Криміналістика - Біленчук П.Д.


Vynnepalna zbroya - tse priststrіy, in yakomu for vil'otu kulі z channel trunk vikoristvuyutsya енергія хімічного розкладу вибуховихх речовин. For virishennya pitaniya, chi nalezhit subject to vneknepalnoy zbroї, krіm established zagalіїї znakki - tsіlovogo iznachennya, neobhіdno, schob vіn zadovolnіvі soії критерії:

• for the methane of the shell, mia bouti vikoristana energy, yaka utovoriyatsya pіd hour zgoryannya vibuhovoy rechovini (gunpowder іn.);

• The subject is blamed by the mother of the trunk for straightening the ruff of the projectile;

• Implication of the object of the appendages for locking the trunk channel for the ignition charge;

• Availability of hostile weapons;

• Availability of the design of the object.

The first three criterias can be visually assessed, looking around at the site. Criticism of design and construction is impartial, it is impossible to build one post one. The hostile strength of the projectile becomes less than 0.005 kg / mm2.

Судова балістика досліджує тільки ту вогнепальну зброю та боєприпаси до неї, які застосовуть злочинці for вчинення злочинів. This is the manual stripe of the zombie. Знати її будову та конструктивні особливості необхідно для одержання інформації about обложни злочинної діяльності із застосуванням зброї.

Handwork vognepalnu zbroyu klassifikuyut so:

• for tsіlovim prisyachennyam - boevo (gvintyvki, kabarini, automatic, pistol, revolver, rushnitsi gladkostvolnyi spetsialnogo ta bogoyovogo predpochennya tochno), mislivska (rushnitsy riznikh systems, missivski karabini, fittings), sportivna (trenuvalna t tsil'ova zbroya - dribnokal'nyi gvintivki, sportivnyi pіstileti );

• at the automation stage - automatic, automatic, self-loading;

• for the method of charge, it is exogenous, dazzling;

• for kіlkіsty стволів - one, two-хта bag-hanging;

• for kіlkіstyu zaryadіv - one-one bagatozaryadna;

• for constructive features of the trunk - smooth-bore, naryzna, smooth-naked (with a paradox);

• for caliber - small calico (up to 6.5 mm), middle caliber (6.5-9 mm), that is large-caliber (about 9 mm);

• for the way vygonovlenya - factory, artisan (prepared by the mayor-rabble special technician at artisanal instincts, without re-establishing the standard, and, as a rule, by small parties), that samobrobna (vigotovlyayutsya, yak rule, in the original material, and in some cases partially zastosuvannam okremih part Zavodskogo vygotovlenya);

• for the special design - standard, non-standard and atypov.

Nonstandard zbroja має певні конструктивні відхилення порівняно зі standard zbroyєy analog type - menshu dovzhinu trunk chi lodge. Up to the group of nalazhat bagatostvolnі пістолети that revolver, обрізи гвинтівок і мисливської зброї. Velike znachennya maє pitannya about kriterii rozmezhuvannya obriziv that vidyv zbroї, z yakih vony vigotovleni. Viyavleno, scho vkorochchennaya barrel missilskoy rushnitsi up to 500 mm (including the chamber) є mezheyu, pose as a rushnya vtrachaya balistichnі vlastovostі misliiskoi zbroї і nabiєa znakost іnshoї zbroї - boyovoy, predstavlenoї for vozhenzhennia zhіlі tsіlі na blizkih vіstaney. Yaksho dovzhina trunk transplant 500 mm і a bed is not shortened, such rushnitsa nalezhit to rushnitsa polegshenoї design. Atipova zbroya takozh vіrdіznyayatsya non-standard construction, ale basic її specialty є maskkuvannya під be-yakі stimuliі rechі - fountain pens, parasolki та ін. Until this type of leaning takozh add-ons for the page, perebobleni z budivelno-montage of those starting pistolets, rocket launchers.

