The global trading system: rozvitok institutes, rules, labor of SOT - Tsigankova TM Specific of lіberalіzacії sіtіnu rinku сільськогосподарської продукції

Sylske gosodarstvo traditionally sprimayatsya yak vinyatkovy abo chutlivy sector of global trade systems. Navіt though scho sіlskogospodarskі goods for vіdmіnu od poslug, Je pratsі products, SSMSC fіzichno peretinayut natsіonalnі cordon in sistemі COT stink vidіlyayutsya okremo Especially through its role in nature i rozvitku mіzhnarodnoї torgіvlі. Tsya "vіdmіnna" Especially in nature polyagaє virobnichogo processes in sіlskomu gospodarstvі, postіynomu popitі on Poultry Feed product, SSMSC zabezpechuyut schodennі prirodnі require the Helsinki Human and takozh in vazhlivіy rolі, yak vіdіgraє agropromislovy sector іstorії, kulturі that ekonomіtsі bagatoh suspіlstv. Same through vіdmіnnu chutlivіst sіlskogo Gospodarstwa dogovіrnim parties GATT pіslya bіlsh nіzh dekіlkoh desyatirіchch perіodichnih peregovorіv not away dosyagti suttєvogo processes in sferі vіdmovi od protektsіonіstskih natsіonalnih polіtik schodo tsogo sector. Внаслідок цього торгові барієри в міжнародній торгівлі сільськогосподарськими товами зміцнилися досить strongly, at that time in some sectors of the market, the stinks progressively entered. So, yakshto on the back of the datality GATT mid-rivet rates of the Mitus on promyslovi com, storing approximately 40%, then for syogodny vyn zynizivsya up to 4%. Robot zі znizhennya faktіv for active types of goods виробничо-технічного призначення, yak bula pochata in 40-rokah, mayzhe zakinchena. However, there are not so many sylcospodarskih goods, lіberalіzatsya svitovoho rink of any up to the Uruguay round of bagatopolynіchnyh negotiation ydal duzhe perіlyno. More than that, the politicians of the region widely practiced the programs of subsidizing their own Silesian volunteer vibroblasts. Сучасний рівень лібералізації торгівлі сільськогосподарською продукцією можно порівняти з ситуацією в торгівлі goods, яка існувала 70-80 років то. However, the products, otrimaniy in the course of lіberalіzіzіcі trade with promyslovіmi goods, are now possible through the shuffling and іn the vіdnoshennju up to the rіku sіlskogoospodarskoi produktsії.

Shukayuchi Reason upovіlnenoї lіberalіzatsії svіtovogo Rinku sіlskogospodarskoї produktsії slіd zgadati, scho bula GATT target odrazu pіslya Druha Svіtovoї vіyni, if hunger nestacha nutritive produktіv that problem nalagodzhennya їh bezperebіynogo postachannya wake in pam'yatі bagatoh people. Same ti umovi became the reason for the renewal of the troops of the zahisnih polity and of the special programs of the adherence to national vibrokniv and stimulation of the development of the Moscow Silesian statehood. However dedalі chastіshe zakonnі come in schodo Zahist vnutrіshnіh virobnikіv sіlskogospodarskih produktіv stayut fallow od іnshih natsіonalnih i mіzhnarodnih polіtichnih tsіley not pov'yazanih s zagrozoyu hunger. Polіtichnі dіyachі hunt pogodzhuyutsya zahischati vnutrіshnіh virobnikіv od s Act reasonably competitive side іnozemnih kompanіy, zdobuvayuchi at tsomu votes vibortsіv in sіlskіy mіstsevostі. However, in such a vandalism, they are guilty of a violation of national lawsuits and taxpayers. At the international level, the rinky disproportion, the wikis of the sylvic subsidy subsidies, are brought to the global level: subsidized by the comrades, the banks are not competitive with the proprietors, the schools are not subsidized by the vibrobes, but they are forced to blink to the same rink. Napriklad, if Spoluchenі States subsiduyut fermerіv such rank, dwellers stink could prodavatsya grain in Meksitsі for duzhe nizkimi tsіnami, then meksikanskih spozhivachіv Tse Mauger prizvesti to zbіlshennya kіlkostі i obsyagіv lands kupіvlі-sale amerikanskogo grain in one hour yak meksikanskі virobniki grain Scho vdavalisya up to the individual zadhodov znizhennya tsin on his product, mozhut bouti viklyucheni z biznesu. In addition, the edge, but can not afford to subsidize its exporters, so do not be able to compete on the Mexican grain market. In this way, from the point of view of the vibroks of export subsidies, you can bring a short-row hook for some, ali stanoviovati dovgostrokovi vtrati for the others. A z point zoru lіberalizatsii mіzhnarodnoї torghіvі уряди, які застосовуть ассидії, створюючу штучні переіги національным товаровиробников, деформують умовіональным товаровиробников, деформують умовіональным товаровиробії, деформують умовіональным товаровиробії, shaping the principle of lіberalіzіcії регіональних та товарних ринків.

Vіdomo scho naychastіshe s side bagatoh kraїn kritikuvalosya i kritikuєtsya for subsiduyuchі dії Єvropeyske Spіvtovaristvo, yak s Svoge side argumentuє vipravdanіst svoїh Act reasonably tim, scho Derzhavna pіdtrimka fermerіv spriyaє zberezhennyu sіlskih population punktіv Єvropi, sіlskih land i Vlasnyi Zhittya style. Ale tse is just for the sake of європейців, чиї більш дешеві внаслідок subsidizing sіlskogoospodarkі comі sell not tіlki іn itself Європі, but on усьому світу. Takі дії європейців apply to school sylskomu population of the іnshih kraїn, які внаслідок цього can not compete on the Zakhidnoї Євроpi market.

