Інформаційно-комунікаційний менеджмент у глоному суспільстві - Bebik V.M.

Додаток 6.2.2 ІНФОРМАЦІЙНА ЗАПИСКА Управління внутрішньоїї політики АПУ "About the conceptual ambitions of the mainstream of the directionality of the All-Ukrainian Oblast Community Hromada

Heads of the Admissions of the President of Ukraine Є. P. KUSHNAROV

ІНФОРМАЦІЙНА ЗАПИСКА Управління внутрішньоїї політики АПУ "About the conceptual bases of the basic principles of the diodes of the Allukrainian community of Gromada

Всеукраїнське об'єднання "Hromada" bulo is grounded in part of the representations of "Novo-Ukraina" and those close to Neji Prypriemnitskimi Cola. Establishment of the survey was carried out on the 12th day of 1993, and on the 22nd day of the birch in 1994. Vono bulo zarekstrovano yak polichnichnoy partіya Ministry of Justice of Ukraine.

Declared chiselnist party on 1.03.97 p. - 3,500 chol. (Real number of parties, our duma, на an order of magnitude).

The headquarters of the office are rooted in the approved Institute of Science of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Kiev, Kutuzov St., 18/7, room 412).

At the installation of the head for the sake of economy, for the sake of the party (її kerivny body), the bouves of the oleksandr Turchynov, a kind of obyama tsiu posadu up to siogodni.

Dovydka: Oleksandr Valentinovich Turchinov narodivsya 31 birches 1964 р. In the city of Dnipropetrovsk. Освіта вища. Закінчив Дніпропетровський металургійний інститут, кандидат економічних наук, готує до захисту докторську дисертацію з problems тіньової економіки в Україні.

Pratsyuvav maystrom on "Krivorizhstal", Secretary of the District Komsomol, on party robots, Director of the Institute of International Calls, Economics, Politics and Law. Brava is active in the branch line of the "Demplatform" KPRS (KPU), one of the founders of "Novo-Ukraina".

1992-1993. - the head of the committee of the Dnipropetrovsk Oblast Government of Administration, Yaku for that hour ocholyubov P. Lazarenko.

1993-1994. - Radnik Premier-Minister of Ukraine for Economic Affairs (at that time I will be in charge of the Premier Ministry of Foreign Affairs Y. Zvyagilsky).

З 1994 р. - Director of the Institute of Economic Reforms, President of the Center for Financial Technologies.

1993 p. - The head of the Allukrainian Oblast "Hromada".

Head of Coordination for the sake of (vikonkomu) "Gromadi" є Sergiy Lilik, a kind of pratsyuvav intercessor director of the Institute of Science of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, and in the middle of 1996 p. Ocholyubov Expert-analitichnu radu at the premiere-ministri of Ukraine (P. Lazarenka).

Згідно з Statute of the partners вишим керівним authority "Gromadi" є Всеукраїнський з'їзд. Керівним орга у у період між з'їздами є Politically and economically happy, with a vikonavchim vichavchim authority - Coordinatsyna rada.

Behind the methods of the "Gromada" djalnostі vyznacha itself yak "party vplyuv."

Відповідно до програмних документів всеукраїнське об'єднання "Hromada" - the party of liberal restraint. Її head meta - "сприяння процвітанню України та добробуту її громадян", вен веняня - "сприяння поланланню кризи, ставлення і розвитку ефективної національної економіки, цивілізованих суспільних відносин та гармонійного духовный життя громадян України Through the fate of the vyroblennі sistemnoi polity, formovaniya organіv vladi, mіscevogo Self-adherence and representation at the warehouse. "

The main zakobami realizatsii posts zavdan declare:

1) legalization of the economy;

2) in the field of politics;

3) Christian morals.

