Labor law of Ukraine - Gruzinova L.P.

Method of labor law

The method of labor law . The method of labor law is shown, yak i yakimi legal ways zdіysnyuetsya regulyuvannya suspilnyh trudovikh vidosin.

O. V. Smirnov, the method of the labor law, is characterized by such important visions (Figure 1.9) 1.

Posednannya tsentralizovannogo ts localnogo reguliulyannya suspilnyh videshnos y trudovіy spi. The meaning of the sign is the essence of the state control over the Saspian prascia. Zavdyaki such a visit to reach єдність і диференціація умов праці.

Slid vrachuvati, scho spivvidnoshennya legislative and dovgorny regulyuvannya zmіnyuyutsya in bik soshirennya і dogovornogo regulyuvannya minds praci. Napriklad, near the station. 179 The Labor Code of the Russian Federation establishes the right to dispose of the right to be stuck in a robot, if the work of a dogovir is to be ripped off at the rapidity of the power plant, and can be ruled by pleasing agreements. It is noted that, for

Grizhenko EM Labor Law: A Textbook. - Moscow: PBOYUL, 2001. - P. 13.

Signs to the Labor Law Method

Fig. 1.9. Signs to the Labor Law Method

Writing letter zgodoyu pratsivnika mozhe rozirvati z him vyrgoviy dogovir y zv'yazku z lіkvіdatsіyu organizatsii (shtoryochennya staff) without cross-over about zvilnennya for two months, or for the payment of compensation for the return of the twelve months of the mid-term payment1. On the regional central regulation list:

• the sovereign riven of labor rights, freedoms and guarantors of prac- tice;

• Establish a social partnership (the order of the conduct of collective negotiations, the keeping of the collective agreement, and the land);

• the order of the virіshennya іndivіdualnih і kolektivnikh trudovi спор sporіvіv;

• the principle order of the state budget is evident in the control over the subtriminaries of the official legislation of the working group, and the system is the same as the bodies that are vis-à-vis visibility and control;

• the order of increasing the number of unhappy vipadkivs and professors zahmyvoryan on vibrobnits;

• the order of the way of storage, the reduction of the employment contract;

• the procedure for the employment of material contracts and employment contracts;

• Visible disciplinary tendencies and order of things;

• especially the legal regulation of the pricemark of the categories of pratsivniki, and that is the same as the regularity of the working people and the visually impaired people.

Priinyatі vaslidok tsentralizovannogo regulyuvannya normativnyi akt mozyut mati yak obovyazyviy, so i izmenitsyny character.

Orlovsky Yu. Economy and law. - 2002. - No. 3. - P. 6.

For the sake of local legal regulation, install: the robotic hour in the organization; Counties in the valley; Think of a collective agreement. The local order for the rajunok kostyv pidpriemstva mozhut vstavlyayutvati for pratsyvnikіv dodatkovi, portovanno z chinnim legislativstve, trudovі ta sotsіalno-povytovi pіlgi.

Minimal riven guarantee of labor rights can not be underestimated pre-ordinarily and locally.

So, let us agree on the pro-right, whoever you are in the country, is punishable by the legislation of Ukraine about the rights, do not be offensive.

The participants of the local regulation are the robot and the labor collectives of the organization. Priinyatі vaslіdok local regulyuvannya normative and legal act in the interiors of the organization.

Zauvazhimo, scho importantly досягти optimum співвідношення Інтересів сторін трудових відносин, а икоко інтересів держави. КЗпП і laws of Ukraine якраз і визначають the order of the way of the collective agreement of the socially sociable partners, interregional regulation of minds, do not allow the settlement of the country of origin to be violated by the norms of the law. The main regulator of minds is the work of the dogovir dogovir.

Posednaniya dogovornogo, rekomendatsionnogo імперативного способвв регулювання. The main peculiarity of the dogovirnyi method is the regularity of the suslinnye videshnosin in the spheres of the prairie polyagae in addition to the vestation of the treaty, which, as a rule, can not be changed into a one-sided order.

