Labor law of Ukraine - Gruzinova L.P.


8.1. Ponyattya, the parties that contract labor agreement.

8.2. The order of the form is the form of the employment contract.

8.3. See the labor agreements.

8.4. Translated into a robot. Зміна істотних умов праці.

8.5. Pidstavi order of the work contract.

8.1. Understand, the parties that contract labor agreement

Understand the contract of employment. The labor contract is the basic institution of labor law. Він охоплює правові норми, які viznachayut understand, side zmist labor contract, and takozh order yogo укладення, зміни та припинення. On підставі the labor contract виникють трудові правовідносини. Labor dogovir - the main principles of realizing the right of a gromadyan to pratsyu, and such is the right to a vibe of professors, who is busy with that robot. Constitutionally, the right of the gromadyans to the right is due to and through the employment of the employment contract (Figure 8.1).

Forms of realizing the right to work

Fig. 8.1. Forms of realizing the right to work

Legalno vyznachennya ponyattenya labor agreement yak dvuhstoronnoy gody detyatsya at st. 21 КЗпП1.

1 Div .: dogovіr of labor - tse lands mіzh pratsіvnikom i vlasnikom pіdpriєmstva, install, organіzatsії abo upovnovazhenim him authority chi fіzichnoyu special, zgіdno s yakoyu pratsіvnik zobov'yazuєtsya vikonuvati robot viznachenu tsієyu land, s pіdporyadkuvannyam vnutrіshnomu labor rozporyadkovі and vlasnik pіdpriєmstva, mouth-

Fig. 8.2. Aspect of the employment contract

In the labor law of labor, the dogovors are viewed in three aspects (Figure 8.2) 1.

Yak Yurydychna fact of labor dogovіr Je pіdstavoyu viniknennya i the form of labor іsnuvannya pravovіdnosin in chasі and takozh peredumovoyu viniknennya th іsnuvannya іnshih pravovіdnosin, tіsno pov'yazanih s of labor. Zauvazhimo, scho labor of dogovir - the goal of the site, and the work of law-making - the law of the call of prazivnik and robotovtsya.

The work contract is a legal fact of realizatsiyu pravtsivnikom іshih trudovih rights that obovvozyku pratsyvati chesno sumnіno in obranіy spheres dіyalnі.

Yak Institute of Labor Law of the work of the dogovir - tse system of legal norms on the employment of a robot, transferred to a robot, zmіni umov pratsi ta zvilnennya z roboti. Інститут the employment contract є серцевиною systems of labor legislation.

Трудовий договір є угодою між працівником і роботовцем, визначає правове становище працівника. At the station. 21 KZPP established zobov'yazanya storin working contract.

Pratsіvnik zobov'azuyetsya vikonuvati zaznachenu in udod robotu, dotrimuychis vnutrishnyogo labor rozporyadku. But we are forward,

Novi organіzatsії abo upovnovazheny him authority chi fіzichna person zobov'yazuєtsya viplachuvati pratsіvnikovі zarobіtnu fee i zabezpechuvati minds pratsі, neobhіdnі for vikonannya robot peredbachenoї zakonodavstvom about Prace, collective agreement that lands storіn.

1 Gusov K. N., Tolkunova V. N. Labor Law of Russia: Textbook: 2nd ed., Ext., App. - M .: Jurist, 1999.

Звісно - виконувати доручену йому роботу особисто, не передоручаючи її іншій особі, за винятком випадків, добачених законодавством.

Роботодавець збов'язується виплачувати працівникові заробітну плата і забезпечувати необхідні умоі праці, before the laws of pratytsya, kolktivnim contract that haggard story.

The special form of the employment contract is the contract; Yogo zmist, hocha y viznachaetsya hug storyn, maee vidpovidati laws that are the normative-legal acts of praciyu1. Umovi contract, sho pogyrshuyut stanovishche pravtsivnikіv porіvnyano іz legislativstvu Ukraine about pratsyu, vvazhayutsya nedіysnimi.

At the time of the contract of employment, the worker is the robot-worker of the labor law. The Pricewoman shall be bound by the rules of the internal ordering of the body and the rights, the provisions for the administration of the organisa zation.

Zauvazhimo, scho organizatsitsionno-pravovi form pravtsi - tse trudoviy dogovіt ta dogovіr tsivіlno-pravoviy, the subject of the I-praca individual. Understanding the employment contract, you can help the basic understanding of the employment contract. So mozhna rozrizniti trudoviy dogovіr vіd tsivіlno-pravovikh kontsepіv, povyazyannyh іz zastosuvannya pracіі (Figure 8.3).

