Download for free "100 Great Psychologists"

Biographies, exploits, secrets and facts.

Name: One Hundred Great Psychologists
Content: In many respects the history of psychology as a science is a monument to man's striving for self-knowledge. The desire to look inside yourself, to understand what moves actions and even thoughts, and led to a striking variety of theories, directions and schools in psychology. And the most surprising thing is not that every scientist who researched the human psyche found something new, but that the results of his research almost never directly refuted the conclusions of his predecessors. This paradox, perhaps, is associated primarily with the complexity and multidimensionality of the object of study of psychology - the human soul.
This book describes: Adler, Bern, Helmholtz, Lombroso, Frankl, Freud, Fromm, Hume, Jung and many others.
The most interesting details about life and biographies of all great psychologists you will learn from the proposed book.
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Note: A set of books from the "One Hundred Greats" series includes books about great adventurers, admirals, actors, aristocrats, architects, gods, military leaders, vocalists, geniuses, diplomats, Jews, women, people, psychologists, Russians, scientists.
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