Theory and practice of human resource management - Shchekin GV

11. Methods for determining staffing requirements

11.1. Planning the number and composition of employees

The main form of planning and organization of activity of the enterprises is a plan for economic and social development (by year). The company develops and approves plans through the use of various input data and control figures, state orders, long-term economic standards, as well as direct customer orders for products, works or services. When planning for economic and social development, the company determines the total number of employees, their professional and qualification structure, the states said.

The initial data for determining the required number of workers, their professional and qualification structure are production program, production quotas, planned growth increase productivity, work structure. When aggregated calculations the total requirement of the enterprise (association) in blocks (B) is determined by the ratio of the volume of production (Gn) to the planned output per worker (B):

More accurate calculations of the number needed to carry out separately for staff categories: for work-piece workers - based on the complexity of the product, production time and the level of compliance with the rules; for working-time-worker - taking into account the complexity of secure areas and service standards in staff, the complexity of standardized tasks, fund of working time; for students - taking into account the training needs of new workers and the planned period of study; for staff and fire-protection watchdog - based model rules and staffing.

In addition to general release yet more need for personnel, which is the difference between total demand and the actual presence of staff at the beginning of the plan period. Additional demand for labor force is calculated for the planned year and for each quarter, as the volume of production and the decline in quarterly operating uneven. Further demand for specialists define the planning year in the number of vacancies on the basis of approved states, as well as the expected disposal of these workers, for various reasons, and the partial replacement of practitioners.

The total demand for specialists is determined depending on the complexity of the functions assigned, span of control, the degree of mechanization and management, taking into account the typical staffing. The increase in the current circumstances the role of the higher education system is the need to improve the level of planning training and improve the effectiveness of their use. The total demand for specialists (A) is the sum of:

where h - the number of experts in the industry, the region, the company at the beginning of the planning period; D - extra need for specialists. The calculation of the additional demand for specialists includes three main elements:

• development of the industry, ie, science-based definition of the necessary requirements for growth posts filled by experts in connection with the expansion of production and increase in the volume of work..;

• partial replacement of practitioners who hold positions of specialists with higher education;

• reimbursement of attrition of employees holding positions of specialists and managers.

Additional requirements for the growth of the posts (Rn) (the development of the sector, region, enterprise) is the difference of the overall need for specialists for the planned (A mp) and the base (A 6), and periods determined by the formula

Additional requirements for the partial replacement of practitioners is determined taking into account the possibilities of training in higher educational institutions on the job. Additional demand for reimbursement of the natural disposal experts and practitioners is based on the analysis of patterns of their disposal. As practice shows, the size of the natural disposal experts and practitioners, specialists replacement positions is not more than a year of 2-4% of their total number. Additional demand for reimbursement of the natural disposal specialists (D c) is calculated by multiplying the total demand for specialists in the planning period A Square) at an average annual rate of disposal experts and practitioners (kV):