The subject of the employment contract is the process of labor; Pravtsivnik zobov'azaniyah vikonuvati robot (labor function), viznachenu hug story; Ydetis pro robot for pevnoyu spetsialnistyu, kvalіfіkatsієy chi posadoyu.

In Trudoviks, the legal profession of the robot-seeker, the disciplinary authority, the owner of the estate and the work of the labor discipline can work with the labor contracts with the prac- tice. Robotatavets, the right to attract the praticess to the material nature of the past, for the sake of the world, the state, the order, the prosecuted legislation. Robotavtavets take on the th rizik vtrachenoi chi zipsovanoi produkcii (without vini pratsivnika).

Robotatavets rules the process of the pratik pravtsivnika, yaky mie vikonati pivniy osyag praci for singing part of the robochogo hour. The payment of the rules is governed by the laws of the employment contract and by the law of propriety.

1 Contract (for the Latin contractus) - dogovir (pleasing) із взаємними зобов'язаннями сторін; Contract termominom (very importantly letter).

Fig. 8.3. Signs of the employment contract

Parties to the employment contract. The work contract is a two-way business. By the parties of the employment contract є pravtsivnik і robotavazov - the clerk of the device, establish, organizatsiya oboobnovnazheny them the organ chi phizic persona.

Abi stati side of the employment contract, the Gromadyan is guilty of the mother of labor legalization and labor dієздатність1. Згідно зі ст. 188

1 Trudova pravozdatnist perebachaє zdatnist individual of the mother of labor law and carry legal obovvozyki. Trudova dієzdatnist - tse dvizhnnost osobisto nabuvati, KZPP labor pravodієzdatnist gromadyan nastaє, yak rule, z shіstnaccyati rokіv. For one Zgoda s batkіv abo individuals, yak yogo zamіnyuє, mozhut, yak vinyatok, priymatis on the robot birds, SSMSC dosyag-whether p'yatnadtsyati rokіv Trudova pravosub'єktnіst nastati Mauger i s chotirnadtsyati rokіv Yakscho:

• pidlitok, reaching the 14-rіchnogo vіku, є take into account zagalnoosvіtnіh shkіl, professіno-tehnіchnikh і serіdnіh spetsіalnі nаvchalnikh nіtіv;

• The robot's request is not locked into the yogi's health;

• It is equipped with a labor contract with a robot to be executed at the time of the Naval Day and not by the process of Navczan;

• on the date of the employment contract - the year of one person, the individual, yak yogo zamenyuє.

The law does not mean that one of the forms of one person is otriminated in the form itself. Принаймні її доцільно оформляти у письмовій формі. At разі відсутності батьків it is guilty of buti zgoda opіkuna піо піклувальника chі оргаів опіки і піклування.

Zagal ukladennya labor agreement with individuals, yaki not досягли чотирнадцятирічного віку, not to be admitted.

By the side of the employment contract, you can be a natural person without gromadyany. By a contract of employment, a governmental reorganization1. Умови праці встанолюються за угодою між релігійною оргаізацієюю та працівником і визначаються трудовим договором, якийдається в письмиїм формі. The reorganization of the zobovan is assigned to the established procedure for the registration of work contracts. Such an order should be documented, but owes money to pay for priests, clergymen and fellows, as well as for the reorganization of the people in the viport villages. Gromadyani, kotrі pracyuyut at religіynіy organizatsii for labor agreement, mozhut bouti members profspilki. On gromadyane, kotrі pritsyuyut at relygynykh organizatsiyah for a labor agreement, shiroyetsya law

Здійснювати й відповідати за неправвомірну реалізацію трудових права та обов'язківів. In labor law, the right of possession is hitherto imposed on the enemy, every living person is a special volition of the individual, and the work of obovyazyka can not be done without the help of the younger ones. Tom about the labor prravodiizdatnst was told yak about єdinu power of justice of the Gromadyans. Its legal development of juridical individuals is through the assassins of the director, the yogic intercessors of those who are kerivniki.

1 Div. 25-27 Law of Ukraine "About Freedom of Conscientious and Reliable Organizations" dated 23 квітня 1991 р.

Nodavstvo propratyu, yak і na pracitsvnikіv sverhvnyh i gromadskikh pіdpriemstv, set up organizatsiy. On gromadyan, yaki ptsyyuyut on pidpriemstvah, zasnovanih religіynimi organizatsyami, and takozh at the strelenyh them noble pockets, broaden legislature pro pracity.

