Derzhavna office - Obolensky O.Yu.

1.2 The power of well-being is socially integrated into the rink system

The central warehouse social structure and social-socially-economical system - a complex of institutions, accounting, values ​​and norms, and obeded by the "power of kindness." Tsey the phenomenon, which is in the leather of its own specificity (its name is the same: the United States has "zmishaniy kapitalizm", the Federative Respubliki Nimechchina - "social and rinkovo ​​gosartarstvo", in Shvetsia - "the suppression of the functional socialization", etc.) Vnik yak alternative to "real socialism", one side, and the reaction to "unsuccessful", "osichki" of the classic rink economy - the other.

Zagalnim for all national interests in the world of goodness - those that are in the midst of economic threats are supplemented by social factors in other spheres. * 20. Neophiodno zaznachiti, scho be-yaka economist for his own viznachennyam - sotsialna, oskilki vona simply can not buti social institute. When tsomu pid sotsіalnoyu rinkovoyu ekonomіkoyu rozumієtsya tsіlkom specific type gospodarskoї system scho Winick іnstitualіzuvavsya that in the XX century., Especially pіslya Druha svіtovoї vіyni in іndustrіalno rozvinutih kraїnah Sunset * 21.

* 20: {Melnik AF. The rule of law is the economy of the transition period (social security and problems of Ukraine). - Ternopil: Zbruch, 1995.}

* 21: {Bodrov VG, Kredisov A. І., Leonenko PM Socialist rinkov state. - K .: Libid, 1995. - 175 p.}

The concept of social and economic economics is a synthesis of guarantees for the legal power of political freedoms, economic freedom, social security, social security, and social justice. Here understands "socially" means, in the same way as rinkovo, the sovereignty of the country in its own way, is responsible for the overhaul of the property for the protection of that aboriginal region for the sake of all the vestiges of the population.

So, for the words of one of the authors of the concept of social landed state of A. Muller-Armak, "Socialist Rinkovo ​​State can be regarded as a political order, meta-yo Polye in the consolation of the Suspension, motivated by competition, privatization, social progress, the assimilation of productiveness itself Economy. On the basis of the economical order of the economy, the system of social zahism can be divided. "* 22.

* 22: {Mueller-Armack A. Soziale Marktwirtschaft // Handwoerterbuch der Sozialwissenschaften. - Bd. 9 Stuttgart ua, 1965.}

At the entrance to the Nimeccini in the bilhos and industrially rozvinuti kraine vin becoming the dominion yak power of kindness * 23. In zmistovoi і conceptual planі mіzhі zi іmi nematіt nemіє protyrіch і robіzhnostyі principle.

* 23: {The term "power of kindness" has become widely vikoristovuvatisya in the science of literature, and others, the concept of the power of virtue has begun to accumulate in the nineteenth century. - in the first decade of XX century}

At the disposal of the conception of the state, goodwill was hoarded by representatives of all basic and political issues to the West: liberalism, social democracy and conservatism. In zv'yazku s CIM not possible not zgadati scho number vidatnih conservative dіyachіv Zahіdnoї Єvropi, napriklad, O. Bіsmark in Nіmechchinі, B. Dіzraelі in Anglії that INSHI rightly vvazhayutsya Batko zasnovnikami teorії DOBROBUT powers. However, Zahidnyi Європі naybіshy vnesok u її formvannya zrobila sotsіial-demokratіya. So, the biography of the social scientist and political scientist R. Darendorf, by name naming XX century. Віком соціал-демократії. In the United States, the role of the viconal of the democratic party is a democratic one, which is to be solved by the names of such political and state actors, as V. Wilson, F. Roosevelt, J. Kennedy, L. Johnson, ian.

Central to the world in the world of goodness, the country is in a state of refuge for the datum of the estate of the living standards. X. Lambert, hinting that "a sushilny kindness is not the same to the economical goodwill of the estate, it is not so good that the goodness is not the same as the indivisual economic goodness" * 24. NKVD Dobrobut, krіm Sotho ekonomіchnih kriterіїv (such napriklad, yak zaynyatіst, rіven pributku toscho) deposits i od rіvnya garantіy in derzhavі polіtichnih Freedoms (napriklad freedom i bezpeka osobistostі, freedom of speech, freedom of sovіstі toscho) od such pokaznikіv, yak Sotsialnaya zahizchenіst, сімейне життя, можливості просування по службыі тощо.

* 24: {Lambert H. Social Market Economy: The German Way / Trans. With him. V. Kotelkin. - Moscow: The Case of LTD, 1994. - 224 pp.}

Vodnochas slid konstatuvati, scho sospilniy dybobut vnichnomu mirovu viznachaetsya saspilnimi blessings. Prior to them, the economical science and the state practice are to combine the comrades and the servants, the "yaki rinkovaya system vzagali not zbiralyatsya vibrolyati, oskilki їхні ogablivostі rіzko protіlezhnі prodazhvostyu goods inіndivіdalnogo vzhitku": being in a one-subjektom, stinky enough to be accommodated by the others * 25.

