Theory and practice of human resource management - Shchekin GV

13. The organization of work with personnel management

The main forms of work with the personnel management in the enterprise is the analysis of the qualitative composition of management personnel, its current valuation and appraisal, selection and training of reserve managers.

13.1. Analysis of the qualitative composition of the management staff

The level of the qualitative composition of personnel managers and specialists largely determines the level of efficiency of functioning of a particular economic system, because of the personal and professional qualities of the employees, their educational and qualification level determines the quality of decisions and the results of their implementation. Analysis of the qualitative composition of the frame involves the study of workers by gender, age, education, qualifications, work experience and other socio-demographic characteristics.

So, the analysis of the qualitative composition of the personnel managers and specialists from their education and qualification involves determining: the number of members of workers with higher education; the quality level of workers arrangement for posts; the degree of rational use of specialists with higher education and others.

Indicator arrangement of quality personnel in positions calculated by summing the number of specialists with higher education in managerial and engineering positions, and dividing the result by the total number of posts requiring replacement specialists. Example of calculating the balance of the quality of personnel is given in Table. 6.

Table 6

Calculation of the quality of personnel placement

p / p



requiring replacement of experts

do not require higher or secondary

special education

with higher education

specialized secondary education







2 3 4 5


Number of posts are replaced by workers with education: higher education

secondary special

Total experts (p. 2 + p. 3)

Do not have a higher or secondary

special education

Number of employees

(P. P 2 +. + 3, p. 5)









20 20

Quality Score on the placement positions of specialists calculated by the formula

where P ( 'i J.) - Table element. 6, which is formed at the intersection of i-th row and the / th column (i = 1, 2, 3; j = 1, 2). Substituting in (10) the digital data, obtain quality placement rate of posts:

Of great importance in the analysis is the identification arrangement of indicators of quality of personnel in the field and the degree of rational use of workers, thereby increasing the quality of personnel work planning, definition of additional demand for specialists and is a necessary foundation for the development and implementation of the main measures to improve the professional qualification structure and placement management staff. Conduct regular analysis, reflecting the dynamics of qualitative indicators of the composition, arrangement and use of experts is an important condition for the proper operation of the organization of management with staff in the workplace. In the course of such an analysis should take into account the use of specialists with higher education in the workplace and implement the necessary measures to transfer them to the positions corresponding to the profile of their specialties and qualifications. The working document for this work are the nomenclature of posts to be filled by specialists.

The main indicators of the working positions in the nomenclature are:

• a functional description of the work or activities in the workplace;

• educational level of employees needed to perform the functions of this office;

• a number of specialty or specialties necessary for the successful execution of functional duties;

• seniority or professional experience required for the execution of these works.

These indicators determine the requirements for the structure of the workplace supervisor and, consequently, the necessary vocational qualification structure of personnel management. Thus, to determine the degree of compliance with the requirements of workplace employee must have the range of positions (being developed on the basis of standard nomenclature), which determines the regulatory requirements for each position.

Quality of management personnel should be studied from the point of view of the duration of their use in the same positions and analyzing the official way, which is of great importance for improving the selection and placement of managerial personnel. An analysis of the results of the workshop of the main production, the highest rates of growth of labor productivity and production gains were in the shops where their leaders held their positions for three, a maximum of four years. Studies have shown that after a certain tenure (usually after 5-7 years), most of the leaders cease to notice shortcomings, get used to it, and sometimes they themselves are the source.

Professional and social experience of the leaders is, of course, of great importance for their effective functioning. However, we know that the experience can be both broad and repetitive. Broad experience leaders have consistently working in various positions, and repetitive - managers, for a long time holding the same position. Such decisions are made by managers more cautious, they have the tendency to conservatism. At the same time, analysis of the professional path of directors of enterprises showed that the best of them to this appointment officers went 8-10 degrees, and the average length of stay at each of them does not exceed 2.5 years. In other words, these leaders on previous posts almost did not extend beyond the period of maximum efficiency and reach high positions in the prime of life and creative opportunities. It was noted that the movement of professionals within the linear structure of production (Master - Head section - the foreman - the director of the enterprise) creates a more decisive and decision-makers, as well as part of the functional structure (Engineer - Team Leader - Head of Department - Chief Specialist) - more cautious leaders, but knowledgeable, highly skilled professionals.

The main purpose of the control frames is to form - evidence-based selection and placement of managerial personnel, as well as the implementation of a number of planned activities of organizational and educational character - a solid management team, capable of solving complex and diverse problems of modern production. The main directions of improvement of the qualitative composition of executives and specialists, as well as the formation of a solid management team are:

• organization of vocational guidance and professional selection of managerial staff, in-depth study of the personal and professional qualities of employees on the basis of science-based assessment of their capabilities and performance;

• organization of targeted training of management staff in the reserve for the nomination, systematic improvement of business skills, cultural and educational level of each employee;

• Organization of optimum placement of management personnel on the basis of use of modern forms and methods of personnel management (such as the holding of tenders of projects and examinations for the position, public opinion, the organization of the planned professional advancement, efficiency leaders nominating procedures, and others.);

• raising the level of educational work with by taking into account the specificity of the different categories and groups of administrative workers management personnel (such as young professionals, craftsmen, the substitute group and so on. P.), As well as the organization of the process of adaptation of workers, aimed at the early achievement of high performance management labor.