Insurance and Investment Management - Fedorenko V.G.


Strahuvannya vikilo th was rooted yak proticholyana stihiynim liham і evidences of all kinds of disagreements, unpleasant podi, scho zwadavi zbitkiv simplified vsogo periodu diyalnosty meststva. Through the system of insurance zahistu realizuyut ekonomichnyi vidosnoni mizh people in the process of living. Страхування надає all the members of the estate guarantee in the admission of zbits.

Stihіynі лиха призводять до матеріальних втрат, загибелі багатьох людей. Відшкодування збитків, zavdannikh u result, I will show the power of the nature of the nature of syspilstva, zumylyuє neobhіdnіst їх передження, подолання. Takі vіdnosnini people, scho zakladayutsya zarabotyayut zabezpechennya bespinnogo y bezperebinogo vibrochnichogo protsessu ta pidtrimki stibylnost y stіykosti podsyagnutogo rivnya zhittya - at once become an economical category of insurance zahistu. Specifics of the category are to be distinguished by such notation [5, 5]:

• Vipadkoviy character of the nastane of the stichy daredevil show the ruinous forces of nature;

• vizra zbitku in natural chi groshovіy formi;

• it is necessary to consume the hindquarters;

• Realization of entries for the cross-country and the subpoena of specific concessions.

The essence of the eco nomic category of the insurance zahistu polyagae in the accumulated one is for the vicarious resources for the misfortune of all the risks and risks, and for the vidotchuvanni vitrates involved in them.

Usvidomlena people sy sspіlstvom u tsіlomu neobhіdnіst insurance zahistu іnformatsiya fearsі іnteresi, zavdyaki yakim began to be stored pevnі fearovі vіdnіnі.

Zmist insured vidosinin hunted utvorennya and vikoristannya resources insurance fund unseasonably in the specific form of yogo organizatsii.

In the world rozvitku suspіlstva tsі vіdisinіi won tsivіlno-zakrіnі zakrіplіnya, scho y its worm allowed reguljuvati їх by rightful methods.

Strahuvannya - tse vіdshchoduvannya zbitkiv, yakikh zaznala fizichna chi juridicheskaya persona, for dopomogo rozpodilu їh mіzh bagatma individuals.

Згідно із The Law of Ukraine "About insure", insuring - that kind of civil law adherence to the zahistu maynovyh entrants gromadyan juridicheskih osib in the times of the nastaniya pivnikh podiy (insurance vipadkiv), viznacheniyah contract insured by law for rahunok fondyv, That legal persons of insurance payments (insured vneskiv, insurance premiys) *.

Відшкодовуться збитки із засобів insurance fund, scho perebuvaє у vіданні страхової оргаізації. It is necessary to insure the insurance often to zoom in and out, but to crawl the vicarities of the ruin factors (the natural forces of nature). For such situations, it is impossible to tighten the coffins, the stink of vodshkodovuyutsya itself is tolerated. The insurance fund may be sold by the dzherlom vidshkoduvannya zbitkiv. Страхові правовідносини оформлюються у вигляді договорів (полісів) страхування.

The Law of Ukraine "About insure" // Uriadovy kur'er. - 1996. - 18 quarters.

Страхування й підприємництво взаємозалежні. For підприємництва it is characteristic гнучкість, готовність to go on ризик. At the time of the vinikayut viznacheni strakhov i interesi, zoumovleni nature pіdprієmnіkіkі діяльності.

Strahuvannya - yak ekonomichna kategoriya - tse sistem ekonomichnyh vidosin, for some insure, splachuichi fears vneski, zabezpechuye ich vichoristania vіdshkoduvannya zbotku, zavdannogo for rіznih neperedbacheniye nespriyatlivyh явищ (ризиків), а страхувач, який несе цю відповіdність, розміщує reservation, провадить превентивні заходи Shodo zmenshennya nalіdkіv riziku, and for neobihіchnosti - reinsurance part of the risk.

Soi means to characterize the economical category of insurance:

• nayavnist risk;

• molded insurance field;

• nayavnіst договірних відносин між страхувачем та страхувальником;

• re-allocation of data;

• підприємницька the basis of insurance діяльності.

At perehііdnіy економіці забезпечується зростання ролі страхування в суспільномуі відтворенні, розширюється сфера страхових послуг. At rikinkiі ekonomіі insahvitnya vystupa, from one side, with zakobom zahistu biznesu i kindness of people, and in the past - kind of disincarnation, scho bring dohіd. Dzherelami pributku insurance agencies and services to attend to the insurance coverage, the investment of the Timasovo vilnyh zabob, the banking deposit, the tsenni papery is not enough.

