Theory and practice of human resource management - Shchekin GV

13.3. Principles and methods of work with a reserve managers

Under the reserve of the managerial personnel understand the specially formed group of workers who are on the qualities correspond to the requirements of a certain rank leaders, passed a qualification selection, a special management training and achieved positive results in the industrial activity. Working with personnel reserve for the nomination is based on certain principles and includes multiple phases.

General principles of operation with reserve managers are as follows:

• the selection of candidates to the reserve, to carry out their business and personal qualities in order to solve the problem of constant improvement of the qualitative composition of the leaders;

• compliance with the age and educational qualifications of candidates for nomination. Considering that the preparation of the professional manager on the basis of higher school takes 5-8 years, and the flowering of human creativity comes in 35-40 years, the age of candidates in reserve for promotion to middle management level executives should not exceed 25-30 years. Education of the candidate should be higher and, as a rule, correspond to the profile of future operations;

• rational definition of optimum structure and composition of the reserve, given that at each position of leadership, you must have at least two or three candidates;

• implementation of regular and systematic search for candidates for the heads of the reserve;

• transparency in the organization of work with a reserve for the nomination. When deciding on the admission of the candidate in the reserve

taken into account the results of production activities entrusted to him by the work site; the conclusions of the last certification; results of study of the employee by personal contact, as well as the results of public opinion research on candidates for the heads; results of study of the personal file; other materials describing the business and personal qualities of the employee.

Apply practical methods of selection: the appointment of the head of the team of the candidate performing the time-consuming task; replacing their missing leader at the time of his trip, illness, holidays; training, etc.. Methods of selection of candidates to the reserve are shown schematically in Fig. 10.

Classification metodovpodborakandidatov in reserve managerial personnel

The most commonly used methods:

• biographical or study documents the employee;

• obtain arbitrary characteristics of oral and written, or "interviews";

• generalization of peer reviews;

• psychological testing and self-assessment of the employee. Biographical method is the most simple; it is the study of objective indicators of the individual employee in his documents. This method allows you to obtain objective data relating to the movement of workers by occupation and profession, his education and other indicators. However, it provides incomplete information about the level of personal-professional qualities of the employee.

"Interview" method allows you to learn new information, but provides no objective data about a person, and the refracted light of the relationship with employees, providing the necessary information. This makes it difficult to obtain the views of the workers with the objective position. This method is used as the principal in the practice of cadres in the selection of candidates to the reserve for the nomination. In the process of selection of candidates for the representatives of the personnel department are long conversations with employees of different levels according to a predetermined script. The main objective of these discussions is to obtain as much information about the studied workers with different perspectives and in different areas of its activity.

Recently, methods of generalization of independent judgment or independent expert opinions are widely used. The experts used by employees of the company who are familiar studied to work together and with independent judgment. According to a specially designed questionnaire carried out a survey of these workers, and the information obtained after appropriate treatment is used as an additional source for decision-making with respect to the professional worker movement.

And finally, to get objective information about the features and capabilities of the worker is often used method of psychological testing, during which examines student-employee business skills. Application testing method requires little prior training and testing, and test. This work is carried out by experts, psychologists or sociologists.

The study of personal-professional qualities of employees requires a certain qualification training specialists staffing services and changes in the content of labor functions of the personnel. New requirements for qualification of personnel officers suggest:

• the ability to use virtually the available techniques of the workers testing or interviewing experts;

• Ability to provide briefing and execution of the preparatory work for the test or survey of experts;

• the ability to create an information accumulation fund system and its processing for visual HR performance in obtaining information on the degree of development of personal-professional qualities of the employee;

• the ability to improve the system of personnel management in order to increase the impact of their creative and development capabilities.


When forming the reserve of the managerial personnel necessary to define the basic positions for each category of managers, as well as the provision of acquisition sources for the nomination. For example, to replace the Chief of the base portion of the position is the position of master, chief of department - chief of the site, and so on..

Sources reserve managerial personnel are:

• workers vetted and recommended for nomination;

• Young professionals, proven themselves in practical work;

• deputy heads of different rank;

• employees of the enterprise (organization), graduating from institutions of higher learning on the job, and others. The structure of the reserve of the managerial personnel is determined by the appropriate level of management and nomenclature. The list of positions for which the right to appoint a director of a certain rank, called its nomenclature.

In production, the following nomenclature positions of executives: minister; Director General of the association; Chief Plant; director of the company, and so on. d. The head of a certain rank in the reserve structure includes only those positions, the right purpose for which it has.