Роботодавцем відповідно to the station. 21 КЗпП може бути юридична чи фізична особа. Роботодавці - legal entities can be boutique commercial and non-commercial organizations. Robotodavtsevtsom mozhe vygodati i інший суб'єкт, якщо він наділений eligible to work and work. On the contrary, the members of the cooperative realize their right to power through zagalni zbori spivvlasnikiv, yaki to offend the vikonavchy body; Він і укладає трудові договори.

Juridical individuals mait the right of stvoiovati vidokremleni structuralnie pіdrozdіli poz mіscem svogo rotashuvannya (fіlіali, predstavnitvva).

З працівником може бути укладений трудовий договір schodo виконання роботи як безпосередньо в оргаізації, and in yоgo філіалі, представництві. Zauvazhimo, scho, oskilki fіlіali, posadvnitvva not є juridical persons, stinks can not buti, as a rule, a party to the employment contract. When the employment contract for a robot in fіlіalі (predstavnitstvі), the work is written in the form of a legal person, that is a special one, and not with a fіlіial (predstavnytvtvom). Філіали (представаництва) діють від імені legal entity, represent yogo intersee. Kernivniki fіlіialu (predstavnitstva) nadayuetsya povnovyazhennya pokolovaty rabotovy dovovіr z pracіivnikami ta vikonuvati іnshі functіії, power of robotavtsevtsev. Він виступає не від імені юридичної individuals. Povnovazhennia kerivnika fіlіialu (predstavnitvva) viznachayutsya set the documents of the legal entity abo dovirenіstyu, yaka osyaetsya legal special.

Є дві категорії роботодавців - фізичних осіб. Роботодавці, які використовуть працю individuals for the consumption of their particular dusk (driver, secretary, chauffeur), and takozh robotodavtsi, yakі zaimayutsya pіdpriєmnitskiyu dіyalnіstyu without the order of juridical person. On pratsіvnikіv, yakі uklali trudoviy dogovіr z robotodavtetsom - fizichnoyu especial, zagalnі norms of the labor legislation uchiryuyutsya uroahuvannyam osoblivostey, vstavleniy st. 24-1 КЗпП that by other normative-legal acts.

Зміст the labor contract . Слід розрізняти зміст of the employment contract з усіма його момові з зміст трудових правовідносн - право и обов'язки їх суб'єктів, viznachenі work contract and labor legislation. Duly respected the procedure for the imposition of the rights and obovozyakiv - two visible minds of the employment contract: bezsosedny, zmist yakih viznachaetsya parties when the employment contract; Pokhidny, zmist of such regulations in laws, pidzakonnih that local normative -no-legal acts and yakis, as a rule, you can not zmіnuvatisya by the sake of the site. Наприклад, працівники зобов'язані дотримуватися трудової і технологічної дисципліни, вимог нормативних аків про охорону праці, обов'язок роботавця - сoєчасно виплачувати заробітну плата та ін. To edit the employment contract for the sake of registration, you have to verify the fact of the employment contract.

Umovi, virobleni the parties with the established employment contract (without a commonality), have their own worm, oblyavyutsya on obovyazykovi (neobhіdny), without any work contracts, can not do it, and doodkovy (facultative), not obovyazykovi iznuvannya labor contract (rice 8.4).

Wear an employment contract with an apprentice

Fig. 8.4. Wear an employment contract with an apprentice

Until the obovyazykovyh minds of the employment contract to lie:

• the instinct about priinyattya on robot gromadyanina that mosotse roboti (organizatsiya, yaka roztashovana on the day of pokupennya labor contract in pevnіy mіscevostі);

• about the labor function, yaku vikonuvatime pratsivnik, de zaznachaetsya yogo posad, professiya, spetsialnist, kvalіfіkatsya;

• the time for the start of the robot (and with the stringed labor contract ─ about the lines of zakinchenna roboti);

• In order to pay for the rent of the criminally paid laborer. In the fundamentals of the employment contract, lay down the well-behaved volition

Yogo storin. So, in order to fulfill the task of the robotics of the prac- tice, those who need to install the equipment, install, organize, distribute in the local area (populated point), de facto vikonuvatime obomovlenu work contract to the robot. The parties to the employment contract may be indicated as being more robust than the official (pidrozdil, viddil, shop, dinnytsya, concrete mehanizm, unit tochno). Roboche mіsce mozhe bouti viznacheno dosit specifically.

