Theory and practice of personnel management - Shchekin GV

14. Staff turnover and ways to reduce it

14.1. Workforce turnover analysis

Under the turnover of staff means a set of layoffs of workers at their own will or for absenteeism and other violations of labor discipline. Work on the study and reduction of staff turnover in the organization (at the enterprise) includes such stages:

• collection and processing of information on the state, causes and factors of staff turnover (quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the flow process);

• analysis of the process of staff turnover;

• development and implementation of measures to reduce employee turnover. The state of the turnover process is characterized by the yield coefficient (KT), the partial yield coefficient (KTh), and the rate of flow strength of the frames (KiT).

The coefficient of staff turnover is used to estimate the size of the fluidity in general for the organization (enterprise) and for individual units. It is calculated for the reporting period (month, quarter, year) as the ratio of the number of workers fired for absenteeism and other violations of labor discipline, as well as those who left by their own volition to the average number of workers.

A particular factor of staff turnover is used to estimate the yield strength for individual sex, age, professional, educational and other groups of the work collective. It is calculated as the ratio of the number of dismissed in this group for absenteeism and other violations of labor discipline and resigners at their own volition to the average number of workers in this group.

The coefficient of staff turnover intensity is the ratio of the individual coefficient of fluidity for a given group allocated to the organization as a whole or to individual units, to the coefficient of fluidity calculated accordingly for the organization as a whole or for individual units. It shows how many times the partial coefficient of fluidity for a given group is greater or less than K m: Kv.m ~ 1 indicates the average (in comparison with the organization or division) level of fluidity in this group; K and m <1 - that the yield strength is lower than its average level, that is, the stability of the group; К ит> 1 - about the increased fluidity. The values ​​of К и.т make it possible to determine the influence of factors such as gender, age, educational level, profession, qualification of workers, etc., on the turnover process of personnel, and also serves to monitor the effectiveness of individual measures to reduce turnover. At the same time, low values ​​of the coefficient of labor turnover intensity do not always indicate a normal development of social processes in the team. Thus, Kjm ~ 0.5 in a number of professional groups often indicates the aging of the collective.

An example of calculating K and. In one of the shops of an industrial enterprise with a high coefficient of staff turnover (Кт = 21.4%), it is required to identify professional groups with the highest fluidity and determine its intensity. To do this, the calculation of K and h and K and. From Table. 7 it can be seen that the greatest intensity of staff turnover is observed among fitters-toolmakers and milling machines; The group of turners has an average fluidity; Fitter-builders and coilers are the most stable professional groups. The source material for calculating / and / it.t are the personal data of workers contained in their personal cards.

Table 7

Calculation of the coefficients of the intensity of staff turnover by professional groups

P / p

Professional group

Number of laid-off, people.


Number. Groups, people.


К и.т





















Winding resistors






Milling machines





Total in the shop




K t

On the qualitative side, the process of staff turnover is characterized by factors, causes and motives. Identify the causes and factors necessary to develop specific measures to reduce the fluidity; Motives are the source material for establishing the reasons. Causes of staff turnover are called the most common in this organization (at the enterprise) the reasons for the dismissal of employees. By origin, they can be divided into three large groups: related to family and household circumstances; With dissatisfaction with the working conditions of work and life; With violations of labor discipline.

The reasons for dismissal, caused by dissatisfaction, are closely related to the factors of staff turnover, which are understood as working and living conditions of workers (the content and organization of work, the system of moral and material incentives, the organization of production and management, the style of leadership and teamwork, the system of professional advancement, security Housing, sanitary and hygienic working conditions, etc.). Factors of staff turnover can be grouped according to the degree of possible targeted impact on them, by selecting managed, partially managed, unmanaged. The first group includes the material factors of production and life of workers (the nature, conditions and organization of labor, the provision of various material goods), the second - the subjective factors of production (employee satisfaction with various aspects of production activities), and the third - natural and climatic and demographic processes. Factors are revealed when analyzing the process of staff turnover in divisions.

Motives for dismissal are a reflection of the reasons for dismissal in the minds of workers. The motive is established from the words of the person being dismissed. At the same time, it is necessary to seek to identify the true motive, since the employee can conceal it or incorrectly formulate it, and distinguish the motive from the reason for dismissal. For example, one motive - dissatisfaction with the size of wages - can correspond to a number of reasons: the loss of working time due to the absence or poor condition of tools, equipment, due to poor provision of materials, parts; Incorrect charging of works; Absence or small size of premiums, etc. Motives for staff turnover can be grouped into several groups: vocational qualifications; Organization and working conditions; Personal; The level of satisfaction with material goods; Relations in the team; Other.

The main factors and motivations of the workers' turnover in production are:

• Low wages of individual groups of workers due to poor organization of work and production;

• Lack of production rhythm; Systematic work in overtime and weekends;

• discrepancy between the work performed and the level of qualifications and main occupation; The uncertainty of the prospects for professional advancement;

• Severe and harmful working conditions; Dirty work in certain areas of production;

• Bad relationships in the production team, with the administration;

• dissatisfaction with the profession.

The identification of motives, factors and the establishment of reasons for staff turnover is made through a special procedure performed by representatives of the personnel service of the organization (enterprise). It includes the study of personal data, interviews with the dismissed person himself, as well as with his colleagues, the foreman, the master, the chief of the site, the results of which are recorded in the journal on the counting of layoffs.

The state of staff turnover is analyzed by the enterprise and divisions: the dynamics of the yield coefficient is estimated in comparison with the previous periods; The subdivisions with the greatest value / m are allocated; Conditions that predetermine a high level of fluidity are revealed; The professional, sex-age and other groups of workers are exposed to high turnover of staff, etc. The results of the analysis are summarized in the form of a report, which provides an assessment of the staff turnover of the organization (its enterprise) and its dynamics, conclusions are drawn in which the main directions are contained To develop measures to reduce turnover. Detailed analysis is recommended to be carried out once a year as of January 1. As of the beginning of each quarter, it is necessary to determine the values ​​of the turnover factors for the organization and units, comparing them with the values ​​of / m for the corresponding period of the previous year.

For the analysis of the processes of stabilization of work collectives, calculations of the coefficients of turnover of personnel and periods of full renewal of the collective or of individual professional groups are of great importance. The coefficient of turnover of personnel is defined as the ratio of workers dismissed during the year to their total composition. The total period of turnover of staff (P) (in years) is calculated by the formula

Where K cm is the replacement coefficient.

Similarly, indicators are calculated for the full period of turnover of personnel for certain categories of workers and professional groups. In this case, a long period of succession is considered a good indicator, and a short period is bad.