Theory and practice of human resource management - Shchekin GV

3.3. The role of the Human Resources Department

The effectiveness of the personnel management system significantly affects the viability of organizations, as it promotes the development of the most valuable corporate resource - human [3]. Success in this area can not be achieved only by means of the allocation of significant financial resources, will require a comprehensive strategy for human resource development. In order to be truly effective, such a strategy should be closely linked to general corporate business development plans, since only in this case it is possible to ensure that the skills of the company's goals. Staff personnel management services should be actively involved in the development of all key decisions in organizations [3].

For example, many Western companies Personnel Management Service coordinates the strategy of training artists realized at the level of the autonomous departments, and carries out the selection of candidates for senior management positions in corporations. Thanks to the successful integration of corporate strategy development and human resources management strategy of the company form a new organizational climate, focused on providing services and mutual support groups.

Strategic Human Resource Management involves active operations specialists in personnel management in three main areas.

Firstly, the selection of employees, making decisions about their travels or termination of contracts should be directed to ensure full compliance with the most individual features professionals and complexity of the tasks assigned to them both now and in the future. This correspondence of individuals and the work should be seen in the dynamics. People are changing and the nature of their activity, so the constant monitoring and analysis of trends such changes allow for a more reasonable approach to the selection of possible career options and the necessary training programs.

Secondly, personnel management office may have some influence on the formation of the task system. It is known that various embodiments Works can be used for all purposes. Thus in some cases, a high level of motivation and accordingly, job satisfaction, while others - on the contrary. The most efficient operating companies try to minimize the number of hierarchical levels and bureaucratic constraints, to maximize the control of local working conditions. In order for the internal labor market in the company developed rapidly, integrated organizational system enabling professional roles to be created. personnel management specialists can offer options for solutions in both the design work and activities, as well as the discussion of institutional mechanisms of vertical and horizontal division of labor and coordination. It should be noted that today many companies HR services staff status does not allow them to successfully perform the review of the role, but effectively operating companies such opportunities already exist.

Thirdly, the staff of this service are directly and indirectly responsible for the efficiency of information management software. Direct responsibility is manifested in decisions about how to move workers from one place to another, to provide candidates with the necessary information and providing appropriate training. Exclusive focus on moving "up" makes the personnel management system too rigid and limits its possibilities. More flexibility provides a combination of horizontal and vertical movement, which is used in many leading companies. Indirect responsibilities of HR services is that they have to bring the contents of a corporate-wide personnel policies to all line managers who are responsible for the selection and movement of staff in their departments. Managers of all levels, professionals and ordinary workers should receive information on the trends of development of professional qualifications and the needs of the organization. [3]


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