The essence of insurance is takozh povyazana zі strerennyam i vikoristannyam fondіv koshtіv. Вихідна ланка у трактуванні сутності страхування - його замкнена розлок збитку між зацікавленийми uchasniki.

It is possible to signify such a function of insurance: rizikova, securitization of insurance funds (reserve), zaoschadzhennia kostyv, investment, preventive (alternating insurance vipadku, abnormennya nalldkіv insurance).

Rizikova (Vipadkova) function. Strahuvannya zavzhdi privjazane up to dmovirnogo insurance vipadku, tobto insure the pritamanny Vipadkoi character vidosin. When nastanni obmovlenogo the contract abo law of insurance vypadku insurance to zvertaєtsya to an insurance person in the form of vishodkaduvaty nalilki riziku.

Створення страхових фонів (резервів) та їх використання. Strahuvannya stelya mozhlivim, yakshcho in insurance - koshti for pokrtya zbitkiv. Tsei kapital ostavlyuetsya z vneskiv insurance, yak fee for risziki, scho berut on its vidpodalannist fears kompanії.

Strahuvannya perebacha zamkneny pererozpodіl zbotku for допомогою спеціалізованого penny insurance fund, увореного for рахунок страхових внесків. In case of insanity, the change is in accordance with the form of the vicarities of the fund. The right to insecurity of the cosset is to melt tilki ti individuals, yakі є participants in the form of the insurance fund. Vishodshduvannya zbitku through zaznachenu funktsiyu zdіysnyuetsya fizichnoyu chi juridic persons in the framework of valid contracts insurance. The procedure for reviewing the custody is to be carried out by insurance companies (vihodachi zumov contractov inshavaniya) and regulated by the state (license of insurance diyalnosti).

The Tse Fund can be formally shaped in obovzyazny, and in good order. Power vihodachi z ekonomichnoy і sotsіalnogo obmennosti regulyuet rozvitok insurance policy at kraїnі.

Заощадження коштів. Strahuvannya through the function of formulating a special-purpose insurance fund nes zaoshchadzhuvalno-rizikovu funktsiyu. Kozhen participant of the insurance process, with insured life, hymns in the sustained material support for the unhappy vipadku і on the completed term іn the treaty. With the may insurance through the function of the form of a special insurance fund, not only does the problem arise, but the problem of compromising the victim in the insured sums and minds, negotiated by insurance, and can be cleared for the material search of the part of the affected highway.

Сприяючи розвитку заощаджувальних видів страхування, держава дає змогу впливати на вирішення соціальних проблем.

Інвестиційна функція. Through the form of the insurance fund, the problem of investment in the tympanic capital of the banks and banks of the commercial structure, the contribution of the koshtis to the lack of independence, the pripbanya tsinnih paperyv tochno. With rozvitkom rinku at insured neziminno budo udoskonalyuvatisya і rozshiryuvatysya mehanizm vikoristania timchasovo vіlnyh zasobiv. At the edges of the iz the most vulnerable economy, the insurance of a part of the pributku oderzhuyut not vіd insurance dіyalnі, and від інвестиційної. The main task for insurances is to reduce the number of insured persons and to ensure the quality of insurance benefits for investment purposes.

Preventive function (alternation of insurance vipadku, abnormennya naslіdkіv insurance) pobabacha a wide range of calls, zokrema fіnansuvannya quietly, sho moyut zapobigati neglichnym nasalodkam insured vypadkіv, stikhіynih lih. Sudi, however, lay down the lawful vplyv on the insurer, securing the insurances of the contracted insurance of the ori-entovan on yogis dbaylive stavlennya before the insured lane. By the method of realizing the function of insurance, stuvouyou osoblivy grosovy fund podzhujuvalnih zahodiv.

In the insurances of insurance, vitrati singing kostyiv on the crossroads of the cot (fіnansuvannya protipozhezhnih zahodіv, vstanovlennya protikradіzhnih priladіv in avtomobili tolko), shоo допоможуть заберегти застраховане майно в первісному стані. Vitraty is an insurance person for cross-wool visits, dozoljany, pozayak allow you to get away from the economy of the economy on the payment of insurance vishodshduvannya. Dzherel formavannya fund Preventive zahodіv serve in the course of insurance payments.