Labor law of Ukraine - Gruzinova L.P.

3.3. Зміст of the basic principles of labor law

At the station. 2 KZPP viznachenі substantive trudovі rights pračіvnikіv, concretize the right of the thunderers of Ukraine to the right, the Constitution of Ukraine - tobto on the robot with payment by praci not lower than the established power of the minimal rozmir. Derzhava stovoriye umovi efektivnoy zainyatosty populyarnya, spriyatie pratsevlashtuvannuyu, pіdgotovі th підвищенню кваліфікації, а за необобідності забезпечує перепідготовку осіб, вивільнюваних внаслідок transition to the economy.

The principle of freedom of the labor contract virazhayat sutnist norms, yakі regulyuyut ukladannya labor agreement, pidstavoyu vikinnennya, zmіni i pripinennya labor contract. Freedom pokratonya labor agreement on the robot can be real, if you base on the rights to pratsu. The right to practice, to build a building up to the right, to save one's self to a robot. Ob'ekt obovvozyuku, scho viplivaye z right to pratsyu, є power, yaka vsporya gromadyaninu nadannny robot vidpovidno to legislature; In different times for the robot, it is necessary to compensate for the compensation in the form of orders and laws. Legislation about pravcju viznachaє, scho trudovі vidosinini vinikayut for vzaemnoyu zgodoyu storin. We work with the contract to get out and clean up the prac- tice, the rights and the obovozyazki. Chinnym zakonotvorchestvovatsya neobruntovana vidmova u priinyatti on the robot.

Signifi- cantly, in the trivalous stabilnostі trudovi в vіdnosyn viyavlyayutsya zapretatіya zanjatosty pratsyuuchih. Stabilnist trudovyh vidosnon zabezpechuyutsya tim, scho robototavets mozhe zmіniti otvovi labor contract for the lack of employment for those zgodi pratsivnik, and rozirvati trudoviy dogovir - tilki for nayavnosti pіdstav, peredbacheny u s legali. Legislation on the work of Ukraine is straightforward on the form of stabilnyh trudoviks vidosin.

For pravtsivnika freedom ukladannya labor contract means mozhnivіt obirati sobі mіsce і і вид вид вид вид вид вид вид вид. For robotodevtsya freedom of the employment contract means vozmozhnost vibrotivy z-pomozh iinim naypridatnіshogo z point zoru dіlovi і kvalіfіkacіynyh ostavost pracitsvnika.

The principle of the viznachenstі trudovoi funktsiі prakіvnika viyavlyaetsya v veshenennnyi rabotovoi funktsii in the dogovirnomu order, and the concrete form of zastosuvannya pratsі pracitsivnika viznachaetsya voleyu, vіlnim voleviyavlennyam pravtsivnika i robototavtsya. Umova about the labor function, which is vikonuvatimetsya praktsivnikom, - the basis of the labor contract. Він не може вважатися укладеним, якщо sidelines not to be dominated by schodo professii, spetsial'nostі, kvalіfіkacі chi posadi pratsіvnika. In KZPP zakripplyuetsya principle dogovornogo nature of work-related vidnosin and ziznachensti laborovy functions, yaka vikonuetsya pratsivnikom. The right to pratsu pracitsniki realizuyut shalom ukladennya labor agreement on the robot on pidpriemstvі, in the installation, organisatsії abo fizicnoyu special. When the work contract of the robot is laid down, it should be done by the laborer (labor function), be judged by the terms of the employment contract (Article 21 of the KZPP).

KZPP vysnachaetsya principle stabilnost trudovyh vidosnon - trudovіі vidosoni mozhut pripinyatsya depres s pіdstav, podbachenyh law (articles 36-41 and 45 KZPP).

In Ukraine it is possible to be a form of primus before the rule (the principle of liberty pračí). So, the gromadyans of Ukraine vlyno obsolayut vid diyalnosti, not zaboroneni by legislation, that number is not affected by vikonannanym mourned robot, and so is the profession, the world of robotics is up to its own resources. Primushuvannya to pratsi in the form of a non-admission, for vinyatkom vipadkіv, peredbachenih legislation of Ukraine. Dobrovilnaya nezajnyatist gromadyan not і підставою для притягнення їх до адміністративної або кримінальної відповідальності1.