At the duma of Professor O. V. Smirnov, the recommendation of the regulation of adherence to the norm-recommendations of the sub-categories of suspecial writers, yakis - the subject of labor law. And zdіysnyuetsya vin vkazіvkami for priyyatnnu for the power of the subject sub'ektiv suspilnih vidosin.

Роботанавець наділений право застосовувати до працівника дисциплінарні стягнення, притягати до матеріальної відповідальності, звілняти з роботи на правоних підставах, а також давати обов'язкові для працівника вказівки, пов'язані з виконанням трудових обов'язківів.

The fate of the hard labor collective and vocational trade union organizations in the regular sushilnyh vidosin. As a matter of fact, the method of labor law та takozh is the fate of the labor collectives and the professional trade union bodies in the regular syspinal housing. Взаємовідносини labor collegium with a robot employer is regulated, by the legislation of Ukraine, by the statute of organisation and by that collective agreement.

Negotiations, yak torkayutsya ukladannya sotsіalno-kontsentskih ugod, parties, їх predstavniki majut rivnyi rights. On zagalnyh zborah (conference) labor collegium rozglyadayatsya y zatverdzhuyutsya kolektivny dogovir, virishuyutsya pishtnya schodo otverennya gromadskikh organizatsiy, viznachayutsya povnovazhennya organіv labor collective organizatsii, and takozh virishuvatsya інші питання.

Svoerіdny sposіb zahistu trudoviхh rights і zabezpechennya obovyazykov. Захист трудових права працівників - the basic subject діяльності профійних спілок1. For chinnym legislation of Ukraine, professinі spіlki zdіysnjut otvetnu-nаglyadovu діяльність, take the fate of the installed minds of prac, virіschennі іndivіdualnih і kolektivnikh trudovіh sporіvіv.

Svoyrіdnist moderates the right of the people in the field of takozh to the jurisdiction of the jurisdictional body of the labor collegium - the commissions of labor disputes (nadal - CTS) - we ship it with zahist praclics, we will close it with the Constitution of Ukraine. Індивідуальні трудові спори розглядаються в КТС чи суді, якщо працівник самостійно chi for допомогою виборного профспілкового body not poggulyuvav svії відносини з роботовцем (item 221 КЗпП).

For zasushennya rules z zaroni pratsi up to the established osibs, and takozh to osib, yaki represent vlasnikov abo osnovnivazheny them organichy uhilyayutsya vid participant in the negotiations shodo ukladenya, zmіni chi dopovnennya kolektivnogo contract, mozhe zastosovavatisya і taky zahіd stjagnnnya, yak fine. Wants to carry takozh disciplinary advice as soon as possible until the zvilnennya z posadi2.

Своєрідність підстав виникнення, зміни і припинення трудових відносин. Tsey the method of characterization of tim, svo virishalnu role in vstanovlennnyi vydnoshny vidosnin vidіgrae dvuhponnіy juridical act - laborovy dogovir. Varto vrachuvati, scho trudovіі vіdnosini mozut viniknuti і na pidstavi іnshih juridical facts. Napriklad, typing on vibornu land.

Div.: The Law of Ukraine "About professiyni spilki, їх права та гарантії діяльності" dated 15 вересня 1999 р.

Div.: Art. 17 Law of Ukraine "About the Collective Agreement" from 1 leaf 1993 p. She st. 21 to the Law of Ukraine "About the hunting of the right" for 14 жовтня 1992 р.

Єдність і диференціація правового регулювання праці. Єдність of the labor law of the country is in the sphere of constitutional principles, the basic labor rights and the obov'yazіv pratsіvnikіv i robotodavtsіv. Він полягає також у загальних нормативно-правових Acts of Labor Legislation, Що поширюються на все територію України; in zagalnih pershoї provisions of chapters of the Code, SSMSC regulyuyut trudovі vіdnosini pratsіvnikіv usіh of companies, SET, organіzatsіy Square od forms vlasnostі, referring dіyalnostі th galuzevoї nalezhnostі and takozh osіb, SSMSC pratsyuyut of employment contract s fіzichnimi individuals. Termin "spetsialnaya norm" (on vіdmіnu vіd normi zagalnoy) means її поширення на деякі категорії працівників.

Differential legal regulation pritsi zdіysnyuetsya behind pivnymi factors, yakі vrahovuyutsya legislator at normot-vorchosti (Figure 1.10).

