Fundamentals of managing personnel - Khramov V.O.

3.4. Methods of management

In the methodical methods (concept) management, the effectiveness of the "human factor" is to be perfected, and the "management of human resources" is the key to them "[19; 20, rozd. 6].

The rules and methods of management are divided into management by part of the management of the managerial styles, so that the very rules of the behavior are imposed, and the management of the staff is mastered, and the method of management is destroyed by the management method. The methods of management have an environment of elements of the concept of management and management of personnel. Розглянемо основні методи (концепції) Management.

Viznachennya vinyatkovyh situatsy

Tsya kontseotsіya vyhodit z oo, sho kozhny vіddіl abo pіdrozdіl otrimyє pevniy complex zavdan i samostіyno vikonuє їх. Тільки у виняткових випадках, if vyyavlyayutsya vidhilennya in досягненні поставленої мети, ahead of time втучання вищої інстанції у прийняття рішення та перебіг подій.

The meta-principle to the principle of the field is in the fact that the name of the kerivnitsu organizatsii in the routine robotics; Peredachaet chitke viznachennya tsilei i kompetentciy, and takozh zazyk nazvichaynih situatsі (so zavanih critically important).

It is problematic for the tsvomu zv'yazku є te, scho іnodi importantly rozmozhuvati zvichaini ta nazzvichaini situatsії.

Визначєння цілей

Відповідно до цієї концепції в основі управління лежи система цілей, їх structure та дія. Керівництво оргаізації і керівники нижних рівнів управління once разробляють чітку й завершену концепцію цілей, яка is not guilty of having unsatisfactory subcategories, already to nainizhchih інстанцій. Проміжні цілі й субцілі мають бути так взаємопов'язані, Щоб кожний співробітник, виконуючи заданяня, water hour is the fate of the pre-contracted basic organiсation.

Meta tiogo method of management of the field is in that, the "rozvantazhiti" kerіvnitsvtu organizatsii, viluchivshi yogo z proizvodstvu realizatsii (ale not formvaniya) tsіley. Freedom dіy, яка існує for such a method, має підвищувати мотивацію співробітників і розвивати їхню ініціативу.

Problems vimnikuti vimechnuti is very important, if kerivniki vtrychayutsya in the lower levels and in the authoritarian order vysnachayut tsil, and takozh vz vy vikinnennya konfliktiv.


For this method of management vikonannya zavdan, povnovazhennya and vidpovidalnist for vikonuvanu robot deliguyutsya on the lower riven. The meta-cogo method of polygraphy in the development of posttemporary communications and the maximum realiza- tion of buildings. Zavdannya kerivnika - viznachati tsіlі i zdіysnjuvati the control.

Deleuguvannya zvіlnya kerіvnitsvo vіd rutinnoї roboty priinyattya pity rіshen. Kervivnik may prisvyatiti svy robochy hour vlasne upravlinnu, to that scho pevniv povnovazhennya vin sfere pidleglim.

Проте дегувати можно тільки відповідальність за певні дії. And for the management of the management of the nadal lie on kerivniki, in zvjazku zimim vin zavzhdi mozhe vtrutishis v oblvazhenzhen pidleglich. Вірогідна небезпека бюрократизації, якщо descriptive and directive занадто детальлізовані. Tom slid zavzhdi pidtrimuvati gnuchkist sistemi, scho umozhlivit shvidke reaguvannya on zmіni (napriklad, timchasovi rishennya, strenennya project groups).


The concept is grounded on the fact that the moths are immune to spying, they can mute the ability to self-actualize in the interrelationships of their own organization, to identify oneself with it and to beat the daughters of її tsіley. At the intersection of the method of motivation for the satisfaction of consumers in the future of the country, the freedom of maneuver is self-fulfilling. Before spivrobitnikami put seryoznі zavdannya і zaohchuyut їх for posivnnі rozv'yazki tsikh zavdan.

For motivation in the organization, the system of incentives, yak pobachacho groshivi zaohochennya, zdіysnennya nasynoi sotsіalnogo politsiki ta vіdpіdnoy obladnuvannya roochih mіts.

Proanalizovany methods majut zagalny character and itself on the basis of not talking about the management of concepts. Okremi method maiyut vykik spilnі znaki. Napriklad, efektivne devuguvannya povolovazhen mozhilove tilki for chitkoї staging zavdan. Management viznachennya vinyatkovyh situatsі mozhlivy tilki todi, if delegated pevnі povnovazhennya.


Otzhe, Mi have looked through nayvazhvalіshi components of the systems of management of personnel, to the warehouse to enter zasobi, the principle of styli management, and the method of management.

Principles of management of maiyut roses'yasnuvati tsіlі. Вони vyznachayut zagalnyі interi organizatsіynoї povedinki kerіvnikіiv і upravlinskih vіdnosin kerіvnikіv і підлеглих, закріплюють управлінські позиції керівництва оргаізації що стацвлення до человеської праці.

For zdіysnennya management of personnel kerіvnitstvo organizatsii zastosovu pevnі zasobi upravlennya. Ті з them, які bezoberedenno vikoristovuytsya for upravlennya, nazivayutsya straight. Prior to them lie delegate obnovazheny і zavdan, obogovorennya in kolektivyi besidi zі spivobritnikami, criticism ta zaochochennya, service visibility and control over the results of robotics, information on that kommunikatsiya, directive and vkazivki.

To indirect control over the management of the planting characteristics of the robot's face and the spivobitnik. Wants a mild organi zation character, protested against the process of managing staff. At the managerial level, there is an informal atmosphere and a robot atmosphere.

Management style viznachaє vidosnoni kerivnika ta pidlleglih. With the use of a solemn continuum of stylistics for management, I have to lie down, zokrem, authoritarian and cooperative style.

Methods of management vidobrazhayut part of the spectrum of all the problems of management - the setting of tsilia, deignuvannya povnovazhen, motivation and management in extreme expirations. Often, stink close for zmistom and demanding dotsilnogo kombinacii.

Vazhlivoyu shodo efektivnostі zdіysnennya upravlennya є optimal kombinatsiya yogo okremih parts. The rules of managing the style of the image are vividly defined as the pasting of the singers in management and management methods.

Controlling food

1. Which parts do you have for managing the personnel?

2. Manage the management. Do chomu polagayє vidmіnnіst priimy zabobіv upravlynnia vіd neprjamih?

3. Causes vinikennya informal groups. Yaka nebezpeka zapamyana zim?

4. What is the continuum of management styles?

5. In the case of the management of the field through the identification of the values?