Labor law of Ukraine - Gruzinova L.P.



15.1. Understandably, she can see the control of the pre-Triangles of the legislation.

15.2. The organization will see that control over the pre-adherence to the legislation of the provinces of this jurisdiction.

15.1. Understandably, it is evident in the control of the pre-Triangles of the legislation

I understand it clearly. Кількість potholed of the working rights of the hulk of Ukraine with the harsh rock of the earth:

• Involved in the vipadki of illegal zvilnennya z roboti prazivnikiv;

• The work of legal proceedings with pracitors is not formalized in accordance with the procedure established by law;

• pratstvennikam nevoyechasno viplachuetsya zabobitna fee1.

For the protection of the realiza- tion of the rights of the gromadyans in Ukraine, the system of special powers is strictly regulated, as well as visibility and control over the sub-districts of the legislation of the country. The organ is not to be stored near its site for robotics.

The visual control of the pre-Triangles of the legislation of the proletariat is to ensure that the lawfulness of working people's rights is secured, that the prisoners are deprived of the law of law, that the vicarious fate of the working rights of the workers is imposed.

Visibility and control of the pre-Triangles of the legislation of the country - the goal of independence, special obnovnovazheniyah organіv та інспек-

About the Fundamentals of social and political activities for 1997-2000 rock. Decree of the President of Ukraine on 18 October 1997 p.

Tsіy, poklikanyh zahishchaty trudovi rights pracitsnovikіv i usuvati zarashennya labor legislation.

Visual law is the form of zhisnennya zahisnoy funktsii shodo doktrimnya legnosty u trudovikh pravovidnosynakh, vidpodnostі dіy robotozavtsya attribution of labor legislation.

The control is the organisation-management tool, it is governed by the central organs of the state power in the institutions and organizations, which are used by the functional regulators, and by the profes- sional workers.

A look at the doktryman of the labor legislation means re-negotiation of the lawfulness and correct implementation of the law. Visibility is the specialty of the lawfulness of the day. Control yak перевірка дій роботодавця здійснюється з позиції відповідності цих дій labor legislation та їх доцільності. Sutnist control over the pre-Triangles of law in the field of the field in the perestroika of the same, robotavtovets zdіysnyuє pokladeni zavdannya ta realizuє svoi funktsії.

Відмінність між enforcement bodies visibility control of the field in the competence of the bodies, functions, methods and forms of the impulse and ways of re-guiding them.

The head of the XVIII KZPP of Ukraine is attached to the control over the subtrimenas of the legislation of the country, and the special regulatory and legal acts are assigned to them, as well as the competence of the external bodies.

Basically I can see that control. At the station. 259 КЗпП та статях The Law of Ukraine "About the protection of the right" means the system of bodies visually controlling. The objective of the state is to monitor the monitoring of the pre-Triangles of the law, the proprietary fire, and the enormous control (Figure 15.1).

The system of bodies is visible to the control over the restraints of the legislation of pro-

Fig.15.1. The system of bodies is visible to the control over the restraints of the legislation of production and hunting rights

Visualization and control of the situation in the sphere of the installation of the minds of the prazis of the realm, and the consolidation of the minds of the minds. In the case of instincts during the development of the collegiate and dogovornogo and indivdualnoy regulyuvannya vydosnyh vidosin znachenna vyglyadu ta controlno zapadnosti pidvishchuyutsya, oskkilki umovi kontrolyav pro protsyu, yakі pogryshshuyu stanovische pravstvіnіv pіvіvnyano іz pravyuствомstvu Ukraії pro pracіu, є nedіysnimi.

Specifically, the organiza- tion and inspection department is responsible for the visibility of the control over the pre-Trimnan law of the proprietary legislation (Figure 15.2).

See how easy it is to control

Fig. 15.2. See how easy it is to control

Peredzhuvalnyi visibility і control здійснюється at встановленні local minds праці. Він має zapobigati zarashennyam legislativstva propritsu, do not admit priinyattya local norms, scho suprechat prinichenstvu proprietju, zabobigati zarashennyam rules ochoroni pratsi at projektovanny, budivnstvі (vygotovlenni) ta rekonstruktsii pidpriemstv, ob'ektiv and vobrobnitva.

The front view and the control are opposed to the hindrance of the labor legislation and the business is very important when the minds are pinched, when the robot is driven to sleep, the chi for the weather, or the hazards of the duma of the vibraphic professional body, who is otherwise funneled to the body by the labor collective. In the course of the process, it is obvious that control over the lawfulness and doc- tility of the work of the robot is taken place.

Closer look and control of the rectification to the frontier of the verbal law of the labor legislation, vyyavlennya assuming the penalty and receiving the necessary inputs of the shodo uchunenna.

Submitted visibility and control of the work in case of hard labor disputes, vyavlennnyi vzhe assuming the burden of labor legislation. Tse гляgliad і control maє on metіі not tіlki vіyavіti admitted povshennya labor legislation, and thе ponovity rights pracіvnikіv. Potrbno nagoloshiti, sho ninі існує багато прихованих a pothole of the fine labor legislation працівників.