Fundamentals of managing personnel - Khramov V.O.

Chapter 5. Non-Effective Management

5.1. Basic principles of organization and organization

By the end of the hour, vypadki were involved, if the organi zations (firmi) were to be recruited from the crisis bankruptcy system. Applied to Whom you can bring Bagato. Shcho can stati cause the collapse of the company?

Економічні та суспільні умови, в яких нині діють оргаізації, characterized by permanent zmіami, tobto unstable. On the cob of the 90's rock XX century. At rozvineny kraїnakh svіtu fіrmі з novіmі іdeiіy y know-how zіtkulisya z actually nenasicheniimi rinkami. Not-zadovolenyu popit zabezpechiv їм usпішну діяльність і постійний розвиток.

Ninі in the powers, worries on the terriers of the colossal SRSF, the situation of the zhledіlshogo taka: nenasicheni rinki, active innozemnyi rivals, zastryannya rivalry, active pragnennya to sotsіalno-ekonomichnogo rozvitku.

Suspilny rozvitok namagaetsya stati stabilnim t bezpechnym. The model of the model is that of the people. Наприклад, нині поняття "авторитет" і "ієрархія" сприймаються інакше, ніж одразу після Друї світової війни.

For the protection of the organisation in such instincts, that administrative control is necessary to secure the postprocessing of products, services, technology, management and management.

5.2. Non-effective management: the causes of the situation

Pardons are allowed in the case of the organization: mozhliva wrong otsinka rinkovoї situation; The new product can not be expected to be unpromising. Proteh collapse organizatsii zumovlyuetsya not pore peace. Kriza (and in naygirshomu vipadku - collapse) vinikaє tilki v razi repeated pomilok і priinyattya wrong rishen.

Non-effective management - tse nezdatnіst priymati correct rіshennya, schо відповідають needs of the market.

The main causes of the crisis in the organization are:

• pardon in the strategic planed conceptual approach;

• amateurish pidhid to management;

• істотні розбіжності й конфлікти між are enlarged by those who are grups;

• nevmіnnya correctly staviti tsіlі before працівниками та зацікавлювати їх;

• to supervise the inspection.

Non-effective management є naslіdkom pomilok і priinyattya wrong rіshen concrete people - managerіv abo vlasnikіv fіrm, and not the result of a fatal zbіgu обставин.

On management negatively vplyivayut takі situation:

• If the time, yakі trivaly hour pratsyuvali efektivno, prodovzhyut dyati for old recipes, yakshcho in dyah kerivnitsva vіsutsya gnuchkist, vono not sprimaye critics, and protiv firmi, rezacinivshi vlasnі mozmolisti, prodovzhyut rozshyuvatis;

• firmi majut "rahіtichny" bureaucratic aparat, scho, yak rule, the power of great organisatsiyam, organizatsiyna structure of some uncontrolled sprawl, and that - uneconomical vnasledok many of the countries and organizations in the clear and direct visions;

• At kerіvnitstvі vidbuvayetsya fights for the land, існує нехохована ворожість, здійснюється взаємне blockbustion рішень, панує кумівство, кругова порука;

• Vlada is zoomed in by the fact of the authority for visibility of the manager; Tse often traplietsya in simeiynyh firmah, yakshcho vlasniki (abo spadkoyemtsi) pochinayut robot, if vonine nato young people do not smudge potrybnyh znan z upravlenya, realizovat his zadumi in authoritarian order and uncontrollably;

• Відсутні концептуальні підходи до управління, панує нефективний управінський стиль, співробітники недотньо поінформовані, do not take the participant in прийнятті рішень; On tsiomu tlі kerivnitsvto v'yazne beside dribnitsah; Відсутні виразні цілеспрямування.

For active firm authorities, one-time access to the descriptions of the non-residents, through the insurance of the goods and services, and the admission of the kvalifikovaniyah manageriov and spivoventnikov. Такі фірми нерентабельні, їх переслідують невдачі, серед їхніх працівників переважають посередності. Tom in the subfamilies often criss-cross, and in nigyrshimu vipadku їh check of the sales of the hammer. Especially often, crises are forced on the family fairs, the abuses of the middle organizations, the wealth of wealth, as a rule, is not great, it is the owners of the banks that the post-builders spend before the nidovir.