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Reaktivatory cholinesterase

Among the drugs acting on the cholinergic processes include Reaktivatory cholinesterase. Among anticholinesterases occupy a prominent place organophosphates (OPs). Some (Armin et al.) Are useful as drugs (see.), Others (trichlorfon, thiophos et al.) Is widely used as a highly effective insecticides. The action of these compounds is mainly due to the blockade of cholinesterase, and the blockade is very long due to the formation of stable complexes with the enzyme FOS.
FOS are highly toxic substances.
Picture OPC poisoning depends on the degree of intoxication; violated the functions of the central and autonomic nervous system, the cardiovascular system and other body systems; number of symptoms due to stimulation with cholinergic receptors (pupillary constriction, profuse salivation, bronhoreya, severe sweating, shortness of breath, abdominal pain, diarrhea, drop in blood pressure, fibrillar twitching of muscles, etc..). In severe poisoning, there are convulsions, soporous or coma, death is possible.
The most common anticholinergic used in the poisoning of the WCF (atropine, tropatsin, aprofen et al.). By blocking cholinergic receptors, they protect the body from excessive amounts of acetylcholine accumulated in connection with the inactivation of cholinesterase. However, in some cases (especially in severe poisoning) they may not be sufficiently effective.
In the treatment of OP poisoning (combined with anticholinergic and other materials) have found wide application specific antagonists FOS - Reaktivatory cholinesterase, which is the essence of action is inhibited dephosphorylation cholinesterase and restoring its activity.
Reaktivatory cholinesterase are strong nucleophilic reagents. Their physical and chemical properties contribute to the orientation of their molecules in the enzyme molecule and the displacement of the WCF from its connection with cholinesterase.
Subgroup Means, which act on the peripheral cholinergic processes include medications: