Розіщення productive forces and регіоналістика - Стеченко Д.М.

13.3. Наважливіші конкуренні позиції у взаємодії регіонів

Competitive positions of the regiment are not zabzpechuyut naybіlsh prjadlivlivi umovi for realizatsii vlasnih ekonomichnyh і sotsіalnikh Іnteresіv. Tse zumovlyuє neobhіdnіst join the partnership union with sumyzhnym regionalnyimi systems.

Prior to the most important competitive positions, you can:

1. Zruchne geografichnego pozhlenna і vysoku transportunu development of teritory regiyonu, yakі nabuvaivat osoblivogo znachennya in such situations:

Blizkіst rozvinneny y godararskomu vidnoshennі regeonіv, zdatnyh formovati rinkovyi prostіir і commoditynі resource for mіnіmalnyh vitratah virobnitskva та обігу;

Navyavnist zruchnyh transportno-ekonomichnyh zv'yazyv z zarubizhnimi kraїnami;

A high рівень розвитку взаємопов'язаної systems of the hall, the automotive, the water and the transport.

2. Nayavnist vysokoekonomichnyh natural resources, how to become a global and international interest, and can be actively engaged in investment projects. Vazhlive values ​​Got rіven geologorozvіduvalnoї that NAUKOVO-proektnoї obgruntovanostі th pіdgotovki proektіv scho pov'yazanі s formuvannyam gospodarskih polіgonіv, spryamovanih on Promyslova i sіlskogospodarske vikoristannya natural resursіv.

3. Nayavnist in the region of the rooted scientific and technological potential and the scientific and informational middle ground.

In the result, I will insert a scientific and technical progress on all the elements of the productive forces of the economy in the structure of the regional economy:

Send a message to a number of extra-ordinary chinnikov;

Посилюється техніко-економічна доцільність a complex vicarities of natural resources;

Zrostaє significance of such chinnikiv, yak zahist natural medium;

Pidvishchuyut najnist gospodarskih zv'yazyvov tochno.

4. The budgetary-financial system of yak zaporuka of economic self-sufficiency and credit-support of the region is balanced. Ekonomichna samostіynіst Je dіyovoyu competitive pozitsієyu, if staє mozhlivo priymati rіshennya s vazhlivih power sotsіalno-ekonomіchnogo rozvitku without skladnoї PROCEDURE uzgodzhennya s vischimi authorities upravlіnnya - zgіdno s viznachenim for tsієї teritorії prіoritetnim directly rozvitku. Sotsіalno-Ekonomichna privablivіst regіonu zrostaє for nayavnostі nadіynogo dzherela formuvannya mіstsevogo budget i chіtkogo ekonomіchno legal mehanіzmu regulyuvannya fіnansovih vzaєmovіdnosin mіzh sub'єktami rinkovih vіdnosin.

5. Nayavnist in the regulation of the bankruptcy system, the strict rules of the litigation and the supra-guarantees for pidpriemnitskoy and investment diyalnosti.

Cutaneous іnvestor i pіdpriєmets guilty nobility Where Money Does sotsіalno-ekonomіchnomu seredovischі Yomou happen that lead dіyalnіst yakoyu mіroyu vazhelі sovereign regulyuvannya on mіstsyah spryamovanі on stimulyuvannya i zaohochennya aktivnoї іnvestitsіynoї that virobnichoї dіyalnostі.

Привабливість регіону багато in чому залежи від існуючої пільгової системи податків, а також від наявності гарантій, що зводять до мінімуму негативні наслідки економічного ризику.

The competitive position of the regulator is important for the acquisition of a loan, so in the case of a capital infringement, the development of the productive forces of the productive forces.

6. Nayavnist sushasnoї rinkovo ​​іnfrastruktury і kadriv, sho volodiyt znanni, dostatnіmi for organizatsii efektivnosti marketingnogo, fіnansovo-kreditnoї ta bіrzhovoї діяльності. Got Rinkova infrastructure include rozgaluzhenu trammel rіznih structures scho obslugovuyut require sub'єktіv rinkovoї Economy, zokrema poserednitskі, torgovі th zbutovі organіzatsії, fіnansovo-kreditnі organіzatsії, ob'єkti materіalno tehnіchnoї-bazi, ob'єkti scho zabezpechuyut іnformatsіyne zabezpechennya i Legal obslugovuvannya .

Without the above-mentioned financial infrastructure, you can effectively lead the way. Uspіh to be seated in the uzgodzheniyah of the virubniko-komerciynih zv'yazіv that їhnhogo fіnansovo-kreditnogo i marketingnogo sudrovodzhennya. Щко ефективності функціонування ринкової інфраструктури, then you will be able to lie in the kvalіfіkіsі ta kompetentnostі kadrіv.

7. It is prudent to eco-logical situation, but to rogate the region, we will privatize yak for the rozhmischennya of new robotic cities, and so for the living of the population. Slid vrahovuvaty, scho bil'sha part of the teritorii Ukraini characterize the critical ekologicheskoy situatsієyu. Tse will need a special pidhodu before vidboru naybіlsh ekologіchno clean technologic systems, and takozh vikoristan spetsialnogo tehniki. Bud-yaka economy at nature-conservative calls to bring up to the day of harvesting the competitive position of the region.

8. Наявність у регіоні надійного зовнішньоекономічного potential, під яким розуміють the ability of active participants in holy-prince's zvjazykah. For the third pillow you can:

А) якість продукції, що відповідає вимогам НТП;

B) rivals of goods and resources, but otrimali vyznannya sub'ektiv svitovogo rinku;

C) nayavnіst gospodarskih minds for zaluchchennia inozemnogo kapitalu і trevrenna spilnyh pіdpriєmstv ta fіrm.

9. Rozvinenist ekonomichnoy іnfrastruktury i naimіchenі naprymi її reformulation. Tsja strizhneva competitve positsіya vplyvaє on stanovishe regionu in mіzhregionalnyh i mіzharzhannichih trade-economical invoices.

The economical structure of the regulation is viznachaet mistkіst vnutrishnogo rinku y osnovnі naprimi vveznenya ta vivezennya kartaliv i umg.

10. The state regional policy of the regions of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea.

Through the system of guarantees and incentives, you can postilize the position of regents, pidvishchity їхнє znachennya for kraїni v tsilomu.

At the level of the regional economy, vplyvayut i інші дуже важіі конкурні позиції. Poezdnannya їх in the skin of the region, but is affected by the nature of the real participants in the trade and economic problems. It is categorized by these resources and by vibrobitvami, yakі viznachayut yoga spetsializatsiyu tu mіsce v teritorialnomu podіlі pratsi.

For such minds, the dachshund regent enters into a partnership with local governments, which are characterized by naiiblsh superimposed positions. In order to change the efficiency of the most powerful and most competitive competitiveness, it is not worth knowing.

Nayvazhlivіshim kriterієm for ranguvannya teritorіalnih prіoritetіv Je nayavnіst in addition chi іnshomu regіonі specific perevag scho toil values ​​for ekonomіchnogo rozvitku Ukraine in tsіlomu i zabezpechuyut naroschuvannya її zovnіshnoekonomіchnogo potentsіalu.

Prior to the main competitive transshipment, the regimes can be listed: in active stocks, economically, in the past, mineral and water resources;

Scale scales of the main vibrotic funds in promising industry;

Vikoristana advanced technology in vremykh vibrobitvtv i izpromoslovsti, but to cope with the fundamental and applied sciences;

Відповідні геополітичні умови для розвитку міжнародних торговельно-економічних зв'язків;

Наявність висококваліфікованої робокої сили і навчальних закладів для її підготовки;

Agroeconomically feasible for narushuvannya here in the future virbitnitsva productov sylskogo gosdarstva і kavkazі folk spozhivannya;

The great Academic science potential and the rozgaluzheniyu least of the science-doslidnyh organizatsiy.

The basis of the interregional integration of administrative and territorial matters of Ukraine can be a continuation of the peace of the quiet issues, which can not be ignored in the current state of the crisis, and in the period of stabilization of social and social processes.