Fundamentals of managing personnel - Khramov V.O.

3.3. Стилиі управління

Yak znachalosya, the process of management is characterized by the visions of the peasants and peasants. Внутрішня "логіка" вид цих відносин і способбу набуття их конкретних форм, спосіб прийняття рішення і and transfer zavdan піддлеглим називається стилем управління.

The eyesight style of management, the treb of physicians two aspects. In a nutshell, kerivnik can priinyati rishennya on the corridor of that chi іnshogo style and thim themselves viznachity spisіb regulyuvannya svoїh vіdnosin z pіdleglimi. The other aspect includes the indivisual aspect of the management process: the style is manifested in specific situations, yakі vinikayut mіzh kerivnikami ta їh pіdleglіmi. Particularity kerivnika vplivaye on the style of management, abo, exact, yogo stavlennya to upravlenya. Those you can tell about the role of the concrete situation and the warehouse of the collective.

Behind the vibor of the pioneer style is to control the specific character of the people. The style of management is viznachaetsya takozh suspilstvo і zalizhit vіd poglyadіv on those yak neobhіdno reguljuvati vіdnosini subordinatsії. Until nezriloї people, yak principally not vmіє pratsyuvati, dotsilno zastosovuvati authoritarian style of management. In the course of time, rosewine is susceptible to democratic character, yogo gromadyany take the fate of the state corporate governance. Rozvinuti type of people form in the system of management of democratic sospilstva.

The main authority is management. In the kitchen, the food for the yogurt yogo is molded. Vcheni ta kerivniki viznayut important role to the authority, competency of the critical criterions priinyattya rіshen for dіyalnіі organіzіcії. Zmіnjutsya lisha basis on yakі grounded the authority. Відомі тлумачення поняття ієррхії й authority vzhe zastorіli, and that demanded clarification. The authority does not viznachaetsya tilki obymanoyu posadoyu in ієрархічній structuresі, zvannyam, kontrolyuchimi povnovazhennyami іnformatsіynim monopolіizmom, and pererably є naslіdkom vplyvu cooperative style of management, pragnennya up pravtsi, activity, managerial culture and were forced to perekonannya, zumovlenya znannyam.

Model of management styles

Існує стільки стилів управління, скільки є організацій і керівників. Nasampered viznachimo typology stilіv upravlennya.

З усіх можливих стилів управління on the first plan to be in the authoritarian and the liberal. Rozriznyayut so tak form of authoritarian style: charismatic, autocratic and bureaucratic.

Odnією з відомих models стилів управління є так звана біхевіоральна реітка, it is motivated in two people - for people (people's turbot), that's for the zavodnya (turbot for the vibrobit). [2]. In this model, I will show signs of the parameters to be evaluated one to one hundred miles, then 81 management style, which is basic, is shown (Fig. 11). Typology of styles is described in [17; 20].

In the management of management, there are two types of management - authoritarian and cooperative.

Authoritarian and Cooperative Management Styles

Rozglyanemo vidmіnostі mіzh authoritarian and cooperative (in special lіterature yogo nazivayut shchu partiticipativnim) styles of management of the hallways in the step of the activity of the keeper and those who are invited to the process of getting the riches and realizations of the funds (the process of management). Tsі stilі can not be spotted in the same place one by one, the same is stinking of the boundary values ​​of one continuum. Ninі їх дуже рідко застосовуть у чистому вигляді (хіба тільки в дуже малих фірмах), скоріше йдеться about змішані формаі різні градації, які perebuvayut mezhakh tsikh magnitudes. The graph is shown in Fig. 12.

For the authoritarian style of managing the active side є kerivnik, pidllegli povoditsya passively. Prior to the typewriters, you know how to authoritatively style:

• priinyattya rishennya, vikonannya that control - to enter the competence of a few people;

• kerivnik priymaє rіshennya in a one-syllable order і дає вказівки;

• підлеглег беззастережно сприймає вказівки і виконує їх;

• kerivnik control of the vikonannya his vkazivok;

• pidlegliy does not have the right to supervise the boss.

Blake-Mouton Blvd.

Fig. 11. The Blich-Mouton Blvd.

