Міжнародні розрахунки та валюні операції - Savluk M.І.

Розділ 7. Банківська гарантія як інструмент забезпечення виконання зобов'язань у міжнародних розрахунках

Після вивчення цього розділу ви зможете:

  • Date of bank guarantee;
  • Nobility order of kinds of bank guarantees;
  • Clarify mehanism of the bank guarantee;
  • Is signified by the basic types of bank guarantee.

7.1. Загальні principle і правові основи банківської гараніїїї

In practice, the implementation of international rozraunki is efficiently viscous, such an instrument, a bank guarantee. Vona kvalifikuyutsya yak zobov'yazannya bank plyatiti vidpovidnu grosovu sumu u razi nevikonannya pozhishennya counterparts minds contract. A significant increase in bank guarantees was made in 70-ti rockies, in spite of the fact that they traded on short-term loans for the non-payment of their short-term loans, they virally embezzled themselves for the contract with strangers.

At zovnіshnooehonomichnyi torhіvіlі for both parties of partnerships, there is often a vain problem: the sellers are important about the payment of the purchase price, and it is not easy for the rest to be prepared for the post-office vicarity of zobov, the yoga profession, and the financial support. This is the rank, the main counterparty is є за за за за за ви ви ви ви ви ви ви ви ви ви ви ви ви ви ви ви ви ви ви ви ви ви ви ви ви ви ви ви ви ви ви

With a tlumachenny term "guaranty", the résidence of the dzherela unequally vysnachayut її сутність. Odnі rozumіyut pіd tsim tіlki samostіyne, nezalezhne vіd стану і реалізованості інших правових стосунків між боржником і a creditor, guarantor of crawling. Інші називають гарантією різного роду гарантійні операції - від morally zobov'yazyuchoї declare about the patronage before the guarantee і збыбов'язання платежу.

For all these operations, we guarantee that the guarantee of the guarantor will be completed by the bogo abo vikonati, the servants, the party, the kotra took on the zobov-zany, without zikozi yogo vikonati. Characterized by the knowledge of guarantee є functція забезпечення, яка саме і полягає у забезпеченні платежу.

The International Chamber of Commerce in Paris has seen the basic rules for guarantees, which are called " Uniform Rules for Additional Guarantees ". First vidannya vyishlo in serpnі 1978 p.

At the same time, the rules for accreditation and Uniform rules for basic rules for guaranteeing dossies do not vanish realizovati. This rank, unifikatsii in the sphere of bank guarantees is not yet met.

In the case of bank guarantees, the law is valid, yak dіє for the money transfer to the bank, which is guaranteed to the beneficiary. Tom for dermatome vipadku peredusim neobhidno z'yasuvati pravozve povozhennya in the chi ichin territory. I'll bid yaku, yaka nazivaetsya "guarantee", neobhidno revert to the legal perspective and on the subject of judo. Nasampered neobhіdno perevіryati, in a kind of viglyadi is guaranteed - yak zakachitelstvo chi yak zobov'yazannya zdіysniti plizh. I ostannie shche ma name of abstract obitsyanki payment.