Finance and Statistics - Kovalev AM


Finance Essence manifested in their functions. By functions it is understood that "work" is being done by finance. The question of the number and content of the functions ~ controversial. Some well-known financiers, such as, AM Birman, identifies three main functions of finance: ensuring economic process cash ruble control, distribution. AM Aleksandrov and EA Ascension argued that finances are expressed in the formation of funds, the use of funds and monitoring. IT Balabanov believes that the transition to a market economy finance lost its distributor appointment

However, there is no denying that the finances - a set of monetary relations, organized by the state, during which the formation and use of funds of funds. And the question of what is the source of many funds at different levels, the answer is usually one - gross domestic product (GDP) .Osuschestvit process of distribution of GDP is possible by means of financial instruments: regulations, rates, fares, charges, etc. ., established by the state.

Example. The company sold a certain amount of product. Revenue received on the current account, but from this amount the company must transfer to the budget established taxes. Of the remaining amount, the company will have to identify the part which replaces the consumed means of production, thereby ensuring the continuity of the production process. It is determined on the basis of the established state deduction rate depreciation, the cost of fixed assets, consumption rates of the objects of labor and cost. Next part of the allocated associated with wages (payroll), again through rates of labor expended and the system of payment. According to the standards set by the wage fund is allocated part of the value created for the product transfers to the Pension Fund, employment and others. Finally, there is a profit. There was like a first-order distribution. However, payroll, earnings are subject to further distribution, ie, distribution of the second order. Payroll is divided between workers, the budget and the Pension Fund according to the norms established by the State. Profit is divided between the company, its parent organization and budgets of different levels. In more detail the process of distribution of profits at various stages of development of the Russian state is considered in this chapter 1L.

Distribution processes take place within the enterprise. For example, the profit being the source of such decentralized funds, both industrial and social development fund, reserve fund and other acts subject to the distribution of the third order. At this level, we can talk about some reduction of state regulation of distribution relations, but not on their abolition. Yes, the company independently distribute profits for the decentralized funds, however, the formation of the reserve fund is regulated by the size of the authorized capital, the minimum and maximum values ​​of the profit be transferred to the fund. Therefore, it may be noted that the distribution of finance function is not dependent on the economic relations prevailing in a given context, it is connected with the essence of finance, but because they are organically inherent.

If we look at finances as a whole, it seems, we must assume that they perform two basic functions: distribution and control. That part of the Treasury, which operates in the sphere of material production, such as finance companies, and participates in the creation of money incomes and savings, not only performs the distribution and control, but also the function of formation of monetary income.

The control function of finance is closely connected with the distribution. Among the huge variety of financial relations No, that would not be associated with the control of the formation and use of funds. At the same time there is no such financial relationships, which would be characterized by only control function.

With the help of the State Finance distributes the social product not only in the natural-material form, but at a cost. In this connection, it is possible and necessary supervision to ensure value and real-real proportions in the process of expanded reproduction.

The control function of finance - is primarily ruble control in the process of objectively existing monetary relations. It permeates the entire system of relations of both with the movement cost, and with the change of the forms of value, and is a cost control, cost control through the form. As finance express relations arising on the basis of actual cash flow, control the ruble as the finance function - it only controls real money turnover.

Finances exercise control at all stages of the creation, distribution and use of the social product and national income. Their control function is shown in a variety of business enterprises Control ruble underway for the production and Non-manufacturing costs for the compliance of the cost income formation and use of the fixed assets and current assets It operates at all stages of the circulation of funds in financing and lending, conduct non-cash payments, in relations with the budget and other parts of the financial system.

The object of the control functions of finance are financial indicators of companies, organizations and institutions. Depending on the entities involved in financial control, distinguished national, departmental, on-farm, community and independent (audited) financial control.

A national (non-departmental) the financial control exercised by bodies of state power and administration. Shall be controlled objects regardless of their affiliation.

The departmental financial control is carried out control and audit departments of ministries and departments. These bodies carry out the audit of financial and economic activities of subordinate enterprises, institutions.

Intraeconomic financial control carried out by financial services companies, institutions (accounting, finance department). Their functions include verification of operational and financial performance of the Company and its business units.

Public financial control perform certain individuals on a voluntary basis.

