Theory and practice of personnel management - Shchekin GV

13.2. Qualification of management personnel

For the effective analysis of the qualitative composition of cadres of managers and specialists, it is of great importance to organize a regular evaluation of the activities of management personnel.

Evaluation of the work of the management personnel is carried out in order to improve the placement and use of managers and specialists, moral and material incentives for managerial work, improve the management apparatus, and intensify the socio-economic development of collectives. This evaluation is divided into periodic (attestation) and current.

Certification (periodic evaluation) of managers and specialists is conducted in accordance with the regulations on the procedure for attestation of managers and other specialists of enterprises and organizations.

Based on the results of attestation, the heads of organizations and enterprises make decisions on increasing (decreasing) the post, in the class rank and the qualification category of employees, increasing or lowering their official salary within the maximum and minimum sizes for the respective post, establishing, changing or canceling the allowances for official Salaries, and, if necessary, dismissal.

Preparation and conducting of certification is organized by personnel services of enterprises with the active participation of heads of structural divisions.

Work on the certification of managers and specialists provides:

• Preparatory phase (preparation for certification);

• performance of attestation;

• making decisions on the results of certification.

The most important stage in the organization of certification is the preparatory period (compilation of the list of employees subject to certification, the determination of the terms of certification, the determination of the number and composition of attestation commissions, the preparation of feedback-characteristics and certification sheets for assessors, the organization of explanatory work on the objectives and procedure for attestation).

Schedules for attestation are brought to the notice of the attestation not less than one month before the beginning of the certification, and the necessary documents for the attestation are submitted to the attestation commission not less than two weeks before the certification. The Attestation Commission is headed by the Chairman; It includes members of the commission and a secretary. Preparation of certification sheets is assigned to the secretary of the commission, and the testimonials-characteristics on the attestation - to their immediate supervisors.

The Attestation Commission examines the documents submitted to the attestation officer, listens to reports on his work, successes and shortcomings, and on the basis of these data (taking into account the discussion of the attested person in his absence) gives an appropriate assessment.

The appraisal committee can give recommendations on the downgrade or on promotion, transfer to another job, the establishment of a personal allowance to the official salary, a reduction or increase in the salary.

Based on the results of the certification, an order is issued that approves the developed measures, changes in the placement of staff and official salaries, enlistment of prospective employees in the reserve for promotion, and also encourages positively certified employees.

The current assessment of the work of managers and specialists is conducted with the aim of determining their business and personal qualities during the inter-certification period. It is the determining factor in the distribution of bonuses, and in the period of attestation serves as the basis for the conclusions of the certification commissions. The current assessment is based on the normative labor intensity of the work performed, the regulations on structural divisions, the duties of management employees, professional models of managers and specialists. The evaluation of the work of the administrative apparatus of both the functional and the linear link is based on the evaluation of the final results of labor in accordance with the organizational structure of management. The current assessment is made up of an individual assessment of managers (specialists) and an evaluation of their work. The evaluation criterion is the implementation of current and personal work plans of the departments and specialists, compiled and approved monthly or quarterly.

When organizing and conducting various assessments of management personnel, it is recommended to use socio-psychological methods and procedures. For example, in the attestation of managers, the method of expert evaluations is widely approbated, the essence of which is that the experts who occupy different positions vis-à-vis the attestee (subordinates, colleagues, bosses) assess his business and personal qualities, the averaged indicators of which reflect the public Opinion about this leader.