International Management - Rodchenko VV


1.1. International economic cooperation

One of the main factors that today influence the level of world progress and economic development of all countries, is the international economic cooperation. On the globe there are more than 200 independent states. Each of them implements its own policy, its economy generates at the same time engaging in various international relationships, including those of an economic nature. And this is natural, since we live in an environment where increasing internationalization of the world economy and the interdependence of economic development of individual countries and economic regions. Therefore, each country must compare their actions with those of other states, as well as to coordinate them through joint optimal solutions when needed. The only way to come to the world economy that would serve primarily the person's interests and needs.

The active development of international economic relations is not only conducive to the economic growth of the state of the world community, but also allows you to maintain and strengthen peaceful relations, to take international tensions, to create a system of international economic security. In other words, international economic cooperation is the real material basis for the consolidation of peace on earth.

One of the most effective ways to build a multilateral economic cooperation is the creation of international economic organizations, designed to promote the signing of multilateral agreements to create international mechanisms for monitoring and verification of their implementation, develop and set standards aimed at legal regulation of international economic relations, and so forth.

The first international economic organizations (commissions, associations, committees, associations) appeared in the XIX century. Thus it was created Commission on the operation of international rivers Rhine (1814) and the Danube (1856), the Universal Postal Union (1875), International Railway Congress Association (1885) and others.

Active was a process of the creation of international organizations and after the Second World War, when, along with the capitalist appeared socialist system. The United Nations (UN), designed to maintain international peace and security, to develop friendly relations of the world based on respect for the principle of equal rights and self-determination of peoples, and to achieve international cooperation in solving international problems of an economic, - an international intergovernmental organization was established October 24, 1945 social, cultural or humanitarian character.

An important place in the system of international organizations took the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (CTD), which was founded in 1964 as the organ of the UN General Assembly. The structure of CTE includes UN member states.

The main functions of the CTE as follows:

• development of international trade;

• definition of principles and policies related to international trade and related problems of economic development;

• Develop recommendations for implementation of these principles and policies, the implementation of other activities that can help achieve this goal, taking into account different levels of development of countries and the differences in their social and economic systems;

• Facilitating coordination of the activities of other UN agencies in the field of international trade and solving related problems of economic development, in cooperation with the UN General Assembly, the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC);

• harmonization of policies of Governments and regional economic groupings in the field of trade and development.

Of great importance is the activities of the World Trade Center, which is in the double subordination: KTR and the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT). It is designed primarily to assist developing countries in the export organization.

A major role in the development of international economic relations plays an international intergovernmental organization of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (ODA). It was established in accordance with the resolution of the UN General Assembly on 20 December 1965 to help accelerate the industrialization of countries liberated from colonialism and embarked on the path of independent development. The composition of ODA includes UN member states (over 140 countries), its specialized agencies.

Long-term coexistence of two opposite socio-economic systems led to the creation of relevant international economic organizations, who contributed to the establishment and development of economic relations between the two countries.

Despite the fact that the system of socialist countries collapsed for obvious reasons, the best experience of international economic cooperation that existed within it, deserve study and wise use of modern political and socio-economic conditions. It is known that the socialist countries at the time created the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance (CMEA) and more than 20 other international economic organizations. Today more and more Eastern European leaders recognize the need for a new international economic organization, which would correspond to modern conditions, facilitated the entry of countries in the world economic structure. Catch up with Western countries, not alone faster and easier. That's why the search began for the approaches to the new forms of multilateral cooperation between the countries of Eastern Europe.

European Economic Community (EEC or Common Market), as is known, created in 1957 on the basis of the Treaty of Rome. The purposes for which the merged 15 Western European countries, - creation of a customs union within the framework of the international organization, the formation of a common market of labor, services and capital, pursuing a common trade policy in relation to other countries, the establishment of Economic and Monetary Union, as well as carrying out common policies agriculture and transport, the convergence of economic legislation participants. It is clear that the basis of this - the desire of the financial oligarchy of the EEC countries to expand markets and the territorial scope of its activities, which makes it possible to raise the economic power of the member countries of the EEC to consolidate their efforts in the fight against monopolies in other countries.

The mechanism UES management system has passed a difficult way of development. In its executive bodies currently are the Council and the Commission. The Board shall include in its composition of Ministers of the States Parties. The Commission carries out its activities on the basis of decisions of the Council and intended to pursue a common policy of the EEC. It is subject to a number of management committees and other subsidiary bodies.

In addition to the EEC in the European Union are the European Coal and Steel Community and the European Atomic Energy Community.