Independent financial control is carried out audit firms and service. The object of this control is the work of all economic actors.

State financial control in the Russian Federation carried out the supreme bodies of state power and control

tion - the Federal Assembly and its two chambers - the State Duma and the Federation Council

Federal Assembly forms the Accounting Chamber as a permanent body of state financial control.

Accounting Chamber exercises control over timely execution of income and expenditure items of the federal budget for the legality and timeliness of the budget flows with the Central Bank of the Russian Federation and other financial institutions of the Russian Federation. Its task is to determine the effectiveness and appropriateness of public funds and use of federal property, the financial expertise of draft federal laws. By monitoring the process of the federal budget, the Chamber analyzes revealed deviations from the established parameters of the federal budget and the preparation of proposals aimed at their elimination, as well as to improve the budget process as a whole.

Control provisions of the Accounting Chamber apply to all public authorities and institutions in the Russian Federation, federal budget funds.

At the regional level financial control is carried out as the regional authorities, as well as specially created supervisory bodies. An example of such a controlling organization can serve the activities of the Accounts Chamber of the Moscow City Duma.

Control of the Russian Federation, the Federal budget and its execution is carried out by at the highest legislative body of the Committee on Budget and Taxes, on Credit Organizations and Financial Markets of the State Duma of the Russian Federation. Their task is to carry out expert and analytical work and preparation of the conclusions based on cost of messages submitted to the State Duma of the Russian Federation President.

An important role in the implementation of financial control play RF Ministry of Finance and its local bodies.

In the structure of the Ministry of Finance operates Audit Office, and in the territorial financial bodies - the device main controller-auditor. Ministry of Finance and its agencies shall exercise control over production and financial activity of the enterprises, the timely provision of the federal budget with financial resources, their rational use.

Control over the receipt, targeted and cost-effective use of public funds entrusted to the authorities of the Federal Treasury of the Ministry of Finance.

The main objective of the Treasury is the organization, implementation and monitoring of the execution of the republican budget and state off-budget funds are obliged to Him predictions of state financial resources, operational management. The Treasury Department is also involved in the collection, processing and analysis of information on the state of public finances is the highest legislative and executive bodies of state authority reports on financial operations of the Government and the state budget system

To perform selected tasks Treasury bodies vested with greater rights: they can produce audit financial documents in enterprises, institutions and organizations of any form of ownership, including joint ventures, collect indisputably funds used for other purposes, to suspend operations on the accounts, apply to violators penalties.

Very effective is the control exercised by the Internal Revenue Service. Since 1999, the Tax Service is headed by the Ministry of Taxes and Levies of the Russian Federation, exercising state control over observance of legislation on taxes and fees, the accuracy of calculation, completeness and timeliness of payment of taxes and other obligatory payments to taxpayers who are responsible for formulating and implementing tax policy in order to ensure timely receipt of the budgets of all levels and state non-budgetary funds in full taxes and other obligatory payments.

Tax inspections - the authority of operational financial control. They are endowed with broad powers. Thus, the tax authorities carried out checks financial documents, accounting books, records, returns and other documents relating to the calculation and payment of taxes and other obligatory payments to the budget, in the various ministries and departments, enterprises, institutions and organizations with different forms of ownership. Simultaneously, tax authorities may request necessary explanations, information, and information on issues arising during audits (except for information that constitutes a trade secret), to inspect any premises of enterprises (production, storage, trade), used to earn income.

In cases of failure (or refusal to submit to) accounting reports, balance sheets, calculations, declarations and other documents related to the calculation and payment of taxes and other obligatory payments, tax authorities have the right to suspend the operation of enterprises, institutions and organizations for settlement and other accounts in banks and other financial institutions; confiscate the documents revealing the concealment or understatement of income (profit), or other objects of taxation; to apply financial sanctions and penalties; present in court and arbitration proceedings to liquidate the company, invalidation of transactions.

In case of disagreement, companies or citizens with the decision the actions of officials of state tax inspections may be appealed to the arbitration or the courts.

With the increasing number of taxpayers is increasing burden of tax inspectors. In this regard, a number of tax control issues are cases when taxpayers submit to the tax authorities distorted the data understate the taxable income used more sophisticated methods of concealment of taxable items. For these reasons, in the state treasury not received significant amounts payable. In addition, concealment of income, not only reduces the budget, but also creates a financial support for the growth of financial crime.