The medium of programming principles is "Gromadi" nayavazhlivimimi є:

• "follow the practice of the state budgetary economy, the administrative board of Ukraine, the reorientation of the economical policy of Ukraine on all aspects of the country and the development of the activities of the parties in order to secure the access to the budget of the koshtis, to allow the acceleration of the process of structural and perebudovye Ukrainian economy;

• redevelopment of privatization from the mechanics of the diseconomy of state power to the knowledge of economics;

• care for the needs of the people of Ukraine at the foodstuffs of the sylcospodarcia sirovini, закріплення за Україною ролі експортера сільськогосподарської продукції, зокрема на ринках СНД;

• the state power of the populated area is the priority of the national consumers' needs of Ukraine for energy resources;

• the formulation of the state power apparatus, the mobilization of all yogo resources, the zakrema of law enforcement agencies, the struggle against corruption;

• pripinennya zubozhinnya armenia, peretvorennya її on еліту суспільства;

• zabezpechennya power polovogo stimuljuvannya prioritetnyh galuzey natsionalnoy culture, vsebіchny sverhivne spryannya diyalnostі religіynikh konfesіy, spymovane na derevne i morale vіdrozhennya natsії.

Declared by the program of the main direct contacts of the parties in the strict organizational, biznesovyh kіl, spilok pіdprієmіcіv, співпраці з churches.

Actively engaged in party activities

Varto vidznachiti, scho proyazhom prinaymnі 1995-1996 р. Всеукраїнське об'єднання "Hromada" practically did not conduct actively and polichnichestvo діяльності. Dotrimuyuchis programmatic principle of "nyakoyї advertising," vono did not declare about itself practical nyakimi polichnichnimi, pobedinytsykimi chi cultural and prosvotnitskimi accii.

The purpose of this is to confirm the situation in the oblasts, to declare oneself in the regions where the partners are represented (in Kiev, Kiev, Dnipropetrovsk, Lviv, Ternopil, Donetsk, Odessk), in the most powerful bodies of the government, in the regions of the country; Відсутні також згадки about об'єднання in the central ЗМІ.

In 1997, the Persian Gypsies about the "Gromada" z'yavilisya at ZMІ in bereznyi-kvitnі y zv'yazku iz of the strictness of the systematic declaration "Forward, Україно!", To the warehouse of a yukoyshli signifies a party.

Dovіdka: Християнсько-демократичний союз "Вперед, Україно!" Including the Christian-Democratic Party of Ukraine (V. Stretovych), the People's Christian Union, the deputy group "Reform", the "Our Right" trade union, the "Ukrainian Perspective" Foundation, the Reform Fund of the Decade of Young Women's Obedin. All in all, the opposition is spontaneous.

Активізація керівництва "Громади" почина посдля відставки Prem.'er-ministra P. Lazarenka. Acts of ZMI takozh have been advised, but P. Lazarenko, having joined the party and yom, was given a membership card for No. 6, although the fact that the ballot was banned by the people's deputy, Yulia Tymoshenko, yaka about the time of the hour is actively working on the party.

Hovered in fact viklikali girdle at polichichnih kolakh kіlokh vervіy about zv'jazok partії z kolichestvennogo kolyshnogo prem'er-ministra:

1) The "Gromada" was created by O. Turchinov "for the future" from the Sanction of P. Lazarenka to the hour of the Day of Spinning Robotics in the Dnipropetrovsk Oblast Administration from 1992-1993. Same before the current hour vona bula "conserved", not vyyavlyala nyakoї activity. The presentation of P. Lazarenka is the approach of the parliamentary (it is possible, with the law of proportionality proportionality), that the presidential vikors were required to be active in active partnerships at the time;

2) bored in 1993 p. O. Turchinov, the party through the marriage of financial resources could not even wake up its misery. Teperіshnyu activenost "Gromadi" can be explained in the same way, but vo wakikala zatsіkavlenіst pivnich fіnansovo-promyslovіkі kіl, povyazyanykh from the première première ministre P. Lazarenkom (zokrema, representations of the special people's deputy Yulia Tymoshenko), otrimala nalozhne fіnnsuvannya i bude vikoristana Them yak інструмент у політичній боротьбі. З нашої точки зору, вірогіднішою виглядає версія № 2.

Потрібно відзначити, що in the remaining applications submitted to the party, zokrema її goals Olexandr Turchinov, accentuated respect for the drafting of the Ії polіtichnoe moro-spiritual tradition of the pre-revolutionary organization "Hromada", біля витоків котрої стоята витітні діячі української культури.

Між тим, у статутних документах объєднання згадки about pre-Revolutionary "Gromada" і Claims for decaying її polітичної та національно-культурної традиції відсутіні. Tse svidchit pro kachat kampanії proizvodstva by self-advertisement of the party in a method zaluchchennya up to its own lavas not only naybіlsh dієzdatnoї, samodіyalnіy parts of the electorate, аle Інтелігенції.

