Інформаційно-комунікаційний менеджмент у глоному суспільстві - Bebik V.M.

Dodatok 6.2.1 Analyz Result in the conduct of the meetings (conferences) of the mobile program programs of the political parties and organizations of Ukraine in 1997.

(For materіalami povіdomeny ZMK)

The problems of becoming in Ukraine of a huge estate are tisno povyazhenі із structurizatsієyu polіtichnії spheres і, zokrema, formіvannіm polіcentricnoї partіyno-polіtichnyї sistemy.


Conducted by the movable people of the nineties of the vlivoviks of the political parties of Ukraine, the Suttievo changed the situation and the situation in the region. Analis of the specialities of the polity process, the methods of the content-analysis method, the registration of the participants in the 27 conferences of the conference, because, 37.5% of the parties in the prosecutor's offices did not disclose the political and ideological problems with vzagal. Ці об'єкти політичної діяльності обговорювали и ухвалювали рішення лише з питань суто політико-технологічних, zokrema - kotorіtsya kotalіtsі taіvannya partіїї lists.

Prior to the group of parties, the Party of Green Ukraine (PZU), the Republican Christian Party (RCP), the Ukrainian Selanskaya Democratic Party (UDP), the People's Democratic Party (PDP), the Christian Democratic Party of Ukraine (CPDU), the Ukrainian National Assembley (UDA) , Part of the National Economical Development of Ukraine (PNERU).

Reshta sub'ektiv movable zmagan tієy chi іnshoyu mіrou rozglyadali pitanie svago nayblyzhchogo polіtichnogo ta ekonomichnogo course.

Pomitny accent on its own ideology of spontaneity. Social-democratic party of Ukraine (ob'ednana) - (SDPU (o); Social Democratic Party of Ukraine (SDPU); and Gromada - Social Democracy, and takozh "Derzhavna samostinichnost Ukrainy" ( ДСУ) - соціал-націоналізм. The goal is to become 13% of the total number of political parties and blocks, movable documents, and so on.

Twenty percent of the parties declared their self-centric centrism (self-esteem): the Democratic Party of Ukraine (DemPU), Gromada, ROM, SDPU (o), PDP.

13% of the parties and blocks - " Trudova Ukraina " (on the basis of the Ukrainian Party of Justice, the Socialist Party of Ukraine (SDA) and the SDPU, were aware of the " center-centrists ".

The right-centristists named 8.3% of the subreacts of the movable political process, the Zokrem People's Movement of Ukraine (NRU), the "Reform and Order" (RIP).

Лівими were called Коммуністична партія України (КПУ) та Прогресивно-соціалістична партія України (ПСПУ).

National Democrats vvazhayut itself members of the Congress of the Ukrainian Nationalists (KUN).

Perevazhna bilshist polisticheskih parties did not vyyavila its stavlennya to the President (70.8%). The president's course - NDP, DemPU and Republican Christian Party (13%), criticized - KPU, SPU, SelPU (Selyanskaya Partiya Ukrayiny), Gromada (17%).

Nyblizhchoyu polіtichnymu tsіlju "Gromadi" zadeklarovae zakdeklarane strukrennya bolshkanskoj bіlshostі, SDPU (o) - vladnoi fractions, and DemPU - factions of centrist parties.

Abstract "Criticism to the regime" of the boule is present at the meetings and conferences 38% of the parties - CPU, Gromadi, SelPU, SPU, PSPU, UPS, URP (Ukrainian Republican Party), SDPU, DSU.

Ідея of the key votes of the parliamentary parties in the political life of the peninsula was registered by 17% of the partner organizations (RIP, LPU (Liberal Party of Ukraine), SPU, SDPU). Neophіdnість забезпечення рівних умов для діяльності всіх засобів масової інформації was sighted on the "РіП" partnership, and the guarantor of the disinfection of the political position on the "Gromadi" and "RIP" sites.

Така ж кількість партій (17%) - КПУ, ПП (Партія праці), ЛПУ, СПУ - віддала належне значенню місцевих виборів, розуміючи їх keying role in the political processes, how to engage in Ukrainian sospi.