Міжнародні розрахунки та валюні операції - Savluk M.І.

2.2. Відкриття та ведення валюних рахунків

Operatsi z zinozemnoyuyu currency on teritorії kozhnoi power zdіysnayutsya vidpovidno to її chinogo legislatstva. In the Ukrainian currency regulations, the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine "On the system of currency regulation and currency control", that low-rate document of the series і National Bank, yakі viznachayut:

  • The basic principle of foreign exchange operations ;
  • The appearance of currencies and currencies , yakі zastosovuyutsya in Ukraine;
  • The rights of the residents and non-residents are visually different, the corridor is the same as the rozporyadzhenya currency and currency values ​​on the territory of Ukraine;
  • The same function of the Ukrainian bodies of currency regulation and currency control .

Practical access in all kraїnah svitu operatsії s currency zdіysnyuyutsya upovnovazhenimi banks tobto komertsіynimi banks SSMSC otrimali lіtsenzії od svoїh Central bankіv to conduct operatsіy in іnozemnіy valyutі, banks vklyuchayuchi s participation іnozemnogo kapіtalu that banks kapіtal yakih povnіstyu nalezhit іnozemnim participant.

For здійснення міжнародних розрахунків banks відкривають валюні рахунки. The currency rakhunok is a shoprake, which can be found in a commercial bank for zoning money in foreign currency and in all types of bank operations. The order of admission of the currency of the currency markets at the regions is regulated by the prudent legislation of the state, by the normative acts of the central banks. Operatsii on rahunkah zdіysnoyutsya on pidstavi rozraunkovyh dokumentov in established forms.

In Ukraine, the procedure for entering into the list of currency exchange rates is to be adhered to until the NBU dated 18 July 1998. No. 527 "About accounting of the banks of national and foreign currencies".

Відкриття рахунків legal persons (підприємствам, які займаються зовнішньоекономічною діяльністю в Україні) peredachaє filed in the commercial bank in the set of documents.

Before them lay down:

A) claiming for a visit to a streamed raunch of a postponed call, yaku pіdpisuє керівник та головний бугалтер підприємства;

B) a copy of the information about the contribution of the receipt to the unified federal executive body of the government of Ukraine, is notarized by a non-official body, but having seen the information;

C) a copy of the declaration of the state registration of a legal entity in the authority of the state, the local authority, the independent authority, the independent authority, is notarized by the organ of authority, who has seen the svidotstvo about the state reestra- tion;

D) a copy of the official order number of the prescribed provisions for the disposition of the application (statute);

E) a card with a sign of the seal, that is, with the written notes of the sealed pseudonyms, in which the right to distribute raschunkom pidpisuvati rorakhunkovi documents is written in the wrong law. Zrazki pідписів та повноваження посадових осіб завідчуться нотаріально;

e) klopotannya pіdpriєmstva to the bank, Where Money Does vіdkrivaєtsya precisely rakhunok іz zaznachennyam mіstseznahodzhennya pіdpriєmstva, yogo іdentifіkatsіynogo rooms, main-line rahunku that bank, Where Money Does vіn vіdkrity and takozh podatkovih authority Where Money Does pіdpriєmstvo is staying on oblіku;

G) about the re-development of the Pensions Fund of Ukraine.

Bank priyamae dokumenty, perevіryaє їх і formalize vіdkrittya rahunku klієnt on the basis of the contract about rozraunkkovo-kasovo obsluzhovuvannya for currency currency rahunkami.

Nadokhozhennia in foreign currencies to the extent of pidpriemstva, and takozh koshti, otrimani in the foreign currencies in the Ukrainian teritorii, zarahovuyutsya yogo rahunok in oknnovovazhenomu bank. There are two rahunks for this:

  • Rozpodilnyi rakhunok for zarahuvannya nadohodzhen in inozemnіy currencies in the pervasive obyazi;
  • Current currencies rahunok for obliku koshtiv, yakis zalshayutsya beside rozporyadzhennyi pіdpriemstv pislja obovvjazkovogo sale part of export escort.

On rozpodilnom rahunku korotnі koshti juridicheskikh osib pislya їh zarahuvannya mozhut perebuvati not more than a few days of bankovyh dniv. Same zyogo rahunku for the Ukrainian legislation 50% of the currency viridity of payments, podljagayut obovyazyvomu sale in the banking market, після чого другі 50% зазаховуться на поточний валюний рахунок клієнта банку.