Закріплено добровільність праці, вибір або зміну профії та ти діяльності, безплатне сприяння у виборі підходящої роботи пчедлаштуванні відповідно до покликання, здібностей, профійної підготовки, освіти, з урахуванням суспільних потреб vіdіmі zapіbіmi zakolіvі znaklyuchi profiіynu orієntatsіy i perepіdvіku2.

The principle of the participation of the labor collectives of the chi dia's representatives in the established minds is established for the monitoring of the reporting of the legislation of the proprietary3.

The principle of the material nature of the encroachment of law is enforced, the principle of pre-regulating the rule is to be built on the basis of the system of ugods, and to be settled on the sovereign, the galus, the regional one and the vibronic rivnyah.
Працівники мають право на виідпочинок відповідно до законів About обмеження робочого дня That robotic tigunya і про щорічні оплачувані відпустки. The law establishes the power of guarantee for the right of access to water, the viznachaet umvi, trivalist і order nadannya їh pracitsnikam for vidnuvlennya pratsesdatnostі, zmіtsnennya zdorov'ya, and takozh for vihovannya detite, zadovolennya vlasnih zhittsevo vospolivi потреб nedeti іnteresiv, vsebіchnogo rozvitku individuala. The right to vispustki majut gromadyani Ukraini, yakі perebuvayut trudovikh vidnosinakh z pіdpriemstvami, institutivami, organizatsyami nezalezhno vіd forms viasnostі, kind diyalnosti and galuzevo nalezhnostі, and takoz pracyuyut for trudovim contract in fizichnoy individual5.

The basic principles of the implementation of the Constitutional Law of the Republic of Tajikistan on the cash, health and bereavement of the right are in the process of labor lawfulness, which is the principle of carelessness of the government, for the part of the executive bodies that are responsible for the enforcement of the law, the installation and organization of the body, the authority and the authority Безпеки, гігієни праці та виробничого середовища і встанолює єдиний порядок організації охорони праці in Україні6.

Div.: Art. 1 Law of Ukraine "About the population" from 1 birch of 1991 p. Div.: Art. 4 Law of Ukraine "About the population" from 1 birch of 1991 p. Div.: The Law of Ukraine "About the Collective Agreement", dated December 1, 1993. Div.: The Law of Ukraine "About the payment of wages" dated 24 birch 1995. Div.: The Law of Ukraine "About the water" for 15 leaves of the fall of 1996. Div.: Law of Ukraine "About the hunting of the right" for 14 жовтня 1992 р.

The principle of the participants in the labor co-optatives and professional spirits in the vir- tischennye nourishment, which appear with the minds of prats, zdіysnennі control of the pre-Trimnan law of propria. The law of regulation of minds is governed by centralization and local methods. For the sake of local reguljuvannya concretize the zagalnaya norm z urauvuvnyam specifiki specific organizatsii. Умови праці в оргаізації встанолюються до допомою різних правових форма: collective agreement, laying about premiuyuvannya, rules of internal rozporyadku that ішихшими lands. Local norms, yakі погіршують ставище працівників порівняно з законодавством України about працю, є недійсними.

The principle of the participants in the labor co-operatives and the professional spirits of the vir- tischennye nourishment of the installation of the minds is prac- ted to nadnjam мm rights zdіysnyuvati control of the pre-Trinitarian law of the law, the zokrem - the restoration of the minds of the práci. KZPP viznachenі povnovazhennya vibornogo organ profspilkovoi organizatsii ya labor collective on pіdpriemstі, installation, organіzatsії1. Tse principle of the right to seek індивідуальні та колективні трудові спори, including the right to strike, які визначені в інституті трудових споів. Control of functions for the pre-Triangles of the legislation on the drafting of labor contracts for the work of commissions of labor disputes (CCC). Vona is the primary organ, but virishuyu trudovi spori v organizatsii, de pravciye not less than 15 cholovik2.