In order to identify, prevent and combat tax crimes and offenses of corruption in the tax authorities, the safety of tax inspection activities is the Law of the Russian Federation "On Federal Tax Police Bodies" in the wording of the Federal Law of December 17, 1995 №200-F3 ,.

In 1999, it revealed 25.5 thousand. Violations of tax laws (37% more than in 1998). At the same time it brought to 16.5 thousand. Criminal cases, which is 2.7 times higher than in 1998. The results of the tax police activity revenues to budgets of all levels and state off-budget funds amounted to 44.6 billion rubles. In 2000, the service expects to identify "40 thousand. Tax crimes and to indemnify them for the sum of 80 billion rubles1

The development of market relations and the establishment of joint-stock companies has led to the need to establish an independent financial control - audit. Audit is an independent ex-

"Economics and life. - 2000, - №6. - C. 2.

impact assessments and analysis of the financial statements of the economic entity to determine its accuracy, completeness and reality, compliance with current legislation and the requirements for financial reporting. Auditing - a fundamentally new form of control over the financial and economic and commercial activities of enterprises and organizations. The purpose of the audit - to establish the reliability of financial statements of enterprises and organizations, and compliance of their financial and business operations of the current regulations. Auditor - not a public servant, and an independent auditor, the last proper certification and received a license to carry out audit activities.

Depending on the goals and objectives of the audit into two categories: external and internal, main objectives of the external audits are: validation of accounting and financial reporting; Examination of financial and economic condition; assessment of solvency, as well as the development of recommendations on economic activity, financial strategy, tax planning, etc. Internal audit is carried out of the internal control of companies, affiliates, subsidiaries, etc. It aims to carry out inspections on behalf of management. The specific objectives of the internal audit services are determined depending on the company's management requirements. Internal audit should be carried out continuously. The only way to actively and promptly to influence the course of commercial and financial transactions, time to eliminate shortcomings in the work. It should cover all areas of economic activities, subject to wear, strictly directional, be productive. In terms of financial control is divided into a preliminary, current and next.

Preliminary financial control is carried out at the stage of preparation, review and approval of financial plans of enterprises, estimates of budgetary organizations, budgets, projects, etc. It is preceded by the implementation of business operations and is intended to avoid irrational use of material, labor and financial resources, and thereby prevent the application of direct or indirect damage to the enterprise.

The current financial control is carried out during the execution of financial plans, in themselves economically-financial transactions. His task is to timely control the correctness, legality and expediency made

cost of revenues, completeness and timeliness of payments to the budget. He made the day to day financial services in order to timely detect and install the errors, speed and flexibility are paramount.

Subsequent financial control is organized in the form of checks and audits the correctness, legality and appropriateness of financial transactions made. Основными его задачами являются выявление недостатков и упущений в использовании материальных, трудовых и финансовых ресурсов; возмещение нанесенного ущерба; привлечение к административной и материальной ответственности виновных лиц; принятие мер по предотвращению в дальнейшем случаев нарушения финансовой дисциплины.

Механизм финансового контроля постоянно развивается, что способствует оздоровлению финансов и совершенствованию финансовых отношений в стране.

Control questions

  • Что означает термин «finansia»?
  • Каковы основные признаки финансов и предпосылки их возникновения?
  • Какие денежные отношения относятся к финансовым отношениям?
  • Лайте определение понятию «финансы»
  • Каковы этапы развития финансов, их особенности?
  • Какова взаимосвязь финансов и государства?
  • Каковы особенности становления социалистических финансов?
  • Каковы этапы развития финансов СССР в период с 1931 по 1992 г.?
  • Какую роль играют финансы на современном этапе экономического развития в РФ?
  • Что является основным материальным источником доходов государства?
  • Какие функции выполняют финансы?
  • В чем сущность распределительной функции финансов?
  • Какие фонды денежных средств формируются на уровне государства, отрасли, предприятия?
  • В чем заключается контрольная функция финансов?
  • Какие органы осуществляют финансовый контроль?
  • Каковы виды финансового контроля?