The global trading system: rozvitok institutes, rules, labor of SOT - Tsigankova TM

2.3.6. Natsionalnyi rokladi service

Absolutely not mozhno zrozumiti zobov'jannja on the services of the edge of the member of the COT, biruchey to the respect of the falsified rules of the GATS. Zobov'yannya kozhnoi okremoї kraїni - naivit at such fundamental posovnney, yak spirannya otnozemnomu postavlenniku ambassador to the so-so basics yak і natsionalnomu postalniku, zalzhit bіlshuyu mіrou vіd specііchnikh zobov'azan, yakі kraїna znachila u svetyemu natsionalnomu Rozkladі.

The rozkladi has served by folding documents that have been vividly crossed by the GATT. The stink of reeds is divided into two parts. Перша містить наступну інформацію:

The sector and the subsector have served, as well as the special crawlers;

Stepyn access to the market for the designation of sectors;

Omegzhennya in the national regime and stasovno zaznacheny sectors;

Інші обмеження (Divorced розділ ІІІ.1).

Specific zobov'yazannya, sho stosuyutsya access to the rhinoceros, national regime, and takozh іnshih додаткових зобов'язань, повинні зазначатись в розкладах спецфічних зобов'язань країн. GATS is not a zobov'azuє kraїni priymati zobov'jannya yakomsy specific sectori. Such a rank, for the sake of the sun, is the possibility of koreguvannya rivnya that is structured zobov'azan, scho priymaє on itself kraїna, z vrahuvannyam її specifichnih zavdan ta obmezhen.

However, in the sense that the GATT was the result of the Uruguay Round of negotiations. Заза в спеціальному дослідженні СОТ "Access to Rynkiv: unfinished on the right", viznatsya, scho kraїni, yaki entered before the SOT pislya її transtryna, tobto from 1995 onwards, took over (vnasledok vimog z boku kraine-sotiv SOT) bіlsh zhorstkі zobov'yаnnya In the sphere of access to markets, the services of the traditional members of the COT. At Tsymu, yakshco Ekvador, Mongolia, Bulgaria, and Panama, in the middle, they adopted themselves as zobovtsyany for 63 to 155 pi-seks, then for the Kyrgyz Republic, Latvia, Estonia, Jordan, Georgia (the region where the trojs were located), the value of Mayzha was twice as long - 118 pectoral units. Ostanni pribnjali zobov'jannja on vseh pidsektorah telekomunikatsijnih, budivelnykh ta sovіzhhnih інженерних the ambassador, and майже on всіх інших підсекторах [8, 114]. Otzhe, with a plate hour to kilkist zobov'azan zbilshuyutsya.

Potrbno zauvazhiti, scho on vіdmіnu vіd rules GATT, yakі zastosovuyatsya to vsіh goods, zobov'yatnya GATS on access to the market and to the national regime stosuyutsya tilki tih vidіv іsg, yakі zaznachenі u Rozkladі kozhno okremoї kraїni. The sector is not included in the roster of spe- cialized zobov'azan kraїni, that's mean, wo wo not maie nyakih zobov'azan z drive zabezpechennya natsionalnogo regimu chi access to the market in the sector.

Yakshsha sector is included in the retail, then specialty zobov'yazannya mozyut priymatis on vidnoshennu to be-yakogo 4-oh delivery service, service GATS (transcorodonna delivery, spozhivannya cordon, komercinaya presence that presence of phisical osib).

In a specific section of the sector, that way of delivery has served as a way for the cronies to be able to cope with the permissiveness of the country's competition until they are given access to the markets and to the national regime. In bagahat vipadkah kraїni-devchenya vibirajut promijny stan - pevnі obmezhenna in the singing sectors.

So, yakscho at the metropolitan area of ​​the term "No" (None) schodo pevnogo way of delivery, then you mean, nyo nyakih omessen stasovno access to the market krayni for tsim way of delivery is not covered. Do not often nyakih obmezhen not існує schodo transkordonnoyї torgіvі ta spizhivannya for the cordon.

The term "Unbound" means, on the basis of the method of post-office, in the special sectors, not the zobov'azan. In other words, the territory is flooded with the right to privately admit the abusers to come in, yakі є nesmіsnim zzobovnazniņi šodo access to the bank abo natsionalnogo regime for the non-terrestrial services of the company.

Acting vypadkas in the counties of order with the word "not a lot" can be put to the sign "zirochka." Tse means that a specific supply can not be delivered through technical reasons, that is technically inconvenient for a given sector.

Більшість розкладів не містять обмежень в горизонтальній частині граіку стосовно способів поставки 1 та 2 (transkorodonne postavannya tazhivannya for the cordon). Odak bilshist kraine zastosovuyot obmezhennya schodo sposob of delivery 3 ta 4 (commercial presence and presence of phisical osib). Such a situation, the head clan of the warehouse, is for a raunch of that, but the breadth of the land is majestic, rare, and expensive, and the same is true of the earthly inhabited.

Yak was called the whip, Stattya IІ GATS "The regime of Naybilshogo sprijannya" permitting zashosuvannya members zahodіv, yakі not uzhozhzhuyutsya n regiment naybіlshogo sprijannya. So, come in, smell the buti introduced before Pereliku viluceni to the regime of the niblilshogo spryannya, scho є other part of the rozkladu.

Vzagalі zobov'yannya for rozkladom mozhut bouti modifikovanі abo vіdіzvіnі, аle tse vіvіonno sovprovodzhuyutsya negotiating process з країнами, на які такі зміни матимуть вплив. Bilsh addition, kraїni on yak negatively vplyivayut soi zmіni majut the right to otrimannya kompensatsii.

On the other side, be it the edge of the world, you can poglibitize yourself to get access to the market at any time, that modifikuvati zgіdno zі zminіami svy rozklad. Oskilki zobov'yazanya kraine shodo vidkrtya to the sector have been left as residual, then zobov'yanya at the national rozklady практи practically with guaranteed guarantees for the post-graduate expatriates and assistants. Naprikinzi 1999 in the SOT boulo 135 national Rozkladiv obedient, yaki hunted 160 sights in the service. Більшість розкладів є досить частлізованимими those great for the oath of the documents, especially tsenesuetsya rozvineny kraїn, yakі mozyut zobov'yanya at bagatooh sectors. Zhoden z rozkladіv not є totozhnіm hoca б ще with one. Bring up the urine, uki kozhen z uryadіv pidtrimyu schodo access to the national and national regime for the skin type diyalnost.