Insurance and Investment Management - Fedorenko V.G.


In the financial news of the world and in the populated areas, the only moment is the same, the fate of the koshtiv people in the village before the sovereign, is the credit. About the goal of the people's brains, you do not have to smell yuyavlenya, hocha є creditors of the state.

Credit - the economic development, for the sake of certain projects, the mobilization of the timbrels of the capital and the government, the enforcement of those organisations on the minds of the people, the stalking, the lack of payment, and the method of developing the vibrobitvita. Loan is the form of the ruchu to the positock fund, which is accumulated by the state and commercial banks as a result of the timecovy vivilnennya koshtiv in the gospodarskogo turnover, as well as the cash of the population and the budget.

In the past, the order of the crediting of the powers of the peoples of Ukraine is based on a soviet system, which can be categorized as a primitive-primus one. The population credited the state with the power to add money to the regional government positions, grotesque certificates, lottery kvitkіv and zaberezhenya osobistih pennies zaoshchadzhen from the state-owned oschadnomu bank. In the minds of the command and administrative system of alternative alternatives, the saving of the grotesques of the population is practically practical.

In the course of the reorientation of the economical course, the turn to the economy of the economy became transformed. Interest rates have been paid for the saving of pennies from state banks, tobto for nadannya їх from the credit of the state. Zbylshilas rozmanitost sverhvnih tsinnyh paperyv.

The population is not realizing not only the regional positions, but the certificate, the grotesques of the cattle. They have sunk in for compensatory payments for the contributions of those oblasts to the zvjazku zinflyatsiyyu. Unfortunately, the stink does not compensate the population for the cost of a penny, the building of a loan. Potrbno takozh zaznachiti, scho nadannya poplarenlyam konstantinov kostyiv u borg, a loan from vyglyadі contribution і for the sake of the purchase of the sovereigns of the fathers is more maslovigіdnym people, bring the mіzernі доди. In the minds of the destructive state financial system and the penniless guarantee of the age-old povernennya population lending to the pennies in the wilderness of contributions, obligaciy, sertifikativ viklikayut sumnіvi.

To attend to the firm, superficial guaranties of ponennenya, low financing of the contribution from the Oschadbank to keep it to the point where it is zaschachna part zaoschadzhen zalishetsya in the hands of the population, vikoristovuyutsya for pribannya goods, not zavzhdy potrebnyh syogodni, tobto in the reserve.

Crediting the Powers of the Populations, the doteper of the day, the head ranks, the slaughter of the grotesques of the koshtis of the people in the powerful land bank. Tse zmenshu mozlivosti power nagromadzhuvati vіlnі koshti populated.

In the course of the practice, the important aspects of the acumulation of young people are the non-banking credit and financial structures: investment, finance, insurance, credit institutions, pension funds. Wongs say the deposit, togo priymayut groshny vneski avno tsinnyi paperi (акції, облігації, векселі) on zberezhennya. The operation of the structures of the Ichodo zaluchennia kostyv depository is deposited. Svidchennyam deposit - deposit certificate - a letter of credit to establish a deposit of kostyov, but the right of the depositor to receive the deposit. The depositor is a legal person, yaka made a deposit.

In Ukraine, the system of non-banking special-purpose credit and financial institutions is beginning to form. Vona hunt in the main state funds: spryannya, zayanatosti, pensiyny, state insurance, and інші. Ostannnye rock decided to go out of the way to the uncontrolled (private, gromadsky) organisations. It is impossible to maintain the pension fund, to expand the scale of the unoccupied commercial insurance companies.

Deposits of credit and financial structures can be streamed (before being fed) and stringed. Poki scho perevazhayut pershi.

Vazhlivim financially resourced bank і і кошти оргаів Укрдержка-страху. Вони акмулюють страхові выски юридичних і фізичних осіб і utoriyuyut groshovі reservation, neobhіdnі for vyplati inshchadnikam vіdpovdnih vіdshoduvan. Zavshyaki to that, wo payment vidshko-duvan vidbuvyaetsya nervivnerno, and fears of payment to endeavor to simplify the fate of the fate, the insurance agencies utlyuyayutsya great penny reserves for maibutnih vyplat. Yak lending credits can be contributed to our duma, at the bank deposit lines. Dovgostrokovy nature of the contribution of money is also important for reserve resources and reserve funds, the fund for the social recognition of insurance bodies in part, for the financing of capital contributions. Yak bachimo, zaznacheni koshti tezh mozhut bouti dergel sered-nyo- i dovgostrokovyh depositov.

