Іnformatsіyno-komunіkatsіyny management at global suspіlstvі - Bebik V.M.

Dodatok 5.4.1 Znayomtesya: Viktor Medvedchuk - tretіy President of Ukraine

Znayomtesya: Viktor Medvedchuk - tretіy President of Ukraine. Tehnologіya zahoplennya

Pogrebinsky not vvazhaє currently skomprometovanim publіkatsієyu in "Ukraїnskіy pravdі"

Chitachі "Ukraїnskoї truth" vzhe znayomі s єzuїtskimi methods stvorennya єdinogo іnformatsіynogo expanse forces SDPU (o). Nagadaєmo, scho pid hour viborіv headquarters tsієї partії practical keruvav naybіlshimi channels - tіlki od them stale, scho bude but bude chogo not exactly have sogodnіshnomu Key infrastructure noviny. The I stink at tsomu protsvіtali. Pіznіshe polіtolog Mykhailo Pogrebinsky, scho s spіvpratsyuvav esdekami pid hour viborchoї Orthopedic i yakogo infections nazivayut in chislі avtorіv scandalous zvernennya President to the people s vimogoyu polіtichnoї reforms factuality viznav fact takoї "normalnoї standartnoї tehnologії robots ZMІ Zi".

Todі, yak brought in UE stattі, SDPU (u) vikoristovuvala "Temnik" for maybutnoї Peremohy Medvedchuk on prezidentskih Vibor.

Pіslya nischіvnoї "Peremohy" SDPU (u) on Vibor, yak svіdchat nashі chislennі Kolegov-zhurnalіsti, "Temnik" znikli. Ale s appeared on Bankovіy Medvedchuk and potіm i Sergіya Vasilєva and takozh pіslya often vіzitіv to vіdomogo of Kyiv "gallerist" Guelman "Temnik" znovu vіdrodilisya. Obviously, they znovu z'yavilasya required.

Vpershe "novі" "Temnik" boule oprilyudnenі head parlamentskogo Komіtetu Zi freedom of speech Mykola Tomenko on round stolі in tsentrі іmenі Razumkov de in one day obgovoryuvali "іnіtsіativi" president. Same Tsei Round stіl in Temnikov recommended іgnoruvati. Shcho to rechі, vіdbulosya minutes.

Over to Tomenko, "Temnik" vіn won od Helsinki Human scho include up to one kerіvnitstva s telekanalіv. "In virtue of the reasons I do not zrozumіlih mozhu її nazvati", - said the deputy from the Comments "Ukraїnskіy pravdі".

Tsya vkazala Person of, scho i gazeti channeling oderzhuyut takі "Temnik" іz head upravlіnnya іnformatsіynoї polіtiki admіnіstratsії president.

"Zagalny analіz document pokazuє scho osnovnі medіa, SSMSC perebuvayut pid vplivom Vladi, dіyut rekomendatsіyam adequately", - said Tomenko. "Such a proofreading ZMІ napravlyaєtsya admіnіstratsієyu president scho right superechit standards Konstitutsії zaboronu about censorship."

On Dumka Tomenko, Elements of proof pravdivostі otrimanih him dokumentіv Je porіvnyannya writing s tim, scho in dіysnostі vіdbuvaєtsya in Key infrastructure telekanalіv noviny. Thus, in Dumka head komіtetu, duzhe chіtko prostezhuєtsya phone reception s tim, scho tsentralnі TV station did not broadcast News about pres-konferentsіyu trіyki for vіdpovіdnoyu vkazіvkoyu in Temnikov, scho is: "Prokhanov іgnoruvati".

Mi vitratili Pevnyi hour for those dwellers to Tomenko not spriymalisya yak goloslіvnі. From the I scho viyavleno. According au-Perche, Prohanov nevіdomih avtorіv document іgnoruvati okremі come in vikonuyut bezzaperechno channel "Іn ter", "1 + 1", TET, chastkovo UT-1. Not a wonder - usі tsі channeling perebuvayut pid direct control of the SDPU (o). Ale nabagato tsіkavіshe sposterіgati for rekomendatsіyami scho stosuyutsya aktsentіv visvіtlennya.

Mayzhe 100 vіdsotkovy zbіg іz temniks (divisya document nizhche) Bulo viyavleno in gazetі "Kiїvskі Vіdomostі". Porіvnyayte samі:

The I tse note bіlshe marvelous, Yakscho vrahuvati scho neschodavno block "OU" vvazhav neobhіdnim perehіd to parlamentsko-prezidentskoї respublіki. A ninі at Dumka Yushchenko, "not an hour," suspіlstvo i polіtikum, Movlyav not dozrіli. "Kiїvskі Vіdomostі" Tuesday, 3 Veresnya.

"W one side," Well, "say, scho unit for a long time vvazhav neobhіdnim perehіd to parlamentsko-prezidentskoї respublіki, s another vіdznachaє scho" at a time is not time "for zmіni polіtichnoї system suspіlstvo i polіtikum not dozrіli". ( "Temnik")

Axis іsche one Pasazh іz tієї Well stattі:

"Zanervuvav head megafraktsії Viktor Yushchenko is obviously the fact scho bachit zagrozlivu perspective vtrati nadіy on prezidentske krіslo". "Kiїvskі Vіdomostі" Tuesday, 3 Veresnya.