Skin kind of zbroї maє specifichnu konstruktiyu, sho vidpіdієє її tsіlovomu prisochennju; Spilnym signs - trunk, shock-triggered mehanizm (pristriy for zaplyuvannya vibuhovoy rechovini) and attachments for zakravannya channel of the trunk.

The trunk of recognition for rectification is the polka kuli (projectile). One of the trunks of the trunk of dildos is in the dia- metereter and is nazivayatsya chamber, abo gazennuyu part, and others - muzzle, odolnyu part. At the chamber we fill the cartridge with powder and shell. Intrinsic stinks to the channel of the barrel of the fight and the sport of waving gintopodibnyi grooves - narisi. Tom taka zbroya nazivaetsya nariznoyu. Vidit mizh narizami nazivayutsya fields. In the case of the models of vichtznyano zbroї є chotori narizi, yakі v'yutsya zlіva vgoru to the right. In okremih inozemnih zrazkah pobabacheno ponad chotiri narizi. Нарізи надають кулі обертального руху, який it is positive впливає on влучність стрільби. The trunks of the mission of evil do not mend the narratives, to that they call smooth-bore. To polish the battlefields of the anchors, the barrel part of the barrel in the above types of sounds is sounded (the choke), and the most colorful narrative (paradox).

The diameter of the trunk channel is called caliber. At nariznyi zbroї yogo vimiryuyut u mіlimetra mіzh dyma protylezhnimi fields. Бойова вітчизняна зброя має калібри 5,45; 6.35; 7.62; 9.0 mm; Is athletic - 5,6 mm. Caliber of missile, special, battle smooth - bore cross - section (diameter) of the trunk channel; Viznachayut yogo for kilkistyu round lead cullet, but for a diameter to go to the trunk of the trunk and vidlitі from one English pound lead (453.5 g). Найпоширеніші вітчизняні мисливські рушниці мають калібри 12, 16, 20.

Kaliabr zbroya application to the state part of the trunk і на денці гільзи.

Shock and trigger mehanizm і zatvor (pristrіy for zakravannya channel of the trunk) - взаємопо'яна a system of partial zbії, attribution for zaryadzhnya (otkavannya dosilan'ya patrona to the chamber), zakravannya channel of the trunk at the moment poststrilu, rozbittya capsule (descussing the trigger with the battle call) i Rozryadzhanya (vyymannya vіdstrіlyanoї гільзи з патронника), що відбувається під дією енергії порохових газів, які виникають під час пострілу, або вручну. Zalizhno vіd step automatization and the principle of the shock-trigger mechanism of the throttle and the shutter zboya podilyatsya automatic, self-loading and non-automatic.

In the automatic zborye energeyu powihov gasi wikidayatsya shell, zdіysnoyutsya recharging and installation zbroї na boiovyi zvіd. At the result of the attack on the trigger wheel, one post is sent, and the entire cycle is repeated. This is the name of self-loading automatic. Cе пістолети Токарєва (ТТ), Макарова (ПМ), "Parabelum". Якщо після натискання на спусковий гачок відбувається кілька пострілів, така зброя називається самостроільною автоматичною, наприклад пістолет Stєчкіна, automatic АК, ПКШ, ПКС та ін. In nonautomatic zbyra recharging and installation of the shutter on the battlefield, it will be handed over manually. So, for the preparation of gvintyvki to ppilbi slid vidvesti shutter back, potim дослати вперед и закрити ствол; At missilskiy rushnitsi - cut the trunk, insert into the cartridge and close the trunk. Until the nonautomatic zbroyї nalezhat boivovі gvintivki, kabarini, revolver, bilshist mislivskih rushnits.

To poststribu potribny charge, sho sdokdaetsya v vibuchovoy rechovini (gunpowder) і shell (kulі, shrotu). Sucasna is hand-woven viciously stripe zboya buvae odno-ta bagatozaryadnoyu: Pershu pislja kozhny poststril potribno recharging vruchnu, a friend moe spetsialniy pristriy (shop, drum), in yomkom vmischuyutsya kilka podvievyh zaryadiv (tse prikoryuet plylbu).