Download for free "100 Great geographical discoveries"

Secrets, riddles, exploits, facts, details.

Name: One Hundred Great Discoveries
Content: The feat of cognition of the Earth lasted for millennia. The first acquaintance with the new terrain or the water area was often superficial. This sometimes gave rise to the most fantastic ideas about distant countries and peoples. Subsequent researchers had to fix the first information with great difficulty, persistence, and even risk of life, to plot outlines of coastlines, winding rivers, and the location of mountains.
The most interesting details about all the great geographical discoveries you will learn from the proposed book.
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Note: In the compilation of the series "100 Great", available for downloading from the above link, there are books about a hundred great ones: air accidents, archaeological discoveries, battles, wars, geographical discoveries, cities of the world, palaces, 20th century mysteries, mysteries of history, mysteries of nature, conspiracies And coups, castles, inventions, paintings, books, shipwrecks, museums of the world, awards, scientific discoveries, necropolises, special services operations, monuments, treasures, secrets, mysteries of the universe, theaters, temples, natural wonders.
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