Theory and practice of human resource management - Shchekin GV

3.2. HR strategy and planning

Experience of leading western companies shows the importance of articulating the personnel strategy and principles at the level of economic organization. In the recent past in the company best able to formulate a strategy as an aid to achieve the already defined production and business goals. Many companies own mistakes convinced of the need to take into account the human factor (the presence of certain categories of skilled labor, competent managers to perform specific tasks, the state labor morale, staffing new production personnel, and so on. D.) At the stage of development of a common economic strategy.

Start of new production facilities, lack of trained manpower, unnecessary personnel losses were the impetus for the introduction of "human resources planning", which allowed many companies to go to the set of employees on the basis of five-year forecasts for specialists of various qualification needs, and as a result now they can better and cheaper to meet the need for workers. Firms independently predict long-term staffing needs, develop to ensure their activities. In particular, US companies forecast vacancies being developed based on a number of management positions data. Accounting for future needs allows corporations to accurately orient the development of plans of training and training allowance. An automated information system, serving the needs of service personnel, contain data about employees, including in addition to general biographical information about their qualification data, career aspirations, skills, non-core specialty. Information systems allow, if necessary, to get any selection of personnel -. Age, the functions they perform, positions, qualifications, etc. Special programs are designed for the analysis of information is fired and newly hired employees. Special model allows for five years with high accuracy to predict the state of human resources on the basic elements, test different staffing options and calculate the associated costs.

In the leading Western corporations in the development of business plans for the future primarily weighed reality of certain proposals from the security of the leaders of the right size and type - such as the head-entrepreneur to create a risky enterprise, hard head with the characteristics of an autocrat and a tendency to the balance analysis to obtain the greatest profit in companies with stable sales market, head-reformer for enterprises to be re-profiling, and so on. n. According to the study of the 250 largest corporations, 85 of them are vice-presidents responsible for human resources, were a part of strategic leadership, t. e. directly involved in determining the long-term course of the company.

On strengthening the influence and prestige of the leaders according to data of the American Society for Assistance to personnel management, which unites about 40 thousand members. Today, 43% of the total number of persons responsible for human resources in companies, is vice-president, 32% - by the directors. Today, human services leaders unanimously recognized that starting their careers, they are not even aware what opportunities will open up their profession, not only in terms of improving working conditions, but also in terms of development strategies, saving companies millions of dollars to strengthen the competitive position of firms in the market. It is not so much about the participation in the general economic development strategy (function fairly new), but above all on a careful analysis of the wording and hard carrying personnel policy covering all aspects of HR. In rare cases, and only in large companies, there may be some decentralization in the formation of such a policy. In large and medium-sized companies, there are not only recorded on paper, but also actively working regulations, memoranda, administrative procedures in all important areas of work with personnel recruitment and promotion of employees (including high specificity rules there may be dozens, but they closely linked and to the point, and form), as well as on wages, pensions and so on. n. Following a single personnel policy allows companies not only to avoid the many labor disputes and significant savings, but also, most importantly, to seek higher return on the human factor.

Leading to the concept of human resources are the economic arguments. Central to the evaluation of personnel services is the ratio of personnel expenses and the results obtained. Companies in need of skilled and motivated labor force, go to great expense to interest staff in skilled work; at the same time they can count on the effective use of carefully selected labor force and the most advanced technologies. There has been a significant sectoral and intra-industry differentiation. More significant changes in the advanced sectors, where for the last two decades, several times the level of increased costs for labor; enhance the status and the professional level of personnel services, their technical equipment; became widespread workforce planning.

As a rule, significant training costs reflect the company's commitment to an active personnel policy, designed for a high level of interest in the work of the staff in the company (and possibly through the participation of workers in management or ownership). In this case, the personnel policy usually includes the company's voluntary commitment to introduce an additional social insurance, different benefits for the staff to create a more comfortable working conditions and so on. [2].