The reserve of each relevant nomenclature leader defines the rights and duties of officials responsible for the formation and training of the managerial personnel reserve. So, in terms of industrial enterprise the section chief responsible for qualitative selection, placement and use of experts at the Masters office; foreman personally responsible for the timely and proper filling positions superiors sites; plant manager is responsible for the creation of a reserve chiefs of departments and their deputies. Direct work on the planning and organization of the formation, training and education of managerial personnel reserve provides the deputy head of the organization (enterprise) for Personnel and personnel services.

Thus, the work for the selection of candidates for the managerial personnel reserve includes the following stages:

• organization of professional orientation of university students and workers on a profession production management areas develop their properties needed for the development of future professional activity;

• gathering information on candidates to the reserve for the nomination, the composition of the expanded features on each candidate;

• Evaluation of the quality and determination of qualifications for the management activities, selection and admission of candidates to the reserve, taking into account the views of labor collectives.

Reserve training HEADS

One of the most important directions in the work of leading cadres to the allowance is the organization of their training. As further improvement of production management mechanism naturally increased training requirements of the modern manager. In addition to basic training in higher educational establishment to the head of any rank must also acquire additional knowledge and skills in the field of management.

Installed such basic types of training in the system of training and retraining to ensure its continuity:

1) systematic independent worker training (self) under the individual plan, approved by his supervisor and performs under its control;

2) participate at least once a month in permanent seminars on industrial and economic issues both in the workplace and in other enterprises and organizations;

3) short-term (as necessary, but at least once a year) on the job training or education (units) in-service training and retraining;

4) long-term periodic training (at least once every five years) in educational establishments (units) in-service training and retraining;

5) internships at leading enterprises, leading scientific organizations, higher educational institutions, including abroad;

6) training in target postgraduate, doctoral studies on topics of interest to this organization or enterprise;

7) re-training - getting a new specialty in the academies, training institutes, on special faculties and university departments.

Selection of candidates for training in the form of reserve depends on the level of special education, work experience, passing their qualifying training, training at the moment, as well as the capabilities of educational and material resources of the enterprise (organization, industry) to organize the studies required of a professional orientation in an appropriate form. Conclusion on selecting candidates for training in the form of reserve personnel department given the conclusions laboratory career guidance and professional selection. At the same time the personnel department sends to the training department of the lists of candidates to be enrolled in reserve. Training Division develops training programs and plans, establishes terms of training and organizing the learning process.

To reserve training managerial personnel other than the established types of training are used additional forms: training in management and business schools; Training in job hunting system of academic degrees; organization of theoretical seminars and workshops to exchange experience; involvement of employees enrolled in the reserve, to the teaching in the system of training and others.

The main forms of training provision are the education and training of specialists on manufacturing by:

• involvement in the development of proposals to improve the production of the organization (enterprise) in general or on specific issues;

• trends in related organizations (enterprise) for the study of experience;

• internships newly appointed executives have the best heads of the organizations (enterprises) sector;

• involvement in the preparation and participation in the scientific and technical advice, seminars, meetings, to performance with conversations, presentations, lectures on the technical, economic and other issues. An important link in at preparing future leaders

enterprises and organizations of the region are school provision. Enrollment in them is made in the order of the head of the enterprise; their heads, as a rule, Deputy Head of Human Resources. Methodological Guide reserve schools carry TRAINING, training departments, as well as social and psychological services.

Thus, the procedure of making an informed decision on the nomination of a worker from the reserve staff to a managerial position should include:

• presence of several candidates for the position;

• estimate the necessary professional qualities of the candidates and their compliance with the requirements of the post;

• comparative analysis of the candidates qualities evaluations to select the most worthy;

• the study and consideration of public opinion about each candidate for the nomination.

The completion of work on the formation and training of reserve personnel is the nomination of an employee to an appropriate position. Placement serves the ultimate goal of human resources policy and a key part of all the work with the management staff.


Form 1

The list of personnel reserve for promotion to positions (management title, department)

Full Name

Position held

Year of birth

Education, when

and graduated, qualification and specialization

At what position


When enrolled in the reserve, in Vol. H. Recommended for.

Evaluators. commission

The mark on the nomination (when and on what position)

Head of management

Form 2

employee card, unreserved

employee card

1. Temporary substitution of other positions during his stay in reserve

p / p

At what position is assigned (specify why)

Time positions of substitution

Evaluation of performance of official duties

2. Further training, including training


At some positions

The forms, types and location of advanced training

Evaluation of the internship results

tion, training

3. Implementation of direct management tasks


Short job content,

Evaluation of the implementation,




4. For more information, characterizing the activities of the employee




Notes, comments

5. Interviews with employees (including the results of certification)





Head of management


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