The global trading system: rozvitok institutes, rules, labor of SOT - Tsigankova TM

4.2. Торгівля і конкуренна політика

4.2.1. Competitive polity Yak element of the economy

The term " competitive polity " is very broad. In nayshirshomu rozumіnnі, він вклює всі політики, які мають відношення до ринкої рітціїї, including trade in the policy, regulative policy, order of the anti-competitive actions of the organizations and forms of government. In nayvuzhchomu rozuminni, terminov zastosovuyutsya up to the law chi politik, yaki regulyuyut anticompetent behavior pidpriemstv [23]. In the be-yakomu vipadku, competitive polity - a part of the system of norms, yakі pidtrimyut robot rinkovoi ekonomiki. Її ціль - забезпечення конкурсного середовища діяльності суб'єктів економіки. Significantly, the term "competitive polity" and "antimonopoly polity" are absolutely total. Історично склалося, що країни Західної Європи, по причині початкової спрямованості законодавства на підтримку та розвиток конкуренції, обралили терміни "конкурне право" that "competitively legislation". On the other side - postsocialistichnye kraїni, the economy of some bullets are blocked, they are termed "antimonopoly law" and "antimonopoly legislation". The American variant - "antitrust legislation" is explained by the historical draft of the capitalism.

In the course of the hour, active discussions were held about the disparity of the analysis of the bagatopolitan international norms of competition, the prototypes, the presence of conceptualities and practical problems that are not namenshuyu yakih і vіsutnіst such norms approximately in half of the member-states Світової оргаізації торгівлі (СОТ), уклакладнює цей процес For giving Робочої Groups, Yak bula striarena at the Sinhapursky conference SOT on rivnі mіnіstrіv, із 144 Membership in competition legislation wields about 80 kraisn, including 50 kraїn, sho rozvivayutsya t z perehidnoyu ekonomikoyu [23]. Tim is not less, ñ a sphere, in which there is a canopy that is zastosuvannya mіzhnarpennyh norms.

The problem of secrecy in the framework of SOT bagatopolyonnyh norms of competitive polity, miemo on meti vidposti for two basic pityannya: rosglyadayuchi problem in the framework of the COT, in some cases, the scrap of the international norms of competitive politics knew its identity in the order of the international commercial trade, that, in a different way, Цієї політики в контексті її співвідношення з торговою політикою та осноними цілями діяльності СОТ.

For досягнення it is delivered it is not necessary виконати наступні завдання:

Z'yasuvati the role of competitive politics in the national economy;

Viznachiti vimogi, yakі to put globalizatsiya schodo dії norms natsionalnyh competitive polity;

Otsіniti arguments on the cortege of bagatopolyannih mіzhnarinskih norms of competitive polity and vimogi before the distribution;

Proanalizuvati zv'yazok mezh trading that competitive.

The budget of the national economy and the economy is based on self-regulation in the financial system. Competition itself is the basis of the functioning of the Rink Mechanism. Конкуренція забезпечує найбільш повне і якісне задоволення потреб споживачів, ефективне використання ресурсів, and stimulate viroblnctvо інноваційні processes.

Significance of competition has been established for a long time. Shche A.Smyt vvazhal, sho rivalcii garmonizuє індивідуальні інтереси sub'єктів годарювання, шо вона є regulator of the special egoism, zavdyaki chоm reach the economical рівновага, що rivalry stimuljєє nеbіlsh efektivne vіkoristanі mozhneniye vіznіhі resources, vіrіvnjuє popit i proposіcііyu, vіdnovlyuє proporіtsііnіstі tі tіn. , Tobto zdіysnyuє self-regulating economics [5, p.181]. On the duma of the Ukrainian economist, L. Erhard, one of the most interesting places in the country is the protection of foreign competition. Вільна власна ініціатива и конкуренція повинні поєднуватися з активю роллю держави в господарському житті. The main criterions are freedom, for L.Erkhard, "freedom of solicitude, scho" to know its logic in the freedom of the child, and sell it to the products that are in the way of the popul ... "[5]. Leonard Waverman, professor of economics at the University of Toronto, is entrusted with the task of not economically combating competitiveness, but at the same time competing with him, poklikanimi zabezpechuvati kindness spozhivachich. Він також додає: "Competitive polітика підтримує загальний соціальний добробут і забезпечує sufficiency yak у споживачів so і у виробників" [20]. Prote, A.Marshall vіdmіtiv, scho itself compete, yaka pіdtrimuєtsya power, objectively stlyuє monopolії [5]. Tsei fact explain the duality of the state regulation of competition: from one side, pitrimno pidtrimuvati good-natured competition, and the other, - borotisya e ekonomichnoyu diyalnistyu, sent to monopolize that not benign competition.