Continuum of management styles

Fig. 12. The Continuum of Management Styles

For an authoritarian style, the characteristically insignificant contacts of the keeper and the plodders are to be brought to the extreme polarization stage. Відчуття у підлеглегх причетності до виконання загального завдання майже відсутєє. For an authoritarian style, it is characteristic for the first hearing, for disciplining, for building, and for preparing for captivity, that it is unconstitutional.

For the cooperative style, the management of activity is rozpodilyaetsya mіzh kerivnikom і підлеглими.

Naiharakternsi signs co-operative style:

• the letter to the person in charge of the functions of the shodo priinyattya rishen, ikh vikonannya ta control;

• to take the fate of the process of receiving priests;

• control is re-rooted in self-control, arranging for vikonannya zavdanya;

• pidlleglі mait the right to supervise the head of the company.

The cooperative style of management is peredovlyuє підлеглого на співробітника. Керівник і співробітники працюють над спільним завданням і потрібні one to one. Відносини підносилості стають менш вираеними; At the process of robot kerіvnitsvto dovіryє spivrobіtnikam; Stink of self, muyut mozhnosty for a special rozvitka that self-actualization; Rozvivayutsya vіdchuttya grupovoy zgurtovnostі ta іdentіfіkatsії im z pіdpriєmstvom і yogo zavdannyami.

Dali imposed a gradation of steps of the participants in the authoritarian and cooperative styles of management.

Vicorestania is the chief privnovazhen priimati rishennya i davati rozporyadzhennya

Ступінь свободи співробітників

Virishuyu that punished chief

The chief virishuyu ta punished, one

Обгрунтовуує рішення














Head of proponou discuss the problem that viznachaє interi priinyattya rіshen spivrobitnikami

The head of the project is the project, rozroblenogo at once, with spyvrobitnikami

By the style of management, the singing of organi- zations is carried out. For the authoritarian style, the process of writing positively is harshly centered, and the rozporyadzhennya are cursed down. Co-operative style vneshachaє bіlshu decentralіzіcіyu, rіshennya priymayutsya na vіdpііdnomu рівні, обминаючи багато інстанцій.

"Optimal" style "management"

The effectiveness of that chi іnshogo style of management is the subject of science and technology empowerments, one after the result of the results on the corridor yakogos one style is left unsolved. Criterieme efektivnosti stylu ubovlіnnia є yogo vplyv on pratssejlubnіst і produktivnist, komblіktnіst i robochu atmosphere.

The style of management is defined by factors. Bezsedreddno yogo formvannya vplyivat especiality kerivnika, yogo positsіya t tsinosti. Zrozumilo, scho tim, hto shilny to adventurism, recommend that the cooperative style can be lishe mentally.

Slid takozh urahovuvaty warehouse kolktivu that osobistostisti spivobentnikiv. Tі, hto zvik up to authoritarian control, you can not odzrazu "peredbudovatisya" on the cooperative style, a kind of vobachaє vіdchuttya відповідальності зїїхнього боку. Those sama stosuesyatsya th authoritarian style, yakomu from the very beginning of the programmed confocal. Moreover, the specific situation of the chi is the setting of an uncontrolled zavadnja may be demanded by an unconventional leader, in the form of an official style of management (if you change the number, if the shvidko priinyati rishennya obo kolly nazhayut nazvichainya obtstani). For such situations, the co-operative style of the guilt is guilty, vikoristovochchi its own, and authoritarian. Проте навіть діючи authoritatively, "cooperative" керівник is guilty of vyslovljuvatis at priyonyatnomu tone.

I will look at the reasons for the actions of the author of the invasion, but you can talk about the situationally correct management style. Tse zbіgayatsya z rannіshe vzhe vyslovlennuyu dumkoju, sho stilіv upravlennya stilki, skilki kerіvnikіv i situatsіy.

The "optimal" style of managing the mozhnivniy mozhlivy lisha for the habits of harmony poyednannya ta vzemodії prioryv, priinyatih v organizatsii, stilu upravlennya ta adnitel'no predstavleni ситуа situatsії organizatsіyno povedinki kerivnikiv.