Loan resources to the warehouse of financial resources include incorrectly, oskilki їх finance not to be affected by the new material values, but as a result of the overhaul of financial resources. However prirіst vkladen in banks i prirіst depozitіv Varto rozglyadati yak Dzherelo fіnansovih resursіv, oskіlki in materіalno-Retschow aspektі їm vіdpovіdayut resources scho vivіlnyayutsya vnaslіdok vіdsutnostі require viroblyati in rozglyanutomu perіodі on qiu scrip spozhivchі goods, i, otzhe, ekonomіchno obґruntovanim napryamkom їh vikoristannya Є care of the widened entrance. Далі, як кінцевий фінансовий the result of the process of creating, іх використовуть for the financing of capital investments, the growth of werewolves, the viticulture for social and cultural visits, science, defense, the utilitarian body of state power and government.

Mi have looked into the financial system of the territory for the main events of the main participants - the state, pidpriemstvami, populated areas. TS intrіshnі for kraїni fіnansovі streams. However, the order of these flows flows through the powers that are important for the functioning of the financial system. The participants of the masters of zv'yazyv mozhut buti sub siakti fenansovih vidosin, tobto power, pidpriemstva і підприємці, poplenenya. Alya left the primary participant - the state. Підприємства тільки починають підклютися до звнішніх фінансових зв'язків. By rozvitkom zovnіshnnyehonomichnyh fіnansovyh vіdnosin at mіru the transition to the rinkovoi ekonomіi zmozhut vіdezіvatіsya takozh підприємства і poplіlennya.

It is important to characterize the financial center of the country проблема the problem of the summoned burgu, zoumovlengo tim, sho koho to the budgetary budget lower, nizh yogo vitrati. The problem of the call of the Borgu is peculiar to the guest, I am transplanted to the activity of the border, which is permissible. Nadto, the great summoning of the bog is a situation, if the payment of payments for the loss of money is valuable to the part of the currency in the export.

Yakshto before that, the import is transferred to the export of currency, then for the purpose of consolidating the settlements, it is necessary to bring out new burgs, and to pile up the avalanche. Power zmushena rozplachuvatisya for them natsionalnym bagatstvo, golden reserve, zvonnishnyi assets of the state bank. At the time of the fall, the rate of hryvnia is getting caught up in the chance of winning over the conversion. Навіть на внутрішньому фінансовому ринку hard currency перемагає гривню, відбувається його доларизацяя.

Schub characterize the financial power of the state, it is important to procrastinate proanalizuvati intranstnyy soviet battle. Він characterized the fіnansovі vіdnoshinі vseredinі kraїni mіzh power from one side and pіdpriєmstvami that populated area - znnshogo. On the basis of the internal Borg - the Borg of the Power of the Population and the Colleges of the Penitentiary. Він змовлений тим, що державний the budget is positive for them кошти на державні потреби. For the mold, the tzi koshti is not posited in the population and in the peninsula, but in the state bank, in the settlement of the kostya pidpriemstv, and in the settlement of the poschkovy fund, the kosti yakogo y vikoristovuytsya for nadannya in the borg power. Od Ale tsogo not zmіnyuєtsya essence, that scho povertati Costa їhnіm vlasnikam communicated Square od of hto hto i zberіgav їh rozporyadzhavsya them.

Vnaslіdok defіtsitnostі sovereign budget perevischennya yogo vitrat over income Chastain vitrat brought pokrivati ​​pozichkovimi Costa, scho generally produces up zbіlshennya vnutrіshnogo sovereign Borg.

Reigning Vnutrіshnіy Borg i defіtsit sovereign Budget not takі vzhe th beznevinnі of companies i for the population. Obmezhuyutsya derzhavnі sotsіalnі Warming Reigning Bank galmuє vidachu koshtіv, vinikaє nevpevnenіst in nadіynostі vkladіv i zaoschadzhen, vіdbuvaєtsya nadmіrna emіsіya penny znakіv, tobto drukuyutsya all novі th novі groshі scho porodzhuє trademark defіtsit that іnflyatsіyu.

Rozglyad fіnansovoї Sistemi pokazuє scho perehіd to rinkovoї Economy nastіyno potrebuє її recovery, nalagodzhennya normal funktsіonuvannya tsієї system on vsіh rіvnyah, stabіlіzatsії trumpery obіgu of order s іnshimi napryamkami osvoєnnya rinkovih vіdnosin.