Principles lie in the basis of legal regulation of successive visions of labor issues, lay down the labor law, к kerivnimi positions of prudent labor legislation. Nayavnist principles in the labor law does not depend on the legal regulation of the visions of labor. Differential education is provided by the specialties of the dressing of the pratsi in the rarities of the Gospodarenia, the organisation of the prazis, the character of the vibrobitvita, in fact. One of the most important features of the legal regulation in Ukraine is the principle of this differentiation.

The basic principle of the legal regulation of the working and non-middle-aged people is the following:

• Freedom of right;

• The right to pratcju, yaku kozhen mozhe vylno oborati abo yaku dobrovolno pogodzhuetsya, zaklyuchayuchi right rozporyadzhashisya its

Div.: Art. 247, 252-1 КЗпП. Div.: Art. 224 КЗпП.

Zdibnosty y oborati professiu i rіd take; The right to zahist vid nebrobittya sprijannya y pratsevlashtuvanni;

• The right to spravedlivі minds pratsі, zokrema right to pratsі minds, scho vіdpovіdayut vimogam BEZPEKA, gіgієni, peredbachayut right to vіdpochinok, vklyuchayuchi obmezhennya robochem hour, nadannya schodennogo vіdpochinku, vihіdnih i Svyatkovyy dnіv, oplachuvanoї schorіchnoї vіdpustki;

• fence of primusovoy oboivyazkoy pračі i diskriminatsії in the sphere of pračí;

• The right to a fair zarobіtnu fee scho zabezpechuє Zhittya, Helsinki Human gіdne for neї samoї that її sіm'ї - prinaymnі not nizhche STATUTORY mіnіmalnogo rozmіru and takozh right to obsession zarobіtnoї pay svoєchasno th at Povny rozmіrі;

• the right to professional preparation and re-training;

• rіvnіst rights i mozhlivostey pratsіvnikіv and takozh zabezpechennya rіvnih mozhlivostey pratsіvnikam without zhodnoї diskrimіnatsії in prosuvannі on robotі s urahuvannyam produktivnostі pratsі, kvalіfіkatsії th seniority robots Zi spetsіalnostі;

• The right pratsіvnikіv i robotodavtsіv on ob'єdnannya for Zahist rights svoїh i іnteresіv, vklyuchayuchi right pratsіvnikіv stvoryuvati profesіynі spіlki i vstupati before them, and the right to participate takozh pratsіvnikіv, robotodavtsіv, їhnіh ob'єdnan in dogovіrnomu regulyuvannі of labor i bezposeredno pov'yazanih іz Them vidosin;

• the right to practice on the part of the management in the form of forms;

• the right to compensate for schoolchildren, for the protection of their rights against the vikonannnyam him laborious obovyazykov;

• Reigning vstanovlennya garantіy, SSMSC zabezpechuyut viznannya, dotrimannya i Zahist rights pratsіvnikіv i robotodavtsіv, zdіysnennya sovereign control of that lucid їh dotrimannyam, zabezpechennya skin on the right Zahist yogo powers rights i freedoms zokrema ship in order;

• the right to the virіshennya іndivіdualnih і kolektivnikh trudovi спор sporіvіv, including the right to strike, the order established by law;

• The right robotodavtsya vimagati od pratsіvnikіv vikonannya of labor obov'yazkіv i dbaylivogo representations to the lane, and takozh right pratsіvnikіv vimagati od robotodavtsya dotrimannya yogo obov'yazkіv stosovno pratsіvnikіv, zakonodavstva about Prace th іnshih aktіv scho mіstyat labor law regulations. Zokrema - the right to represent the priors of the work of the trade union oversight of the subtrimen- sion of the legislation of the proprietary and other acts, and to impose norms of the labor law.

Controlling food

1. What is the meaning of the basic legal principles and labor law of the Zokrem?

2. The system of basic principles of labor law.

3. Зміст of the basic principles of labor law.

4. Yak spivvidnositsya main principle of the labor law with the basic rights of the Gromadyans?

Temi Abstracts

1. The main principle of the international legal regulation.

2. The main principle of the labor law of Ukraine.

3. The principle of labor law in the law Rossiyskoe Federatsii.