Umova about the labor function is characterized by the form of robotics and the colony of obo-yazkiv pravtsivnika. In the employment contract, the name is given to the name, specialty, and profession, and the job is assigned to the kvalіfіkacіya pracіvіnika, zgіdno z yakuyu vіn vikonuvatiem funktsії, obomovleni labor contract. Tobto "a robot, is identified with the help of a host" (Article 21 of the KZPP). The principle of the viznachenstі laborivy funktsії vstanovlyuє і ст. 31 КЗпП: robot is not a man of the right vimagati vіd pravcіvnika vikonannya roboty, not obmolovaniї labor agreement. Trudova fizicіya viznachaєtsya vіdpііdіnu to the Classifier of Professors ta Dovіdnіk kvalіfіkacіynykh iznacheniy professiy pracіvnikіv1.

When the employment contract is fixed, the prac-

Умови про місце роботи, трудову functцію, а також про розмір заробітної плати є необхідними for інунуняня кожного вид трудового договору.

Umova for an hour cob roboti ostanovlyuetsya at protsessi ukladennya labor contract; Wona fіksyutsya in writing the form of the employment contract і in the order about priinyattya on the robot pračіvnika. I

1 Div .: staged by Kabinetu Ministry of Ukraine "About the Concept of the National Statistics of Ukraine and the State Program for the Transition to the International System of Statistics and Statistics" for 4 herbs 1993 p. No. 326; Instructions to Derstandstandard of Ukraine "About the solidification of the State Classifier of Ukraine" dated 27.07.95 No. 257.

V sidichit about ukladennya labor contract, viniknennya u storin vseemnih rights and legal obovozyakiv. At the labor contract, as a rule, the name of the robot is accurate (rіk, місяць, a number). Yak rule, the dogovar vvazhaetsya way, yakschoo vin pisdisaniyah yogo parties; Yakshcho y contract ne vyznacheny hour cob robot, then praecivnik maє begin to roboti day of the day writing a letter form the labor contract.

In actual vypadkas, the ears of a robust day can be identified by the fact that a predecessor can be admitted to work with a robot contract (part 4, article 24 of the KZPP).

When the employment contract is signed, the parties, who are obovyazykovyh (basic), can viznachiti doodkovki umovi labor contract. Yakshcho parties obomovili dodotkovi umovi, then stink obovyazykov for storin labor contract. On the other hand, the parties can obmoziti under the established contract of employment yogo lines, viprobuvannya, nepovnyy robochiy hour, sumіsnitsvto, and takozh інші момо contract of employment. The right to obovyazyka prattsivnika dopovnoyatsya, clarify chi concretize stasovno vikonuvanoї it labor functions.

Зауважимо, що згідно зі ст. 9 КЗпП умипіві підприюю, які погіршують ставище працівників порівняно із чинним законоданством України about працю, є недійсними.

Yakshcho is entrusted with the urine of the right of water, then the work of the dogovar is imminent. Napriklad, yakschoo at the dispensary of the pharmacist priinyali person without neobihidnoy osvіti, then її muyut zvilnti z roboti through zarashennya rules priinyattya on the robot.

The labor dogovir - the goal of the land, the Tobto ix vzemnne voleviyavlennya, maє on meti vstanoviti mizh parties work trudovidnosnini. For labor agreement to the main obovyazykiv prazivnika nalezhit peredusim vikonannya in organizatsii robot pevnogo genus. Tobto vikonannya pravtsivnikom pevnoї trudovoi funktsii in zagalnіy kolektivnі pracіі tієї organізації. Trudova funktsiya peredachaet robot for pevnoyu professiye, spetsialnistyu, kvalіfіkatsієy chi posadoyu. Tom robotovatsiv can do pruchachi prazivnikovi, yak rule, vikonannya robot, viznachenoї tsією for the sake. In addition, the ancestor zobov'azuyutsya vikonuvati robot, viznachenu please, pidporyadkovchichsy internal internal labor order. Під внутрішнім трудовим розпорядком розуміють певний режим праці, що забезпечує оргаізовану діяльність працівників, виконання встановленого общагу праці. Ponyattya internal labor rozporyadku hoplyulya і vikonannya in the process pravtsi rozporyadzhen robotodavtsya that інших вимог, які визначають зміст трудової дисципліни. Відносини керівництва й підлеглості встанолюються в процессеі праці. Tse takozh is characterized by the sign of an internal labor order.

The other side of the employment contract - robotavazov - zobov'azuyetsya viplachuvati pravtsivniki zarobitnu fee. In addition, vin moe zabezpechuvati umovi prači, neobhіdnі for vikonannya roboty, peredbacheni legislativstvom pro protsyu, kolektivnim contract and ugodoyu storin.