Thus, for the effective function of the market, the system of legal norms , which are guaranteed by law, includes the rights of intellectual property, and such legal mechanisms as transition. It is one important element of the legal protection of the banking system - the norms of corporate governance and the procedure for the bankruptcy of claims. Competitive polity is an additional system for the system and represents a system of legal, economical and organizational-administrative nature that is aimed at shaping the competitive middle ground, rozvitok and zakhistheskoe rivalry, and the struggle with criminals of a good antimonopoly legislation.

An anticompetitive disposition is represented by the singing forms of practice, such as horizontal horizons, vertical housekeeping, znozhivannya monopole ownership, zlittya that poglinannya company. The competition may be znevilejovana, napriklad, cartel-like lands mizh participants one rinku na unikennya rivalry (horizontals). In the COT viriznyayut three tipi kartelіv, basing on horizontal land: cartel simulators, yakі ob'edniyot natsionalnymi importeriv with the method of boycotting chi komktivnoi vidmovi vіd vedenna cz znozemnymi rivals; Ekzporterіv, yakі at his chergo podilyayutsya to "clean" (ob'ednuyutisu syusilya viklychno na zvonnіshnіh rinkah) that "zmіshanі" (alignment for uniqueness of competition yak on zovnіshnіh rinkah, i і na vnutrishnіh) t mіzh international, yakі dіyut on decilk natsionalnyh rinkah Rozglyadayuchi їх як цілісну system. For prihovannya mizharbarnyh kartelnih ugod їх participants often zastosovuyut taku form ob'ednan yak spіlnі pіdpriєmstva abo strategііchnі alliance on the bases of the science and doslіdnitskikh ta design and construction robots (R & D).

The emerging form of anticompetitive practices is the vertical housekeeping company with its own copyists and postal workers. Practice of vertical ubod includes:

Commercial operations, yakі nadaayut viborki to distributors in the method of ugrymania їх vіd robotі produktsієy rivalіv;

Vplyv on the geography of roboti kanalіv rozpodіlennya;

Vplyiv on marketingu diyalnist distributors.

Іншою формою діяльності, яка представляє інтерес для конкуренної політики, і зловживання домінуванням або зловживання монопольною владою. З цією категорією зловживань is affected:

Вибіркове виконання контрактів;

Здійснення пов'язаних продажів, if kupuyuchi goods pevnії trade marks, vigіdnim stіє іnkomіnі іnshogo tsієї zhі brand;

Control of the subsurface resources and important channels of supplying chi rozpodilennya;

Pozbavlenya rivalryv access to resources through the vertical integration;

Vstanovlenya tsіn vishchih for rivalry (grabіжницьке ціноуворення).

The same form of the rinkovoi diyal'nosti, yaka, is known as the control of the state bodies, опера the operations in the zlitty ta loafed company, yaki buivayut: horizontal, vertical and that conglomerate. Останні інтегрують фірми різних сферы бізнесу і майже не викликають недовіри у конкурентых оргаів. Horizontal and vertical zlivannya kompanіy mozhut slychchiti prokumulyuvannya monopolnoy vladi.

Naybіlsh negative vplyu on the bench cope: grabіzhnitske tsinotvorennya that negative marketingovaya practice, yaka manifested itself, napriklad, nadanni omanliї advertising information.

Stvorennya vidpovidnogo competitive legislation that control over yogo vikonannyam form of normative and legal riven konkurentnoy polity. Vazhlivim is the form of that function of the organi zation of the rivalry of the competitive politicians, which is the precedence of the secession of the sovereign powers: the authority of the vikonavchoy vladim, in which the form of the competitive middle ground has been pawned in order to crush the fine antimonopoly legislation. [7]

Naiibilsh is committed to the system of competition law, so in the United States, Ukraine, Canada and Japan, it is necessary to improve the financing of the state budget, and to break the rules of independence. The role of such installations includes the provision of information, which are subject to accrued claims for competition and competition, before vestiges of good antimonopoly legislation. In the US, on the contrary, the bagat of antitrust standards should be brought before the vikonannya navyat tsivilnih courts. In the interlocutors, the jurisdictional national antimonopoly organiza- tions are responsible for the stan- ding competition against the regulatory courts and tribunals. Pervasions of such structures are the reform of the rule of competition law. Nigolovnіshuyu vimogoju to the subordinate organ, the order of the functional nezalezhnіstyu, is guilty of stati - prozorіst diyalnostі, tobto nayavnіst goodness rozvineny systems publichnogo rozkrtya admіnistrativnykh protsessy, napriklad, Kanadske Bureau for the supply of rivalry species "Dovіdnik" yakim nadyayutsya clarification usіh rіshen shchodo zastosuvannya kontraktnogo legislatstva [19 , C. 22].