Labor law of Ukraine - Gruzinova L.P.

Theme 4. Sub-issues of labor law

4.1. Ponyattya, see subektiv labor law of this legal status.

4.2. Gromadyans (pratsivniki) yak sub'ekti labor law.

4.3. Robotodevtsi ta organizatsii rabotaetavtsіv yak sub'ekti labor law.

4.4. Виборні профспілкові organі та та інші всвноважені на представництво we work with the collective of organics subekti of the labor law.

4.1. Ponyattya, see subektiv labor law of this legal status

Understand, see the sub-ect of labor law. Subjects of the law are the participants in susinnye vidosin, yakі on pіdstavі chinogo legislativstva majut subektivnye rights and obovvozyki. The skin of the law is characterized by its own sub-law rights (see Figure 4.1).

Sub'ekti labor law - tse participants saspilnyh vidosin, yakі mozut mati trudovi rights and obovvozyaki, and takozh realizovuvati.

I need an unobstructed mind for the work of vinnytshny vidosnon є labor law. Zgіdno z trudovim law Gromadyan volodіє єdinuyu trudovoyu pravodієzdatnіsty ta deliktokzotatnistyu - zadatnistju mati y zdіysnyuvati trudovi zav obojvjazki, carry vidpodalnist for the work of lawful destruction. All the elements are vain for a period of one-third of the work of the legal profession (Figure 4.2).

Subjects of the labor law are the parties to the hard work and tisno povyazanyh zid them vidosin, scho volodiyut trudovoyu pravoberezhnostyu.

Legal status. All the sub-elements of labor law are legally defrocked by the legal status, stinked by the working rights and obovjazyv in the sphere of law. The legal status is given to the subjunctions of the labor law. Brothers have a fate in specific legal matters. Кожен із суб'эктів the labor law має sіy legal status.

See the sub-elements of labor law

Fig. 4.1. See the sub-elements of labor law

Elements of the labor legal system

Fig. 4.2. Elements of the labor legal system

We are entitled to the status of the sub-item of labor law to be called yogo fundamentally the law of the institution, zakriplene labor law. Zmistom the legal status of sub'ektiv є takieelementi (Figure 4.3).

Elements to the legal status of sub-elements of labor law

Fig. 4.3. Elements to the legal status of sub-elements of labor law

Zauvazhimo, scho work by the laws of labor law-nect-nist perebachena for skin zmomlievy sub'ektiv labor law. The right of obovoyazyka ta їh juridical guarantees of the legal status of the sub-category of workers before the institutions of labor law for the sub-entities and to enter the legal status of the sub-item of labor law on the basis of labor legislation.

Trudova pravobiektnist yak osobliva vlastvist, scho viznaetsya for subecentry of labor law by law, meaning, scho for nayavnosty pivnykh minds stink:

• building a sub-category of specific legal issues in the sphere of praec;

• Volodya rights and bear obovjozyki.

Trudova vozdeb'ectnist zavzhdi znachaet zdatnist gromadyanina, organizatsii (robotodavtsya), labor kolektivoy his dyami nabuvati sub'ektivnye rights ta obovvozyki, scho zmist zak zististe pravovideshnosin.

Trudova pravoberection є peredumovoyu nadannya sub'ektov labor law rights ta obov'yazkiv, yaki bezparednyo vyplivayut dії law.

Subektivnye rights and obovyazyka, scho vyplivayut iz the law, - the basis of the legal status of the sub-item of labor law.

Зміст legal status sub'ekta labor law допняню гарантиії здійснення праві и відповідальність за нажжне виконання обов'язків.