International Management - Rodchenko VV

A short glossary of key terms and concepts

AVAL - a guarantee on the instrument by which to submit it to a person assumes the responsibility to the owner of the bill for the fulfillment of obligations by any of the persons who have committed themselves to: the acceptor, the drawer, the endorser.

Adaptation - an adaptation to specific conditions of activity.

Ad valorem duties are determined by a percentage of the price of the goods taken as a basis for calculating the amount of the fee.

Joint Stock Company - an organization created by agreement of the legal entities and citizens by pooling their contributions, which has its own legal entity. Members of the company are involved in the split contributions to the authorized capital stock. The shareholders are not liable for the obligations of the company. The shareholders only risk their contribution.

Associations - to achieve any purpose, to protect the interests, taking advantage.

AUCTION - sale of goods, property buyer who offered the highest price.

BUSINESS - organization profitable business, which is a source of profit.

MARKET - a market in which a specific time to meet with the admission businessmen who have all the rights and attributes according to the Commercial Code, with a view to concluding bargains on missing interchangeable products under the special rules of the transactions.

CURRENCY EXCHANGE - market for foreign means of payment, in which exchange rates are determined by the ratio of supply and demand.

External trade - trade with economic partners in other countries, including the import and export of goods. The term "foreign economic activities", along with foreign trade includes the turnover of services, capital, payments and other economic relations with economic regions abroad.

Garant - a person, an organization, a state that provides certain guarantees and monitors their implementation.

DELEGATION OF AUTHORITY - transfer of rights to make a decision, or link to another person management system.

BUSINESS AGREEMENT - a transaction for which the manufacturer agrees to produce the promised goods, and the customer agrees to pay the contract price.

Democratization MANAGEMENT - Improving mechanisms for the integration of human interests in the management in order to implement majority rule process.

DISCOUNT - 1) The discount rate in the banking practice, which is taken into account when bills; 2) in the practice of currency and commodity markets - decline in exchange rates on futures with cash transactions.

DISPONENT - authorized in the company's affairs.

Agreement - an agreement between the persons or organizations on the mutual rights and obligations in the performance of the overall work.

Unity of command - the distribution of responsibilities in the management system, in which the head has full responsibility for the situation.

IMAGE - the image of the manager (of the company as a whole) related to the perception of his (her) activities and evaluated with respect to the prevailing social interests and values.

INNOVATION - changes that lead to improvement of work, increase efficiency; work on the development and implementation of innovations.

INFRASTRUCTURE - a set of interrelated elements that characterize the environment.

INFRAMENEDZHMENT - external process control to the extent that this is possible, that is, attention to external processes and attempts to manage them...

CARTEL - contractual horizontal business combination, the remaining legally legally independent, but deprived of part of its own economic independence.

QUALITY CONTROL - a set of characteristics that reflect the need and the possibility of a high socio-economic governance.

Commando - the person having limited liability.

COMPROMISE - agreement reached by mutual concessions.

Consensus - agreement on contentious issues.

CONSORTIUM - horizontal integration of enterprises to carry out certain tasks in a limited time.

CONCERN - horizontal-vertical and unlimited business combination, which, while remaining legally separate, abandoned their economic independence in favor of a single leadership.

Salesman (Corporate AGENT) - an employee with a mandate to promote the conclusion of transactions, or enter into transactions on behalf of the host outside of the enterprise (firm).

CORPORATION - union or community created for the implementation of specific interests, which are reflected in the norms and principles of the joint venture.

LEADER - manager or any member of the group has a significant impact on the behavior of people, formally or informally performing control functions, which enjoys respect and prestige.

MARKETING - type of activity aimed at meeting the needs and requirements of using the market exchange. M. can be viewed as a system of organization and management of business activities, which is most focused on the needs and demands of consumers through market competition.

MANAGEMENT - a set of principles, methods, techniques and forms of production management in order to improve production efficiency and increase profits.

MONITORING - systematic tracking processes or trends, constant monitoring for the purpose of timely assessment of the situation.

INNOVATION - the termination of the agreement between the parties by replacing it with a new commitment.

Options - the right to choose alternative currency terms of the contract, which is due in the contract and provided the appropriate side of the agreement for a specified period or in certain circumstances, that creates opportunities for exchange arbitrage.

Forecast - a person's ability to foresee the future, results of operations, possible state.

Enterprising - a set of human business qualities that characterize his ability to initiative and risk taking, acceptance of non-standard solutions, determining the conditions and possibilities of success.

PRESENTATION - representation of the company, product, etc. for the purpose of inspection or advertising..

PROTECTIONISM - economic policy of the state, which has the purpose to protect the national economy from foreign competition, the introduction of high customs duty on imported goods into the country, restrictions or a comprehensive ban on the importation of certain goods.

PROFITABILITY - economic performance of the enterprise for a certain period, which is characterized by its profitability.

RISK - decision-making, which is not high enough probability of success.

ROYALTY - kind of license fee, which is the annual interest or current charges imposed in the form of fixed rates (in percent) on the basis of the calculation of the actual economic results from the use of the license.

Sanctions - 1) of the law, legal norm, which specifies the legal consequences of a breach of the law; 2) the impact of measures (economic, financial) against the State which violated international agreements.

SYNDICATE - association of entrepreneurs, which assumes implementation of all business activities, while maintaining the independence of the legal and industrial enterprises entering into it.

SITUATION - a state controlled system, as measured relative to the target.

TEST - method for diagnosing problems related to human activity; used in the study of management problems.

TRANSFER (T) - 1) transfer agreement with one account to another; 2) transfer of foreign currency, securities or gold from one country to


TRUST - Association of entrepreneurs in which its member companies lose their economic, legal and commercial independence and are subject to a unanimous decision.

UNIFICATION - bring anything to the common form of the system.

MANAGEMENT - targeted effects, agreed to jointly work of people.

FACTORING - a kind of trade and commercial transactions, combined with the customer's working capital lending.

HOLDING - kind of business, the essence of which is to acquire a controlling stake in various companies in order to monitor their activities and receive dividends.

Centralization - the process of distribution of powers in the direction of their concentration on the higher levels of government.

STAFF STAFF IN THE ORGANIZATION - experts, to improve the efficiency of the line manager.

Expert - a specialist with expertise and experience in a particular field of activity, on the basis of which it can give an informed opinion on this or that problem.