Інформаційно-комунікаційний менеджмент у глоному суспільстві - Bebik V.M.

Додаток 6.4.1 ДОВІДКА about the political position of the newspaper "Kievskie Vedomosti"

For the service of the President of Ukraine L. Kuchmi

ДОВІДКА про політичні позиції газети "Киевские Ведомости"

The newspaper "Kievskiye Vedomosti" is founded at Lipny 1992. Fіrmoyu "Dovira" (President Sergiy Kichigin (Toyma)).

To get out of the day (for the last week) is a jagged circulation of 439.2 yew. Approx. For the information Minzv'yaku on 01.01.93 р. The newspaper is small 232.5 yew. Before payment, perevazhna bіlshіst yakih lived at Києві - 174,2 тис. T Kiev region - 40.3 thousand tys. Chol.

З джерел, що заслуговують на довір'я, повідомляють, що зановник і развець С. Кичигін під hour before the payment of the campaign for vitrification on the advertisement of the newspaper, 40 million krb. (In the prices of 1992 rubles).

The company "Dovira", with its own cherry, rozpochinala z advertising-vidavnichoї діяльності як дочірнє мале підприємство "Вечірнього Києва", що було монополістом на рекламну діяльність "ВК". Zgodom V. Karpenko and S. Kichigin "beat pots," and "Dovira" bula was re-arranged as a private house.

S. Kichigin, Colonel of the Colossians of the Radyansky Armії, rozpochinav kar'єru in the Golovnom rozvіduvalnomu GOVERNINNI (GRU) of the General Staff of the colossal SRSP of the registration of the pre-Moscow Moscow Visny Institute of Inozemniye Mov. Володіє англійською і китайською мовами. (Prior to the speech, the primal service of S. Kichigin to the colossal Radyansky rozvyduvalnogo spivovariststva adhered to the respect bugatokh zhurnalistov, yaki zvinuvatili yogo yak doninii dyyuchogo Moscow agent vplyuve (div. "Vechirnyi Kyiv" dated 04.05.93., "Voice of Ukraine" dated 12.03.93 tochno ).

In Kiev S. Kichigin z'yavisya "raptovo", on the cob of the 80's rock, vlashtuvavshis robot in the Kiev University. (Mіzh іnshim, zagalnovіdomo, sho shiroi pratsіvniki spetssluzhb simply so vіdstavku not vyhodyat.Yak kazyut profionali, vhіd up to "Akvariumu" koshtue dolar, and vihіd - two dolari). Doktorsku dissertatsiyu pіdgotuvati so і не не промігся, хоча кілька разів робив такі спроби - от-от, обіцяв читачам "ВК" ... Під час виборів 1990 р. Namagavsya (nevdalo) vyusnutsya candidate from the people's deputies URSR v kod kolektiv odnієї із середніх шкіл Києва.

З "Вечірнім Києвом" розпочав співробітництво як політичний оглядач під псевдонімом "Тойма", розквітнувши під час так заваної перебудови. "Rose-seized" when asked the date the mandate of a deputy to the parliament.

For the sake of "VK" S. Kichigin "rozkriviv" advertising Campaign Svoye fyrmi, yaka, to rechі, має тісні зв'язки з Росією.

About tse krasnomovno svidchiv that fact, sho "Dovira" not so long ago priymala zamovlennja on advertising for rozmischennya at moskovskih zasolah masovoi іnformatsії ta on road boards at Pidmoskov'ї.

For giving in the near-by close to S. Kichigin, the rest is to finish the ambitious people's, yak, singing, singing, robbing new people to get to the parliament, and can, to the president's palace.

Not viklyucheno, scho vin on the singing stage will be podtrymuvatii popularity of the іnshih osib (such як І. Салій) with the method of "rozmotki" іміджу своєї майбутньої command, for Cho, mozhlivo,

The basis for the editorial collegium of Vedomosti was the folding of the magazine VK, Nezavisimosti, and the last vidan of Kiyova, which was sent to the editorial office of O.Shvets, the head of the VK secretary.

Analis publikatsii gazeti svidchit pro dosit vysokii profionalizm logistykogo kolektivu. "Vedomosti" knew their nishu - reporterkoy, close to the tabloid, newspaper, yak spottaku drukuє, and potim perevіrya, chi dostovіrno vikladeni navediny actual.

Varto takozh vіdznachati tendentsіynіst podachі materіalіv, їh bezapelyatsіynіst, especial - if you care about the comments of the non-partisans of Ukraine.

Скажімо, 10.03.93 р. Y. Mostova wrote: "It is possible that someday descendants will name the hasty declaration of Ukraine as a non-nuclear, neutral and non-bloc - diversion."

The topic of the topic was published in the form і in the submissions published on 20.03.93 р., 07.05.93 р. In other words.

Otzhe, the duma of the newspaper, the diversion ... І nі bіshe, і not less ... Aly Chi mozhe bouti as a saboteur (hoch and іkektivnim) Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, yaku monotonous voted for the lack of nuclear ...?

Do not complain about editing your acquisitiveness, guilty, navyat simply obektivnistyu, and the President.