Підстави диференціації у правовом регулюванні праці

Fig. 1.10. Підстави диференціації у правовом регулюванні праці

Ninі for the centralized method of addressing the need for recommendations, dispositive norms, and changing the nature of the norms of norms. Іmperativna, tsentralіzovana rate Je zagalnoobov'yazkovoyu and dispositive, rekomendatsіyna zakrіplyuє in order tsentralіzovanomu kіlka varіantіv povedіnki abo viznachaє Ambush povedіnki i daє mozhlivіst by parties to the employment vіdnosin viznachiti povedіnku that their minds pratsі s urahuvannyam Especially virobnitstva. You can specialize in local jurisdictions of the labor law, indulge in contracts that are proprietary.

Diferentsіatsіya pratsі viznachaєtsya Labour Code Russie yak osoblivostі regulyuvannya pratsі rule of law, SSMSC chastkovo obmezhuyut zastosuvannya zagalnih rules s own quiet power abo peredbachayut for okremih kategorіy pratsіvnikіv dodatkovі rules. Зауважимо, що диференціація умов праці в Російській Федерації визначається:

• natural-psychological emotions;

• Professionals otblivostami (pratsya pravtsivnikіv transport, pedagogicchnyh pracivnykiv tochno);

• Specificity of the labor function (pracia kerivnika organizatsii);

• Other individuals (vykovymi, statievi tochno) 1.

Labor rights - rights Galuzo scho regulyuє trudovі vіdnosini pratsіvnikіv i robotodavtsya and takozh INSHI tіsno Brokers' s yazanі them pohіdnі od vіdnosini them; Vno viznachaet rights and obovozyazy in the sphere pravtsi sub'ektiv labor law ta vidpodalnist for їх porushennya.

Zavdanya labor law - досягнення метиti нормавую регулювання праці. At the station. 1 КЗпП it is noted meta zastosuvannja norms of the labor right і zavdannyа tsih norms2.

Funktsії labor law - tse osnovnyi directly vplyvu yogo norms on the behavior (svidomist, voly) pratsіvnikіv at protsessi pratsi for dosygnennya meti і zavdan labor legislativstva.

Labor law right vikonu regulyuyuchu that funeral function, and takozh specifichny for labor law functions (Figure 1.11).

Sotsіalna funktsіya proyavlyaєtsya in standards schodo realіzatsії Svobody pratsі zabezpechennyu zaynyatostі that, in the rules, SSMSC garantuyut bezpechnі for Health Protection minds pratsі toscho.

1 Orlovsky Yu. Economy and law. - M., 2002. - № 3 - P. 3.

2 Code zakonіv about Prace regulyuє trudovі vіdnosini vsіh pratsіvnikіv, spriyayuchi zrostannyu produktivnostі pratsі, polіpshennyu of Quality robot pіdvischennyu efektivnostі suspіlnogo virobnitstva i vіdtak - materіalnogo i cultural rіvnya Zhittya of workers zmіtsnennyu trudovoї distsiplіni i postupovomu peretvorennyu pratsі on suspіlstva benefit in Perche zhittєvu needful kozhnoї pratsezdatnoї People. Legislation pro pracycu vstanovlyuet vysoky riven mentions pratsi, vsebichnu okhronu trudovikh rights pravtsivnikiv.

Specific functions of labor law

Fig. 1.11. Specific functions of labor law

Zahisna funktsiia manifest in the visibility of the control over the restraints of the law on proprium with virіshennі trudovіh sporіvіv. The function is to become stiff in the usual legal regulations.

The virbitious function is manifested in the rational vicarious labor resources, stimulating productive robots, in the norms of the disciplinary practice of the labor law institutions.

Funktsiya rozvitku vibronichego demokratіya vyavlyaetsya rights and guarantees diyalnost professionalnyh spilok, vovnovazhenney labor collective, rozvitkom sotsialnogo partnership.

Vihovna functatsіya virazhaєtsya v sistemlyuvannі sumnіnoy pračі і zaohochennney pratsіvnikіv, norms of disciplinary and materіnіїї відповідальності працівників.