100 "Great Special Operations Operations"

Secrets, riddles, exploits, facts, details.

Name: Hundred Great Operations Special Services
Content: The history of special services of different countries of the world knows a lot of big and small operations. For centuries, these were operations against real or potential enemies, and sometimes against official allies. Some of them were bloodless, passed at the level of the "war of wits", while others were bloody. Some were aimed at the pursuit of the military, others - for political, and others - for economic secrets. Many of them were misinformed or aimed at overthrowing the "unfriendly regime."
The most interesting details about all the great operations of the special services you will learn from the proposed book.
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Note: In the compilation of the series "100 Great", available for downloading from the above link, there are books about a hundred great ones: air accidents, archaeological discoveries, battles, wars, geographical discoveries, cities of the world, palaces, 20th century mysteries, mysteries of history, mysteries of nature, conspiracies And coups, castles, inventions, paintings, books, shipwrecks, museums of the world, awards, scientific discoveries, necropolises, special services operations, monuments, treasures, secrets, mysteries of the universe, theaters, temples, natural wonders.
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