Розіщення productive forces and регіоналістика - Стеченко Д.М.

10.3. Donetsk region

To the warehouse of the Donetsk Region enter Donetsk and the Lugansk Oblast. Yogo area 53.2 thousand yew. Km2, abo 8,8 vidsoka teritorii Ukrayiny. For rozmіrami території це naimenshy regeon in Ukraine, the proto for ngo is characterized by a high social concentration of socially-economical potential. In the region live 7.9 million osib, or 15.3 of the population of Ukraine. Here the high density of the population is 149 osyb / km2.

On teritorії регіону 88 garments and 243 selischa mіs'kogo type, пo понад 1/4 їхньої кількості в Україні. Донецька і Луганська області - odnі з зібільш розвинених в економічному відношеннії Україні areas. Here zoseredzhenna znachna part of the Ії індустріального potential. Zagalna vartіst the basic vibronicheskih fondіv in two head glows матеріального виробництва - промисловості та сільського господарства - to become понад 20 відсотків загальноукраїнськоїї.

Fondosnastennost pratsi v promislovostі Donetsk region become 133 vidsochki to sreddnyoї on the edge, in the industry of Lugansk region - 113 відсотків.

For zagalnoy vartitstju net product Donetsk region, in the country, in the country, per capita population go to 14 regions, in addition Lugansk region. Through structural peculiarities (the high-speed part of the material, heat-and-power-wise galusies), the productivity of industry in the industry, Donbas descends, її рівню в цілому по країні. In promislovostі цього регіону, 1/5 zagalnoy chiselnostі promyslovo-vibrochnichogo personnel of the territory is occupied.

In the structure of the economy, Donbas is able to transfer both the capital and the vibrobitvita, the yak-free energy system, the metallurgical complex, the important machine-building industry, the basic chemistry. Їhnya sukupna part in the structures of the promiscuous virbitntsvia region syagaye 70-80 відсотків. Nezvazhayuchi on pevnі zusillya schodo diversifіkatsії structuring Economy, chastka іntelekto-, pratsemіstkih, resursozberіgayuchih Galuzo virobnitstv i have to chislі spozhivchogo complex, small slit Nadto not vіdpovіdaє mozhlivostyam regіonu need yogo population zaynyatogo zdebіlshogo in zarplatomіstkih Galuzo, zvuzhuє adaptatsіynі mozhlivostі, mobіlnіst Economy of Donbass.

The structure of the Donbas Galuzev structure is highly influenced by the syrovinnu base (wagill, metal, himichnu mineralina sirovinu tochno). Specialized galusies Donbas нема non-maneuverable and misunderstood strimyut zagalnu structural transformatsiyu vibrobitvtva.

The agrarian sector of the economy of Donbas is not arrogant. It is cumulated by vidchuzhennyam znachnih land with the method of nesol'skogoospodarskoj vicarities for low tempos of reclamation lands, inaccessible vicarities of the second resources.

Donbas to import bagatoes of food, nezvajazhychi on pridlivlivi іn tsіlomu ґruntovo-klіmatichnyі умо. Гострою є тут екологічна ситуація. Significant plots degraded lands: in the Donetsk region - close to 23 yew, in Lugansk - 10 yew. Ha.

Shkodit nakkolishnjomu sredovischu i zemernym resources zabrudnennya agrohimikatami, and takozh technogenic wikis andindustrial areas, yakі rozponsudzhuyutsya to dozens of kilometers from the silk mіscevostі.

Дія техногенних чинників (фільтраtія з відстійників, підпір водосховищ, зрошення та осушення земли) to bring up to the ruins of the regime of the pendent water: flooding in the mines of the mines of the piedmontic virobok, pidtoplennya of the Susidskoye miners' settlements; Zbilshennia vodovіdlivu sodyanih mine waters at the rychki; Masovoy zabrudnennya pidzemnhnyh waters promyslovymi drains. For the prognoses of the hydrologists in nablychzhchy rock, there are 90 worms of the water in the Donbas bude vdecheno, yakshcho not bude vzhito vidpovidnih zahodiv.

For the region is characterized by the above-mentioned highlandness of the Syl'skopolodarski Ugid - close to 80 sidewards, but the springs of water erosion. Lisha for the remaining 20 rocky areas of the territory was reduced approximately 600 yew. Ha.

For the regency of the characteristics of a high rivion zabrudnennya atmospheric belt with shkіdlivimi wikidami, shorichnyi obshak of which is close to 4 million tons. Disastrous є ekologicheskaya situatsіya in the cities of Donbas, especially in Mariupol, Makiyivtsi, Alchevsk, Donetsk, Єnakievi, Gorlivtsi, Stakhanov.

The important thing is to get over the monostructure of the miners' mine and the Donbass settlement. For them it is characteristic zanedbana zabudova, zabrudnene povitrya. Especially the situation in the villages and villages is completely folded, and it is without any problems with the camp of the military industrialization, yaka is the foundation of the economy of Donbas. Same vugilna promyslovist created to rethink for rozvitku chornoї metalurgii, and that, in its own way, - an important mashinobuduvannya, hіmії.

For the remainder of the tenet of the vidobutka vugyllya znizhuyutsya. The main cause of the flood is at the edge of the unsettled stanis of the Ukrainian miners' fund, the low rate of yogis in the future of non-existent investment resources.