Critics Spіlno Sіlskogospodarskoї Polіtiki Єvropi (Common Agricultural Policy - CAP) shall communicate, scho if ЄS the piece stvoryuє bearing-down rinok, zdatny viroblyati i spozhivati ​​mayzhe neobmezhenu Quantity tovarіv, tse stvoryuє incentive viroblyati zanadto bagato nizkoyakіsnih tovarіv, to scho no іsnuє nіyakoї konkurentsії for stimulyuvannya virobnitstva tovarіv Більш високої якості, зниження їх ціни, і оптимізації їх виробництва. As a result, Europe is concerned with the reserves of the Silesian commodities, which I call "mountains of oil" and "lakes of wine". ATS podіbno іnshim polіtikam pіdtrimki sіlskogo Gospodarstwa, Je ekonomіchnoyu strategієyu uryadіv scho vikoristovuєtsya for vikonannya sotsіalnih funktsіy, SSMSC vklyuchayut pіdtrimku that virіvnyuvannya dohodіv, zberezhennya style Zhittya, zaluchennya population to the robot s the land dwellers zberegti її for maybutnіh pokolіn. Bagato analіtikіv stverdzhuyut scho takі sotsіalnі polіtiki, s one side, not toil for svoєyu sutnіstyu nіchogo rotten, ale z іnshogo side, torgovі obmezhennya i subsidії scho causing Skoda sіlgospvirobnikam in іnshih kraїnah not Je naybіlsh efektivnosti that dotsіlnim way dosyagnennya sotsіalnih tsіley, That all the more powerful in the socialist countries, and for its own societal polarities, for the sake of the ability to do so, do not minimize the deformity of the international trade, and not znizhuyut її efektivnist in the global context.

Zrostania rivnya subsidy Sylskogoospodarskoi eksportu created a worm for vinyankennya seryozhnyh trade superechok in the 80's, in the center of some bullets US taS. Zasudzhuyuchi dії one one to the drive of the "unjust" Sils'kopolskodarskogo subsidized, the stink of the same hour on the basis of the cheap (subsidized) export was forced to compete in the struggle and change the money to the Solskogosdarsky com. In such instincts, інші країни-виробники сільськогосподарськоїї production could not compete in the sacred rink. Більш того, невеликі національні виробники менш розвинених країн були виштовхнуті з бізнесу, and більш потужні усвідомлювали, що в цій грі не буде переможця. The problem began to negotiate with the parties on the cob of the Uruguay Round (1986). The method of zakіkavleny storin buly insertion of significant zmіn in the rules of trading sylskogospodarskoyu product. Щоб врівноважити інтереси ЄС і USA that stimulated the reform of the international trade of the sylpospodar product, a number of small territories were moved to the Cairns Group. The members of the group are Argentina, Australia, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Fiji, Guatemala, Indonesia, Malaysia, Nova Zeland, Paraguay, Philippines, Pivdenna Africa, Thailand and Uruguay. Chastka tsikh kraine at svitovі torghіvі sіl'skogoospodarskoju produkcієyu to become 30%.

At the time of the formulation of the Kernska Gruchi in 1986, the dominance of that state was in the midst of the main problems, negotiating in bagatopolitan negotiations. Zavshyaki tsusillyam Kernskoi Grupi sylske gosdarstvo became the subject of negotiations in the Uruguay Round, as a result of which the boule was laid out Ugoda about Sylske gosartarstvo.

Members of the Kernsky Group of Bulls are pleased with the results of the Uruguay Round the talks. Prothe, on ї dumku, bagatos pitan zalishayutsya nevirishheni. Persh for everything, tsesosoyatsya neobhіdnostі transition to sylskogospodarskoi polity, yaka keruyetsya viklychno rinkovymi pidhodami.

Після Уругвайського Round Kernska Group structurally proanalizuvala COT lands, shos stosuyutsya sylskogo gospodarstva. Їїpropositії fostered the form of bolsh zhorstkih rules of robot to the Committee of Silesian Statehood and the Committee of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Calls. The group takozh interrupted the coordination of the membership in the negotiations of the SOT, and it took part in the process of negotiating the Syshkosposdarsky reform of the European Union.

Відповідно to Ugod on syl'skomu gosartarstvu SOT, bagatospornіnyi peredovor shodo syl'skogo gospodarstva pochalas in sichnі 2000. The protagonist of the first fate of negotiations Kernska Grupa made proposals on three problems of the Silesian statehood: internal pidtrymka, access to the markets and export competition. Kernska Grupa is flattered, but she will talk positively about the problems of the Solskospodarski positively reforming the reform of trade with the Solskogosdarska product.

Цілі Кернської Groups from the drive of the syl'skospodarskih negotiators are represented in the "Oglyadovom Visnovka" and include: globoku speeding all tariffs and pripinennya zbіlshennya tariffs; Rapidity of any deformable trade in internal subsidies; Speed ​​of export subsidies; The rule of the prosecutor rules out the method of securing export subsidies. []

The members of Grupo Kernskoї vvazhayut, scho at lіberalіzatsії Rinku sіlskogospodarskoї produktsії povinnі vrahovuvatisya require ekonomіchnogo rozvitku kraїn, Especially tse stosuєtsya kraїn scho rozvivayutsya Yakimov neobhіdno nadavati vіdpovіdnu tehnіchnu pіdtrimku.