Іnformatsіyno-komunіkatsіyny management at global suspіlstvі - Bebik V.M.

Prolonged topics:

6. The opposition is preparing to hold street protests 16 sentyabrya.DSP. Subject only to the print and online editions. on TV, please exclude coverage.

Information work on t. N. "Forum of Democratic Forces" will be held according to the following logic:

"Forum" is actually a collection of appointed representatives of the parties, not all the forces that are going to participate in the event, can be called "democratic" (eg. SNPU O. rod-Nibok).

Yushchenko is to remove from the list of people far from democracy, to develop the rules for participation in the "Forum". Then it will be ready to take part truly democratic forces.

If VY does not, he risks permanently discredit the "Forum" in the public eye; If VY "clean out" list and publish the order of its formation, it is expected that dozens and dozens of different parties and organizations sent a letter of application to participate in the organizing committee, "Forum". As a result, it is possible to "blur" and zabaltyvaniya "Forum" event risks becoming ridiculous.

It seems reasonable to "freshen up" the scandal around the theme of the cemetery, "Eaglet" in Lviv, to steer in a different direction protest potential of the population of the city. You can take the comments of Cardinal Lubomyr Husar.

7. The General Prosecutor of Ukraine continues to investigate high-profile cases.

Chipboard. Please carefully monitor information occasions, asked the General Prosecutor's Office. Please do not distort the information provided by the Prosecutor General's Office, to store all the official wording.

9. 1-14 September Yavorivs-com Training Ground Western Operational Command held joint Ukrainian-British battalion exercises "Cossack Express-2002" within the framework of the NATO program "Partnership for Peace" with live fire.

Chipboard. Please do not focus on the fact of the firings. It requires demonstration of video, showing the military in an attractive light.

More topics: September 2, Monday

11. In Ukraine celebrates the Day of Knowledge.

Chipboard. Please do not abuse the congratulations of deputies to the Day of Knowledge. Please show the government officials responsible for education.

13. At 10.00 will start the opening ceremony of the Ukrainian-Hungarian Institute of Information Technologies of them. Árpád Göncz.

Chipboard. Please ignore.

17. It will be a solemn meeting devoted to the beginning of the 2002/2003 school year.

Chipboard. The order of the lighting will be presented further.

18. At 11.00 will host a press conference on the theme: "Arise, Ukraine!

Chipboard. Please ignore.

19. Journalist Ethics Commission and the public organization "Charter-4" resume regional trips within Ukraine. September 2-3, representatives of the commission will visit the Lions.

Chipboard. Please ignore.

20. At 13.00 will host a press conference by the publishing house "Takі the right" on the theme: "The tax began to concrete action aimed at the illegal appropriation of property" Such ref "They should be responsible for violation of the law.".

Chipboard. Please ignore.

3 September, Tuesday

27. At 15.00 will start the round table dedicated to the discussion of political reform in Ukraine.

Chipboard. Please exclude coverage of any abstracts that cast doubt on the seriousness of the president's initiatives.

32. 40 days from the day of the plane crash at the airport Sknyliv.

Chipboard. Please ignore attempts by a number of political parties 40 days to turn a tragedy into a political show.

Chapter іnformupravlіnnya admіnіstratsії President Sergiy Vasilєv calling oprilyudnennya "temnikіv" pіarom Mykoly Tomenko.

"I vvazhayu scho those scho vіn saying - tse pіarіvskіy hіd for pіdnyattya prestige th authority Svoge komіtetu on startі sesії Tse Mauger i do not primіtivny, ale mіtsno zshity pіarіvsky hіd the I Teper vіn hoditime s tsimi temniks, yak syn Major.. Melnichenko, "saying in Vasilєv іnterv'yu UP.

Vasilєv giving zrozumіti, scho for yogo Dumka, Tomenko bought "Temnik" in order "hto їh Yomou writing." "Vіn Mauger for tsі groshі buy slit kіlka writing for Demba ekzemplyarіv".

Vasilєv zaperechuє prichetnіst AP i a special person to stvorennya i poshirennya "temnikіv". "I'm not Ziman tsenzuruvannyam ZMІ right іnterpretuvati іnformatsіyu themselves ZMІ -. Їhnє sacred right Tim bіlshe scho himself Tomenko not say scho in Demba Je 100 vіdsotkovі proof, scho stink vihodyat s admіnіstratsії President -. They Absent rekvіzitіv AP Absent pіdpisu Vasilєva. And scho stosuєtsya zmіstu materіalіv, you can not napisati i takі temniki! "stverdzhuє Vasilєv.

i do not sumnіvaєtsya In ostannomu collective of UP ...

Our Comments: Vlad zavzhdi vikoristovuє svіy vise ZMK i Yurydychna tse vazhko bring. In tsomu vipadku mi maєmo dovolі pravdopodіbnu versіyu vikoristannya "temnikіv" ale dokazіv schodo namіrіv V. Medvedchuk Iti on prezidentskі Vibor tsya іnternet newspaper not to put things i Hosting Project stattі not pіdtverdzhuєtsya її zmіstom.