Dovіdka: Hromadі - осередки української інтелігенції, що conducted national-cultural and gromadsko-polichnichu діяльність at friend's sex. ХІХ - on the cobble of the XX century. In the boundaries of the Russian Empire. Hundreds of people went to vinikati to see the 50th rock. Persha Gromada in St. Petersburg: M. Kulish, T. Shevchenko, M. Kostomarov, V. Bilozersky, O. Kistyakovsky, ian. In 1861 the river. Виникла Gromada u Kiivi, de vonna zagradalasya іz studentіv-ukrayntsіv, scho pratsyuvali in "nedіlnih schools." Uvaga gromadіvtsіv bula zoseredzhenna selyanskіy reformі, ali діяльність could vyyavlyaetsya deprived of cultural and prosvitnitskih forms.

The 70th rock to the warehouse of the Kiev city included viznachny dyachi sciences of the culture: V. Antonovich, M. Dragomanov, K. Mikhalchuk, M. Ziber, P. Chubinsky, T. Rilsky, P. Zhytetsky, O. Konysky, M. Lisenko, M. Staritsky, P. Kosach, S. Podolinsky, I. Нечуй-Левицький та ін. At the beginning of the cultural and educational course of the 60th rock, the people were faced with problems and current sociopolitical problems.

Hundreds of people were pushed to the ground. XX century. І були поширені в Одесі, Харкові, Чернігові, Полтаві, Прилуках, Лубнах та ін. Містах України.

The entry from the Party of the People's Deputy Yulia Tymoshenko (kolyshnyogo president of corporations ЄЕЕУ) will knowingly overcome the financial crisis "Hurricanes" and, let's help the zemogu activeіuzivati ​​її діяльність. Can pogrubachi, scho vona rozgornetsya at such strains:

• the expansion of the organizational structure of the party, in order to be held in the regions by the hour of the installation of conferences, the redistribution of the first and the regional organizations;

• rozgortanya roboti shodo іnformatsіyno-analitichnogo zabezpechennya viborchoї kampanії (about the ear of the head of the editorial board of the newspaper "Vseukrainskie Vedomosti") that conducted the decree of the agonizing propaganda campaigns in the nature of the nuts and bolts of information;

• activeізація діяльності у Верній Раді України (in parliament "Gromada" in the present time represent Yu. Timoshenko, O. Єlyashkevich and M. Mikhailenko) on such strains:

A) zusilya on the line of the official parliamentary fraction of the chi group;

B) the parliamentarian parliament for the discrediting of the President of Ukraine (O. Єalashkevich, declaring about the possibility of starting an procedure for an impeachment);

C) the entry for the VR sight, feed off the rozraunka at the base of the social base "Gromadi" (Novyi Podatkovy code, virishenny by problems of zaborgovannost on wages and social payments through the collection of commercial structures, etc.).

• The alignment of the infrastructure for carrying out the campaign of the Campaigns, the vibracing of the technology (Viborchii HQ, the Group of Pidrim in the areas of the Tootsu);

• active contact with confessions;

• gaining access to membership in the party of popular and authoritative science and culture.

In the beliefs. R. Має відбутися черговий з'їздзд "Громади", on whom I rozglyadatimuytsya so basic food:

1) hardening of the programs of the party;

2) pereobrannya goals of the party (naybіlsh dovmіrno, scho na tsey poste bude vruno of the people's deputy Yulia Tymoshenko).

The main principles of the project are the following:

• the alignment of the minds for the development of the national capital, a kind of pricyuvav bi to the Ukraine and the people, for which it is necessary to calmly suborn the subversive tisk, and to ask the Ukrainian authorities to take care of the privatized companies in privatization;

• national legislation.

Z osogogo said, the prosecutor's office can be hanged, but the political party "Gromada" is in the clearing of the Maybutnom borrower of the anti-presidential position.

It is possible to do so, but also to engage the robot at the strake of the shlyakhs in order to prevent them from falling ill in the course of the last half-year periods, and to contact them with opaque political leaders.

The note is submitted in the order of information. Managed to sell the robot to the site of the distribution of the food.

Gruden 1997 p.