So, on 23.02.93, drukuichi the rating of the Ukrainian polls for the results of the opytuvannya in Zakarpatty, de L. Kravchuk is more than 3,011 (given: L. Kuchma - 2,649, I. Ivy - 2,309 tochno) "Vedomosti" giving the title "to the President all The same trust. " Tobto: hai is still the first, "all the same" ... praying, leaving ...

Thoughtfully sprimayatsya positsiya newspaper, spymovana on protistavlennya politicians of the president and prem'er-ministra, methodical nave'yazuvannya read dumki about postynku konfliktnist, protyostoyaniya in the middle of one day gyolki vikonavchogo vladi (Div. Newspaper vid 17, 13.04.93 p.).

14.01.93 р. L. Vasil'yeva, druquti noatki iz sostrіchі rosіyskih taіїїнних експертів (відбувалася при спонсоруванні "Довіри" on the boat for the participant M. Mikhalchenko ta O. Єmtsya), wrote:

"The rush with which three Slavic leaders a year ago, not consulting with anyone, hit hands, inventing a formula for cohabitation of the former union republics and thus predetermining the fate of the Union, was clearly not in favor of the Commonwealth."

01/27/1993 ta L. Vasil'eva at the address to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (headline):

"The door to the CIS is still open, but in a year it will be possible to enter it only under the Charter." One hope is that our President will still get out. "

Krasnomovny svidchennya stavlennya newspaper to the publicly opposite president - "still get out"?

I just one trendline headline "The President calms the people, at the same time and puts them to sleep" (Y. Mostov, 20.01.93 p.).

Zegra, so bi-moviti, on the river of "psychologic foul", which is negatively vplivaye on the reading story before the president.

Tendency information of the bulletin was filed on 13.01.93 р. Under the headline: "We have lived: on the royal hard labor fir more than in independent Ukraine." Коментарі, як кажуть, зайві ... I'm talking about m'yaso. At the time, "strategically." 01/08/93 p. The newspaper was given the title "Today, Kiev was given a" strategic meat. "What will we eat tomorrow?"

Zrozumilo, scho u peresichnogo chitcha pislja znakoyomlennya z takoyu formuyu podachi іnformatsії z'yavlyaetsya tsіlkom dyshna dumka: Kiev on the threshold of hunger ... I know, tilki fahіvtsі know, scho derzhrebush postovno onovulyutsya ...

Otzhe, zvnovu z Bunennogo fact "Vedomosti" pocked pseudo-sensation.

About the twisting of information by the correspondent of "Vedomosti" svidchiv i nar-depe B. Oliynik, a kind of buzz of disturbances 10.02.93 р. At the newspaper "Demokratichna Ukraina" davati prostrostvanya i pisati: "Vid pobatku up kintsya dana publikatsiya (moyatsya na vazizy publikatsiya" Vedomosti "dated 09.02.93) is a fake."

Shche one desinformatsiya, scho bula nadrukovana z gazeti vіd 23.04.93 р .:

"As it became known from informed sources, the adviser to President V. Simonenko was appointed the Ukrainian trade representative in Greece."

Vzagali headlines "Vedomosti", typed in a large font, stvojayut gnityuce enraged, squeeze on psihiku:

"Parts of human bodies stray dogs are dragged along the territory of the Kiev regional hospital";

"ZHivodernya near Kiev as a mirror of our dog life")

"Atomic cemetery in the capital of Ukraine." And unarmed old women-pensioners guard it ";

"Before the eyes of colleagues, a single mother, who worked for twenty years in the association after S.Korolev, threw herself out of the shop window."

Such a rank, an analogy of the economic situation, a regularity of the publication and social and psychological pressures of the publication of the newspaper in the text, it is possible to write a letter, to edit the form in the readers on the basis of a written request for a psycho-psychological installation:

Progoloshenya nezalezhnostі Ukrainy - tseistorichna pomilka, nepirozumnіnya, yak nevdovzi bude vipravlene.

Політичні інститути України , її політична і правляча еліти продажні, непрацездатні та ін.

• Vihіd - лише in єднанні колишніх суб'єктв СРСР на чолі з могуньою Росією тощо.

For the butt of the head, the headers of the material are:

"Russia does not speak about its independence, but pursues an independent economic policy." We, it seems, just talk ";

"One half of the salary can be cooked half a borsch".

Teza tugi for the Union є dominoychoyu і in serії vzhe zagadanikh materіalіv, priemacheniyah Мінській зустрічі heads of the powers of the SNM.

Anti-Ukrainian, anti-power, shovinistichnu position "Vedomosti" vіdznachav і "Voice of Ukraine" in the publikatsії "Start-2 chameleon in kotyachі masі" (12.03.93 р.), Nadrukovanіy у виідповідь на "откровения" и відверіі перекчення екс-розвідника и парпропагандиста С Kichigina (the divan "Vedomosti" dated February 6, 1993).

Those who edited the Kievskiye Vedomosti are concerned about the negative attitude towards the state, the prospects for democratic democracy in Ukraine, and the words of the official of the newspaper S. Kichigin: "If you suddenly assume that here (in Ukraine) - persecution and repression will begin ( ?!), Then I will not seek refuge in a foreign Hungary or Poland .I'll just leave for Russia. " ("Kiev Vedomosti", February 6, 1993).

Press office of the President of Ukraine 10.02.1993 р.