Labor law of Ukraine - Gruzinova L.P.

4.2. Gromadyani (pračivniki) yak sub'ekti labor law

Yak sub'ekt labor law gromadyanin moe volodіti actualy zdatnistyu up to pratsi. Tzya vlastvіst zalizhit vіd fizichnyh i rozumovikh mozlivostej, yakimi volodіє persona і yakі vona vyavlyaє, zaimayuchis pevnuyu trudovoyu diyalnistyu.

Actual building up to the right of the building to the right of the law category (labor law) is understandable inaccuracies. The actual building up to the rule of law is meaningfully early, viznachae labor law and to stay in the її basics.

Chinne Legislation on the protection of property in the category of hordes of labor law subobjects and their legal status (Figure 4.4).

The legal status of the gendarme yak sub'ektiv labor law iodiniy, ale shchodo juridicheskikh garantiіy konstitutsionnykh konstitutsionnykh trudovikh

Gromadyani yak sub'ekti labor law

Fig. 4.4. Gromadyani yak sub'ekti labor law

The right of one's own self-sufficiency. Наприклад, правовий статус жінок, неповнолітніх, інвалідів, державних службовців1.

The legal status of a gigantic yak sub'ekta labor law vidriznyaetsya vid legal status pravtsivnik organizatsii. Gromadyans staiyut sub'ektami vidnosin labor law before the viniknennya vdovishny vidosonin, if vony shukayut sobi robotu.

Trudova pravobiektnist gromadyan. The labor law of the Gromaden characterizes both the criterion (Figure 4.5).

Div.: Ch. XII "Pratsya zhinok" t XIII "Pratsya molodi" KZPP.

Criteria, ico characterize the labor law of the Hromadians

Fig. 4.5. Criteria, ico characterize the labor law of the Hromadians

Trudova zhurnal'ektnist Gromadyan established chinnym legislation propratyu, as a rule, vinikayu on okayagnennu gromadyanyami shistnadtsyati rockiv (Article 188 KZPP). Tse mіnіmalnyy vіk, z yakogo sostavlyayetsya priinyattya on the robot. Especially for the installation of a robot installed for osib, yak dovagli p'yatnaccyati rokіv, and takozh uchnіv zagalnoosvіtnіh shkіl, professionno-tehnichnyh i srednnіh spetsialnikh navchalnikh napіvіv for vikonannya easi roboty, scho not zavdae schody zdorov'yu, v vilnyi vіd navchannya hour po досягненні Them chotirnadtsyatirichnogo vyku zgodoyu one z batkokov abo individual, yaka yogo zamenyuє.

The juridical nature of the classical criterion of the work of the legal profession is in the form of hindsight, that is, the individuals who do not receive the visimnesticity of the rock, the work of the law-governed people are priirty in their rights to the vulgar ones, and in the guise of the hunting, the hour, the void and the active Ішших minds pracіі to be punished by пільгами, вставвленийми законвство України.

Povrushenya rules of law, in order to establish the criterias of the work of justice, to superintend the interests of the interests of unregistered ones, the work of law and order from the unaccustomed to picking up pripinennu.

Vol'oviy Criterium - the camp of the Vol'nyi building of the Gromadyan to the pricy chi pіdpriєmnich'koi dіyalnі.

• Can not be a subjekt of labor law gromadyani, viznanny court nedіezdatnymi.

• It is not possible to reverse the admission of a person to a post in the state organ of the yoga aparata person, yak: they are not recognized in the established order as non-residents; Moyut judging, nesumіsnu posadoyu; In the other vipadkah, according to the laws of Ukraine1.

Div.: Art. 12 Law of Ukraine "About the state service" for 16 грудня 1993 р.

Zauvazhimo, sho obmezhennya labor law, but can be more private and timachovim, vono admit tilki vypadkah, viznacheny law.

We are able to work with legislation in accordance with the special law and justice of the camp of the health of the pračnik. Otsіnka zdalnostі to pratzі zdіysnyuє not gromadyanin, but the power, robotavatsiv, kerivnik organizatsii uklannannyi labor contract.

З отриманням status підприємця громадянин може мати і status of a robot-worker - sub-item of labor law. Підприємництво може здійснювасьсь у двох формах:

1) by the master himself;

2) sub'ektom, which is governed by the minivan.

The amendment is governed by the contract. Trudova pravobiectnist pratsyuyuchih vlasnikiv regulyuetsya tsivіlnym і trudovim law of Ukraine.

The basic works (statutory) of the rights of authorship in the Constitution of Ukraine, at the art. 2 КЗпП. The basic obovyazyka pračivnikіv viznacheni at the station. 139 КЗпП. Prior statutory rights, that obovvjazkiv prazivnika, scho characterize gromadyan yak sub'ektiv labor law, lie down so (Figure 4.6).

Signed the rights and obovvozyki, being statutes, stossuyutsya all pravtsivnikiv - sub'ektiv labor law, or the legal status of pracitsnikika moe svoi osoblyvosti zalizhno vid type labor contract.

The right to obovozyakki robotodevtsya in Trudoviks vidnosynakh z pravtsivnikom zdіysnayutsya, yak rule, kerivnikom organizatsii (director, vikonavchim director, president ta іn.). Він діє відповідно to legislature proprtsyu, інших normative-legal acts, set the documents and the order with the contractor.

Guarantees subektivnyh rights1. Guarantees of labor rights are given in Fig. 4.7.

A characteristic feature of the legal guarantees of the labor rights of the applicant is the fate of the hard-working collectivis and the vibornics of the professional bodies in the field of realiza- tion.

The guarantee of the labor rights of labor is shown in Fig. 4.8.

Pid legal guarantees are required by law to be reinstated in the legislative legislation of the organisational and legal rules, for the sake of some of them to be protected against sub-legislative rights.

Statutory rights ta obov'yazki pračívnikіv

Fig. 4.6. Statutory rights ta obov'yazki pračívnikіv

Guarantees of labor law rights

Fig. 4.7. Guarantees of labor law rights

Normi, scho regulyuyut diyalnist service zanyatosty, pozhyazhany z pracevlashtuvannanyam pratsivnikiv, lie down to the type guarantee of realizatsiya rights to pratsyu. Guarantee the function of the protection of labor rights vikonut і norms, yakі regulyuyut mozhnivist pratsіvnikіv zahistiti trudovi rights, zvernuvshis in organi, vio virishut trudovi spori.

Znachennya guarantee of labor rights pracitsnikov

Fig. 4.8. Znachennya guarantee of labor rights pracitsnikov

Відповідальність за нажжне виконання своїх обов'язків. At the practical level, the sublevels of the labor law can be manifested in a positive retrospective (negative) perspective.

Positive is the adherence to the value of the adherence to the pressure of the vikonannya sub'ektom sobyh zobov'azan ninі і in Maybutnomu.

Negative is the adherence to - admission for the vzhe vchinene, not summinenne vikonannya sub'ektom svoih zobov'azan. It is negative in view of the fact that the sub-law of the labor law - the Gromadyan for the deed of his own obovyazykov zobov'azaniyah to bear the tread of the uninhabited for nyogo nalldikiv, viznacheniyah by legal norms.

Juridicheskaya vidpovidannist prakivnik yak sub'ekta labor law for the labor of the right of destruction may be disciplinary, material, and for the active categories of the arrested - the admi-administrative (fine).