvannya (shipbuilt, verstabuduvannya, priladobuduvannya te elektronika), vyrobnitvo medichnoi aparaturi.

Розвиток машинобудування регіону зумовлений наявністю споживачів, кваліфікованих трудових ресурсів, потужної науково-технічної basis.

Підприємства хімічної промисловості виробляють продукцію основної хімії, лаки, фарби, пластмаси, хімічне волокно, реактиви, ліки тощо.

Organic chemistry is represented by vibrobnitsvom himichnyh fibers (Kiev), gumotehnichnyh virobiv (Kiev, Bila Tserkva), lіkіv (Kyiv).

Woodworking promising in the centers of Masovian community: Київ, Житомир, Чернігів, Коростень. The specialization of the Silesian statehood is brought to light in the presence of two natural zones: polish (grain crops, leon-dovgunets, potatoes and milk-mnjasne tvarinnitsvto) and lisostepovoe (grain crops, tsukrovi buryaks, potatoes, vegetables, milk-mnjasne tvarinnitsvo and svinarstvo).

In the syllable state of the state, the yogo harchov promyslovism is extensively discussed. In the warehouse, you can see the galus specialization (tsukrova, spirits-gorilchana, fruit-and-vine preserving, m'yaso-milk, oil-and-fat) and galusies, which consume the population of the region (boroshnomelna, hlibopeksarskaya, confectionery, macaroni, brewery).

At svoeridnih umovah rozvivayetsya easy promyslovіst, yaka tilki private pratsyue on vlasnіy sirovini (m'yasna, shkiryan, hutrov v vzutveva).

The main types of transport are the following: the hall, the car, the river, the pipeline. Усі вони тісно взаємопов'язані та взаємодіють, що lead up to the establishment of transport institutions and points.

For the region, the eco-logical situation is typical, the yaka is zoomed in by avariya on the Chaes. For otsynkami, zabrudnennya z rivnem ponad 1 Ki / km2 have been announced 26 vidsootkiv zagalnoi ploschі rekreatsіynih landscapes of Ukraine, in that number in the Kiev region - 87, Zhitomirsky - 75, Chernigivskyi - 56 vidosotkiv.

Order in Kyiv region of Naybisholsky school The Chornobyl catastrophe took over the nature of the state of Zhytomyr region. Here, in the zone of the strong (5-15 Ki / km'2), the zabrudnennya spent more time in the colossal SSRR Ovrutska, the birthplace of dynastic quartzites. Zabrudneno Stremigorodske, the birthplace of phosphorites, is one of the skies in Ukraine. Practically vibuv godararskogo turnover Narodnitsky district. Parchekovo in the zone from the zabrudnenya zabrudnenya to 5 Ki / km2 having spent the area of ​​the two genera ilmenitovih (zirkonіyvih) ores at the basin river. Ірша (the area of ​​the population of the points Nova Borova and Іrshans'k).

At the Zhytomyrschyna speedy vibronichesky potency of the flora and porcelain, faience and promyslovosti. Vidchutnoї shkodi zavdano lonariness.

In the Kiev region of the city of Govdars, the turnover was not less than half of the land and land. The order of the CHAES, the basic funds of the alleged forward-looking avarios were approximated by the sum of 3 billion rubles, and that of Pripyat vibuli in the service of Chernobyl and Polissky. At zabrudnіy teritorії, scho will require a strict control and obmezhen at godararskiy diyalnosti, opisilis takі ekonomіchnі centri, yak Borodyanka, Vishgorod, Ivankiv, Gostomel, Dimer. They have identified zabrudnenya and recreational terriotії, ділянки садово-городніх товариств, по суті, поністю зона Київського водосховища.

The Chernigiv region has a zabrudnena (up to 5 Ki / km2), which is unknown to the territory on the birch birch of the Dnieper. However, the unimaginable nonsense of the project, the callers, prior to the meeting, is still in progress. Slavutich, de live sіm'ї працівників ЧАЕС. For the Vicarage Cich teritori on them potіnbno zdіysnyuvati vіdpovidnі reanimatsіynі go.

Prospectivnyh straightforward development of the state of the Central Region to engage with the pogliblenyam spetsializatsii on riznomanitnyh galuzah vysokokvalyalnogo mashinobuduvannya (vertex, elektrotekhnika, priladi, zakobi automation). Mozhne znizitisya role rozmіschenih here himichnih vibrobitvtv (hіmіchnnye fiber, shini, laki, farbi), and vzrosti znachennja ezhegii (textile, knitwear, sewing, vzuttveva) and hurchovoy promyslovosty.

At regionnye є podtimlivi peredumovi for potoglennya yogi spetsializatsii on a wide range of rasportom rantoprosprodomozhnyh kavkazi folk spozhivannya.

It is important to strengthen the role of such specialization of specialization, science and the science of service. Доцільно в регіоні оргаізувати gosprozraukunkov centrs v vprovadzhennya novyotnogo tehniki i tehnologii, novikh materіalіv. In the structures of the machine-building complex, the virgin land is flown in the direction of the rosette of the exact verstabuduvannya, the electrical installation, the radio engineering, the electrical engineering and the electronics, and the vibroditvia utilities for the special scenes: easy, harsh, and polar. Zrostatime znachennya regeonu in the form of a rinkovan ta upravninskoi infrastrukturi, scho majut zagalnoderzhavne znachennya.

Folding є the problem of accessing ekologicheskogo rivnivagi, peredusim teritorії, shcho suffered from avari in the Chaes. Слід досконалити інженерні мережі Infrastructural safeguarding. Especially the actuality of the problem is the problem of the rational vicarities of small lands (the zakrema is not justified by rabbits), zabrudnannya rychok promyslovyami skidami, pidpriemstvami komunalnogo gospodarstva.