Those sama axis, ale z rekomendatsіy "Temnik".

"Such a nezvazhena i superechliva reaktsіya VY Mauger svіdchiti about those scho vіn nervuє through those scho bachit real prospect vtrati nadіy on prezidentske krіslo".

Shcho stosuєtsya telebachennya, here naybіlsh zapam'yatavsya (for vinyatkom total Movchan s drive aktsіy opozitsії), Mabuchi, zovsіm odnakovy, schopravda, zovsіm neobrazlivy synchronous Sergіya Tіgіpka on vsіh channels. Read temnik, staє zrozumіlo, chomu vіn so polyubivsya zhurnalіstam. "Prokhanov dwellers zakliki to friendship h" OU "s side polіtichnih forces scho pіdtrimuyut president ozvuchuvalisya tіlki Ti, scho vislovlenі S. Tіgіpkom instead іnshimi commentator," they say in Temnikov.

From Yak tse viglyadalo.

Synchronicity: Sergiy TІGІPKO, Lider fraktsії "Labor UKRAINE i PPPU":. "The main problem, yak bula mіzh us our look - tse schodo Venue of polіtichnoї reform of I Yakscho sogodnі president himself pіshov on tsі sketch, I vvazhayu, i at a time mi said sama on pogodzhuvalnіy radі scho mi povinnі, yak Verkhovna Rada, why should іnіtsіatorami, Centre for Tsikh polіtichnih for Change. I for the tsogo potrіbna, in Perche Cherga, bіlshіst. in sotsіalnih power, h "Nashoyu With Ukraine", according to ekonomіchnih zmіnah іz "Nashoyu With Ukraine "we do not Bulo problems boule problems termіnah in provedennі polіtichnih reforms." Podrobitsі, INTER 2 Veresnya, 20:00.

Synchronicity: Sergiy TІGІPKO, Lider fraktsії "Labor Ukraine", "Yakscho sogodnі president himself pіshov on tsі sketch, then I vvazhayu, i at a time mi spoke pogodzhuvalnіy radі scho mi povinnі, yak Verkhovna Rada, why should іnіtsіatorami, Centre for Tsikh polіtichnih Change log, i for tsogo potrіbna, in Perche Cherga, bіlshіst. in sotsіalnih power s "Nashoyu With Ukraine", according to ekonomіchnih zmіnah іz "With Ukraine Nashoyu" we do not Bulo problems boule problems termіnah polіtichnih Venue of reforms. " Key infrastructure Pіdsumkovy TSN, 2 Veresnya, 23:58 (for materіalami "Look around efіru").

You can, zvichayno, pripustiti scho Tіgіpko vimoviv tіlki qiu phrase skladnіshe uyaviti, scho all Lots Other scho vіn saying bula sutsіlna nіsenіtnitsya, ale fact zalishaєtsya fact - Channel chіtko vikonali zavdannya Temnik. Hto tsіkavitsya, Mauger himself prodovzhiti doslіdzhennya Especially ukraїnskoї zhurnalіstiki, yak kontrolyuє SDPU (o).

Additional commentary on the events of the week 36 to official use Topic of the week:

1. Under the sign televised debate President Leonid Kuchma to the Ukrainian people will start a new session of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. Chipboard. The request for the issue of forming a coalition government is not taking comments from members of the current Cabinet, and the representatives of factions of political parties and public organizations.

Please do not focus on the draft law "On Elections of People's Deputies of Ukraine", the introduction of people's deputies Y. Ioffe and H. Dashutin.

The main topics of the week:

2. Participation of the President Leonid Kuchma in the World Summit on Sustainable Development in Johannesburg (South Africa).

Chipboard. In light of bilateral meetings, please focus on communication with the President of the European political elite. Meeting with the leaders of African countries requested to cover in the external economic context of the additional agreement.

Topics for coverage of Sunday television programs:

4. The reaction of the society and politicians in the appeal of the President Leonid Kuchma to the Ukrainian people 24 August 2002.

Chipboard. Please use the materials in the newspaper text of the open letter to President Viktor Yushchenko and his articles in "The Mirror of the Week" (from 31.08.02 city) to demonstrate the inconsistency of the position of "Our Ukraine" in relation to televised Kuchma. On the one hand, "Well," says the unit has long considered it necessary to transition to a parliamentary-presidential-pre-Republic, on the other - said that "now is not the time" to change the political system, society and political circles are not ripe. On the one hand, "NU" - AP against interference in the structuring of the Parliament, on the other - asked the President to assist in the formation of the majority on the basis of "OU." How, then, to believe the statements of Viktor Yushchenko? This weighted and contradictory reaction VY may indicate that he was nervous because he sees a real prospect of the loss of hope for the presidency.

The position of the SDPU (U) with respect to political reform, please submit the information in the normal mode.

Please do not focus on the initiatives by some politicians for the Referendum on the transition to a parliamentary-presidential-pre-political system.

Please do not cover the conflict E. Chervonenko and O. Rybachuk.

Please do not call the number of deputies who allegedly agreed to enter into a parliamentary majority.

The request to call for friendship with "OU" on the part of the political forces supporting the president, voiced only made Tigipko, but not by other commentators.