It is true that the emergence of tensions for the rajunok budivnitsva was introduced and introduced into the mines of the mines. For the remaining 15 rockies in the region, the Zhodno mine has not been baked.

Підтримання потужностей діючих шахт здійснюється практично без проведення необхідних капітальних робіт з проскоколенлення гірничого господарства, project-planning and technical parameters. All the zemovlyuyet low rіven concentration of vibrobitvtva.

Serednya vibrochnich, the pressure of the mine in the Donbas is less than 2,000 tons for a dow, in 2-3 times less, at the water basins, on the territory of the SNM. With tsiomu і / 4 part of the mines majut vibrochnicu potouzhnіst, menshu nizh 1000 t, scho menshe for odinichnu produktivnost vychasnih vijmalnyh kompleksiv.

In the Donbas bolshe nizh half of the Vughillya is seen in mines with a glybine podad 600 m, that number is close to 15 vidsootkiv - from the glibini 1000 m. In the basin of the mines, the glybine of the stem cells is significantly less than the glybine vedennya robot. Tse - cause zbіlshennja stupinfokostіі transport, stowage of transport and ventilation schemes, deconcentration girnichih robіt, rotyaggnotostі komunikatsіy tochno.

The head of the tse was fitted with the rapidity of vibrotic exhalations, the old mine fund.

Durechno zauvazhiti, scho in tsilomu navtit for such an old basin Yak Donetsk, characteristic є not a low step of development. Pідготовлені для освоєння запаси вугілля та ті, що експлуатьться, becoming less than 45 відсотків загальних запасів. Ostanni dorivnnuyut troki less than 50 billion tons, then the number of coking coal is 17.4 billion tons. The balance can be stored in the form of vigil for a few years at 200-250 rock.

Yasna rіch, the prospect of rozvitku Donbas can not rozglyadati pose the context zagaloukraїнїкої енергетичноїї polity, but, in his own way, is affected by the perspectives of energy security. Загальні ж світові ресурси вугілля оцінляться в пона 15 трлн т, у том Number of stocks available for використання із застосуванням сучасної техніки, видобуток яких є виправданим, become close to 5 трлн т. Якби уся світова the demand in energy resources was satisfied with the future, then yogo b bistachilo On 200-250 rock.
Сьогодні понад 3/4 електроенергії, yaku oderzhuyut in the United States for rahunok spalennya mі mineralheskogo paliva, giving electric power, yakі prakjuyut na vugіllі. Here rozrobleno efektivnyi tehnologii izderzhannya z vugіllya rіdkogo paliva. Masov vprovazhenzhenya їх забезпечить значний економічний ефект, оскільки рідке вогільне паливо in the middle for 30 відсотків дешевше за нафтове. Tse alternative, on suti, robil US usably nezalezhnimi vіd regіonu Perkkoї zatoki.

Otzhe, z oglyadu rozvitok svitovoї ta єvropeyskoy ėergergeticheskoe situatsії ta vlasnі potentsіynі mozlivostі, Donbas is subject to the optimistic perspective.

Away rozvitok productive forces of Donetsk regіonu, pіdvischennya zbalansovanostі yogo Gospodarstwa, virіshennya vazhlivih sotsіalnih problems potrebuyut digit іnvestitsіynih resursіv, obґruntuvannya i zdіysnennya complex zahodіv scho spryamovanі on pіdvischennya efektivnostі funktsіonuvannya yogo virobnichogo i sotsіalno-ekonomіchnogo potentsіalu, resursozberezhennya that receptionists navkolishnogo seredovischa.

Vinyatko important - the problem of giving productive forces, zokrema galuzey important and industrial Donbas - it is new on the new, bilsh suaschnyy materialno-tehnichnyi bases bryanshogo here potemnogo vibrochnichogo potentzialu in such galuzyah, yak vugilna promyslovist, chorna metallurgy, machine-burglary, chemia tochno. Tse potentiіal іnformatsya vprodovzhі trivalogo chas і оnovulyvаsіsya іnіlno. At zv'yazku zim in the minds of the regency of perchochergove, the meaning of the yakisna reorientation of the innovation policy, for the advancement of the raznok of the rare zobilnyannya part of the capitalistic contribution to the reconstruction and technical re-equipment.

Potribna rozrobka ta zdіysnennya dієvih zahodіv schodo zdorovlivnya nakkolishnogo sredovischa i complex vikoristanya mineralno-sirovinichnyh, palynno-energergeticheskikh resursiv v vidhodiv vibrobitvtva, especially at the vocational promyslovosty, chornyi metulurgii, chemistry. Слід вирішити також a number of інших першочергових для Донецького регіону заввн: припинити вилучення продуктивних земли для неільськогосподарських цілей; Zabezpechiti ratsіonalne vikoristanny znachichnyh masivіv, povsheniyah gospodarskoyu diyalnistyu, and takozh yerdovanyh lands.

Pідприємства металургійного, хімічного та інших виробництв, що найбільш negatively vyplivayut on навколишнє middle, доциільно to translate on repeat water service, слід to open up to мінімуму викиди шкідливих речовин тощо.

It is necessary to make sure that the efektivnyi come in with an unbalanced rozvitku of systems of settlement, especially in agglomeration agglomerations, and avoiding the intermixture of the Moscow and Sylsky settlements.