Management - Vikhansky OS


While in one paradigm

it is difficult to imagine any

another paradigm

A. Smith

Proposed reader tutorial focuses on an extremely complex and multifaceted phenomenon - management. It consists of four parts. The first part of the book deals with management issues concerning the management of the person in the organization, in the second part - governance strategy. The third part is devoted to describing how to build the organization and its management system. Finally, the fourth part of the book outlines the governance dynamics, examines the processes to ensure interaction of individual parts of the organization and its changes.

Listed four parts is preceded by an introductory chapter, which gives a general description of the management, the theoretical view of the nature, essence and management development, as well as the brief lighting of the main approaches, theoretical concepts and views on management, which developed the leading representatives of Western management theory and practice.

Familiarity with these issues will enable the reader to form sufficiently complete picture of what is management as a specific type of activity and what role in the organization of life, and assigned him to play in the moment.