Costa in іnozemnіy valyutі, SSMSC boule zarahovanі on rozpodіlny rakhunok i s not pіdlyagayut zgіdno chinnim zakonodavstvom sale Ukraine, upovnovazheny Bank zobov'yazany pererahuvati on the production rakhunok klієnta takozh not pіznіshe p'yati bankіvskih dnіv s time zarahuvannya Tsikh koshtіv on rozpodіlny rakhunok.

Flow rakhunok in іnozemnіy valyutі vіdkrivaєtsya pіdpriєmstvu to spend time in the furrows chinnogo zakonodavstva Ukraine in bezgotіvkovіy that gotіvkovіy іnozemnіy valyutі rozrahunkіv at zdіysnennі operatsіy precisely that for repayment of loans in zaborgovanostі іnozemnіy valyutі.

On the current currencies rakhunok mozhut zarahovuvatis sumi in inozemnіy currencies, sho nadіyshli yak:

  • Export virus;
  • Pererahuvannya z pozchnyh currencies rahkunіv інших українських підприємств;
  • Pererahuvannya z pozochnyh kapitalnykh rakhunkiv pidpriemstv z zinozemnoyuu part, yakі zarestrovani na ukrainskii teritorii, in payment of purchases from the authorities for goods;
  • Out-of-pocket payments for the payment of a part of participants in the capitalization of an accredited partnership of abnormal property;
  • pererahuvannya s of the cordon on a non-resident resident rakhunok, yaky Je poserednikom for away pererahuvannya іnshim residents - sub'єktam gospodarskoї dіyalnostі for doruchennyam yakih on pіdstavі dogovorіv komіsії, doruchennya, konsignatsії abo agentskih lands CCB zdіysneny sales tovarіv (robіt, poslug);
  • Інші суми, які використовуться й отримуться в межах валютных операцій, allowing the bank to license.

Sumi, scho perebuvayut on pochchnyh currency rahunks, mozhut bouti for rozporyadzhennyam granny rahunku:

  • Transferred to the cordon near the bank account for the export-import operations of the governor of the rahunku;
  • Pererachovany on rahunki zovnishnotorogovelnyh organizatsii for podalshho translated for the cordon in payment for goods, but to be imported;
  • Pererachovany on razhny rahunki інших українських і спільних підприємств for payment of goods (obed), yakі vibrolyayutsya (nadayatsya) tsimi pіdpriєstvami;
  • vikoristanі zaborgovanostі to pay for a loan in іnozemnіy valyutі, to pay bankіvskih komіsіynih that Poshtova telegraph vitrat, vitrat scho pov'yazanі s vіdryadzhennyami and takozh on INSHI tsіlі, SSMSC not superechat lіtsenzії bank.

The authorized banks of Ukraine can sign the flow of rahunki from national currencies to non-residents-investors for the purpose of their investment in the territory. In the middle of the earth, investors can choose banks, banks, and banks, establish international financial institutions, and so on.

On the current rajunok from the national currency of the non-resident-investor,

  • The sale of the foreign currency to the Ukrainian currency market of Ukraine is allowed for, as well as the introduction of a new investment;
  • Одержиі у вигляді доходів (дивідендів) від здійснення інвестиційної діяльності in Ukraine;
  • Turn in the result of acquiring a non-resident in Ukraine;
  • They are kept in their little vipadkas, viznacheniyah prinnym legislation.

In the current rahunku in the national currency of a non-resident-investor, the following transactions are conducted:

  • Rozraunkki, по'язані з реінвестиційною діяльністю на території України;
  • Придбання иноземної currency to the banking market of Ukraine for a subterfuge for a cordon of income, divorce in Ukraine and Ukraine;
  • Rozraunkki z mitnimi, podatkovkimi that іншими organs in vypadkah, peredbacheny prinnym legislatstvom;
  • Rozraunkki with residents at the time of the spinal and technical integration;
  • The payment has served to an even-greedy bank, a kind of service ragoon;
  • Інші виплати, якщо вони не добачені договоры (угоды, контрактами) про інвестиційну діяльність і not superechat prinnomu legislativu Ukraіny.

The banks are authorized to sign agreements with foreign currencies, such as individuals, sub-residents, residents, residents of the country without a legal entity. Poktorny rahunok vikrivaevatsya for the regime, which is designated for legal osib - resident.