Theory and practice of personnel management - Shchekin GV

18. Materials for attestation and work with reserve

18.1. The method of determining the complex evaluation of the personality of the manager

A. Criteria of the job description of a modern leader

1. Official duties of the head:

Exercise leadership,




to consider,



Bear personal responsibility.

2. Professional requirements for the manager:

Must know (as an expert, as a manager), must own (as an expert, as a manager), must have a clear idea (as an expert, as a leader).

3. Qualification requirements:

Education, specialty, work experience,

Intellectual level, horizons.

4. Additional conditions:

Order of appointment, health status, social conditions.

B. Criteria for assessing the work of the manager based on the results of the implementation of his functions during the internship and the performance of special production assignments

The leader should be able (or learn) in relation to new job duties in specific production conditions:

1. Forecasting.

2. Plan.

3. Organize.

4. Coordinate.

5. To regulate.

6. To supervise.

7. Take into account.

8. Analyze.

9. Evaluate (the results of labor, people).

10. Activate.

11. To stimulate (support).

12. To develop, improve, implement.

13. Make decisions.

14. Be responsible.

15. To resolve conflicts.

16. To establish relationships, contacts.

17. To create a moral and psychological climate.

18. Ensure a high scientific and technical level of performance.

19. To make non-standard decisions.

20. Apply new achievements in science and technology.

B. List of questions to assess the basic knowledge required for any managerial position

The leader should know:

- legislative acts that determine the main directions of economic and social development;

- administrative documents of higher bodies and other guidelines, methodological and regulatory materials on operational management of production;

- legislation on enterprises;

- the fundamentals of labor legislation;

- rules and norms of labor protection, safety precautions, industrial sanitation and fire protection;

- Foundations of management, industrial psychology, sociology and pedagogy;

- prospects for the development of the enterprise and ways to improve the management of the enterprise;

- Foreign economic relations of the enterprise, forms of cooperation, integration;

- Forms of reporting the enterprise to higher-level economic bodies;

- the social development plan for the collective, the organization and practice of housing and cultural construction, catering at the enterprise;

- forms and methods of working with personnel;

- the nature and content of the work of the head; The role of the head in the management of production, scientific and technological progress; Social functions of the leader;

- style and methods of management; Moral and material incentives.

G. An indicative list of significance

Professional qualities and skills that a manager must have, depending on the position he holds

(It is made for the forecast of the perspective of the correct appointment)


Level of enterprise management

Importance of qualities and skills in descending order

(Master, senior master, site manager)

Middle (heads of shops and departments)

The highest (director, chief engineer, their deputies)



The ability to rally






Ability to rally subordinates

Ability to plan

Ability to rally subordinates


Ability to exercise


Ability to go



To compromise


Ability to go

Ability to go

Ability to attract

To compromise

To compromise

To people

Degree of importance of qualities and skills in descending order

Level of enterprise management

(Master, senior master, site manager)

Middle (heads of shops and departments)

The highest (director, chief engineer, their deputies)

5. 6.

Ability to plan

Ability to educate subordinates






Ability to plan

The ability to quickly take

Right decisions

D. Criteria for assessing the motivation of an employee to pursue a business career

1. Having a great potential to benefit society.

2. Greater independence in decision-making and implementation, independence.

3. The need for public recognition of their work.

4. The pursuit of success.

5. Ability to use the prestige of a new position for self-assertion.

6. The need for self-expression through organizational activities.

7. Awareness of your public duty, your true vocation.

8. Striving for more creative work.

9. The need for more complex professional tasks.

10. Striving to improve vocational training.

11. Desire to have an interesting job.

12. Healthy ambition, a sense of rivalry.

13. Material Interest.

14. Call of duty, awareness of the need for their activities.

15. Development of their abilities and inclinations.

16. Possibility to improve housing conditions.

17. Benefits and guarantees.

E. Criteria for assessing and predicting the style and methods of leadership of an employee for the successful entry into his position of the head of a new team

1. Be able to consult with people.

2. To promote the development of good traditions.

3. To show tolerance for the weaknesses of people who do not adversely affect the work, the state of the moral and psychological climate in the team.

4. To demonstrate the objective requirements when assessing the work of subordinates.

5. Establish friendly relations with subordinates and colleagues.

6. To establish the characteristics of the social and psychological mood of the team, to develop an appropriate style of work.

7. Do not abuse power.

8. Do not succumb to the various temptations opening with a new position.

9. Show respect for all that is good in the collective by the previous leader.

10. Provide all possible assistance to subordinates.

11. To show sociability, aspiration for mutual cooperation.

12. Strive to master the new business for yourself.

G. Criteria for assessing the personality traits of the worker being studied

1. A sense of public duty.

2. Determination.

3. Principle.

4. Perseverance.

5. Purposefulness.

6. Initiative.

7. Performance.

8. Organizationality.

9. Consistency.

10. Discipline.

11. Justice.

12. Moral cultivation.

13. Innovation.

14. Independence.

15. Responsibility.

16. Communication skills.

17. Requirement.

18. Collectivism.

19. Organizational abilities.

Note to the executive model

The set of the listed criteria is a tool for the analysis and generalization of data characterizing the results of activity and personality of the manager at this stage of his development. They allow you to compare and compare the following qualities of the employee:

1) fixed, manifested by him in the work (that knows how, knows what he has);

2) required for the position held (which must be able to know what it should have);

3) projected for the planned position (which already knows how, knows what it already has).

The answers will be the initial model of a particular leader for scientifically based planning of his professional and career growth.