The economic success of any country is based on foreign trade. No other country has been able to create a healthy economy, isolating themselves from the world economic system. International trade brings with it many benefits that stimulate economic growth. Due to the trade of the country have the opportunity to specialize in several key sectors of the economy by importing the products that do not themselves produce. In addition, trade favors the spread of new ideas and technologies (as in any country, there is an important discovery, "spread" international trade ties it around the world).

After the Second World War, foreign trade has become a powerful engine of growth in the economically advanced countries. The intensity of foreign trade is a reliable indicator of economic prospects. Regions, which refused to international trade, such as Latin America, Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union in the end significantly behind in terms of life, technological development and economic growth. At the same time in the regions, who have played an active role in the world economy - the United States, Western Europe, South-East Asia - the rapidly developing new technologies, significantly increased the standard of living.

The global trading system is undergoing a period of decline and downs. The end of the XIX century. It was marked by the flourishing of world trade. But this phase ended with the outbreak of the First World War. The economic crisis of 20-30-ies of XX century. It caused the decline of international trade, which became even more pronounced during the Second World War. And only in the postwar period world trade once again gained strength. At this time, the trend towards the expansion of trade relations lasted 50 years. Countries who took an active part in world trade, gained unprecedented benefits, and those who prefer self-isolation, we have to catch up.

An important place in the system of regulation of international economic relations occupies the GATT, in the activities which involved some 140 countries around the world. It operates within the Trade and Development Committee. GATT secretariat hosted in Geneva. The main form of activity is the holding of the GATT tariff conferences and consultations on the reduction of customs tariffs and the elimination of other barriers to trade.

The GATT rules have recently been revised and greatly augmented during the seven years of negotiations, in which more than 115 countries participated. These negotiations have been called Uruguay Round, since the first meeting in the process held in 1986 in Uruguay. Ukraine also submitted an application for entry into the GATT. As soon as it will be in the organization, it will have to comply with all legal obligations under the agreement. The basis of the GATT system was laid in 1948 with the signing of an agreement on international trade. In the original agreement, the participating countries agreed to establish a global trading system based on market economy principles and the common rules. The old system of world trade by then completely collapsed as a result of the Great Depression of the 30s and the Second World War 1939-1945. The jurisdiction of the market trade prevented exist in most countries, artificial barriers in the form of tariffs, quotas and non-convertibility of the national currency. Appointment of the GATT system was that, to overcome the serious consequences of depression and war and to revive trade according to market principles. Creating the general rules provided for ensuring a consistent recovery of market relations in international trade.

At the heart of the GATT system is based on four principles.

1. GATT - a kind of "club" of countries seeking to expand trade relations with each other. Membership in it voluntarily, no one coerced to join the GATT system. When you join the "club" every country should recognize the existing therein international trade rules and to convince the members of the organization that will "play by the rules."

2. Member States the organization provide each other most favored nation status in trade.

3. Lowering trade barriers between member countries is carried out through negotiations. GATT system and free trade system - not the same thing: even the member states of the GATT, a number of import tariffs. But the organization seeks to promote the increasing liberalization of international trade, encouraging new members to the negotiations on the mutual reduction of tariffs.

4. GATT member countries form the rules of "fair trade". For example, they are not allowed to increase rates after they agreed to their decrease during the negotiations. In exceptional reasons, GATT member countries have the right to impose emergency trade restrictions, if foreign imports brings a very great harm to their industry, but such restrictions should be conducted in a fair and non-discriminatory manner. For example, if the US auto industry is undergoing very strong pressure from imports, the United States is allowed to resort to temporary tariffs. However, these rates must be fair: they must apply to all GATT member countries without restrictions.

Another important rule is that, in most cases, prohibits the use of import quotas. GATT conditions require Member States not to use quotas and tariffs, because the latter is better coordinated with the market prices and market competition. Another aspect of just doing business is to provide imported goods national treatment. This means that after the goods brought into the country, it should be subject to the same laws and taxes, and on goods produced within the country.

Modern enterprises of various branches operate in conditions of uncertainty and dynamic social and economic environment. There is a sharp increase in competition between producers in connection with the formation of "electron-transparent" world market with instant access to information about any product. This is due to the availability of general information, the development of computer and telecommunication software management and virtualization. There are new economic conditions, due to the rapid globalization of trade and the economy, restructuring of the economy, with changes in the legal and fiscal policies of governments, aimed at the deregulation of product markets and labor market.

For at least 200 years known paradigm, according to which the first cause of prosperity or, on the contrary, the decline of the enterprises and the state is correspondingly good or bad management. Indeed, the highly were those countries where better organized management. For centuries, the idea of ​​the effective organization of production, starting with the personal economy and ending the state, occupied the minds of practitioners and academics. Accumulated a wealth of experience and theoretical knowledge on the management of the economy at all levels. However, in the new economic conditions require new forms, methods and principles of good governance.