* 25: {Lange O. Introduction to Economic Cybernetics: Trans. With the floor. - Moscow: Progress, 1968. - 208 p. }

Suspilnye blessings nepodilny. Pong nadayutsya suspіlnimi establish їh stvorennya that utrimannya on vіdpovіdnomu rіvnі, yak slit zaznachav A. Smіt, "not Mauger Buti in іnteresah nіyakih okremih osіb abo smallest in group, oskіlki Prybutok od them nіkoli not zmozhe okupiti vitrati whether yakoї okremoї individuals abo nevelikoї groupies Osib, hocha often stinks mozut z is too much to pay back to the great Suspina "* 26.

* 26: {Friedman M., Hayek F. About Freedom / Trans. With the English. Ed. A. Babić. - Minsk: Polifact-Referendum, 1990. - 126 pp.}

The superexchange of a high peak is the development of the material and technical basis of productive forces, from one side, that is, in the minds of the creators of the robot, who deliberately vidstayut vimog, scho visuyvayutsya - zinoshogo, lead up to the assurance of the need for a stable part of the gross national product, to invest in Immaterial spheres, so iak osvita, science, health of the health of that ín. Фінансуючи ці spheres, the power is the reason for the normal functioning of the economy. Zokrema, the system of poklikan poklikana zabezpechiti obektivnyi ekonomiki, yakі u mіr podal'sho роз rozvitкуku tehnologіchnyi basi ekonomiki vimagayut dostatnyogo danih umov рівня освіти, загальної культури, дисципліни праці тощо.

It is natural, on the basis of the power to lie down the basic taiga, in order to finance the system of public and private life, to keep people invisible in people's capitals, to show up inadequately, and not to risk zapozhniti їh nestachu.

Nareshtі, without science, scho Yea i nayvazhlivіshoyu warehouses virobnicho-gospodarskoї, i sotsіalnoї іnfrastrukturi yak at minulі chasi so i Tim bіlshe in Suchasnyj svіtі, nemozhlivy anі ekonomіchny, anі sotsіalny progression.

Masshtabnіst i znachuschіst zavdan scho vikonuyutsya Naukova establish digit strings od time rozv'yazannya problems on fundamental and theoretical nature rіvnі to її practical vprovadzhennya obumovlyuyut the pіdtrimku, yak nadayut іndustrіalno rozvinutі powers sferі science zagalom i fundamentally doslіdzhennyam osoblivo. Vona zdіysnyuyutsya yak shlyah direct budgetary fіnansuvannya vіdpііdіvіh іnstallation і organіzatіі, so і treblyаnіm іspylivіvyh minds functііnuvannya analogіchnih nerastvnіh, інституціональних structures - наукових фонів і partnerships.

Taku itself vagomu funktsiyu із zabezpechennya zagalnih minds zhittdііnalnі syspіlstva, social and economical zrostania vikonuє zhurnona zdorov'ya. Її yakіsny mill i dostupnіst for wide population verstv Kraina mozhna i treba rozglyadati, s one side, yak yogo naysuttєvіshu warehouses Zhittya of Quality and s іnshogo - yak neobhіdnu minds efektivnosti funktsіonuvannya natsіonalnoї Economy. Healthy natsії, skinny її predstavnika є істотною передумовою ефективного функціонування економіки країни. Such a rank, motivated by an effective system of health protection - nayvazhlylysha instinct of social, so and economic zrostannya.

Until the sushilnyh benefits takozh vidnosyat national security defenses, organisov bezpeki, structures із профілактики та ліквідації надлідків nazvichaynih situatsіy prirodno-klimatichnogo i tehnogennnomu character * 27.

* 27: {Rappoport A. Mathematical aspects of abstract systems analysis. - Moscow: Progress, 1969. - P. 83-105.}

At nadannny saspilnyh benefits, the country's vtruchanya moe dopomizhny character meta yakogo - garantyvati neobhidnu v sglyadu sospilstva propositsіyu productov i umg, ykі tih nebolshinogo reasons for the market does not deserve to adhere to the lack of touch. With the ts'mu power, you can put forward a direct and indirect vplyvu on pidpriemnitsku sphere through mehanizm stavnovnyh zamovlen, podatkiv, subcidy ta tsin, shchob regulyuvati process rozpodilu resursiv at the strains. Tim himself, the power of the sword, is redeveloping the resource with the method of restoring the structure of the national product to the world.

In tsіlomu suspіlne benefit deposits od rіvnya garantovanostі zagalnoznachuschih for such powers i suspіlstva parametrіv, yak i zovnіshnya vnutrіshnya bezpeka, i nayavnіst more normal funktsіonuvannya іnstitutіv sotsіalnoї іnfrastrukturi: SET Sistemi osvіti, receptionists Health Protection, Relief sotsіalnoї toscho, rіvnya sotsіalnogo partnership. In other words, the competition is not guilty of staviti pid zagrozu досягнення необхідного рівня економічної і соціальної стабільності, beside that number of social justice.

Odne s central mіsts in dіyalnostі suchasnoї powers posіdaє zabezpechennya sotsіalno just rozpodіlu pributkіv, but right in the fact scho mehanіzm rinkovogo samoregulyuvannya already nіyak not peredbachaє dosyagnennya sotsіalnoї spravedlivostі in suspіlstvі * 28.

* 28: {Lukinov І. Methodology and management of the state regulation of economics perekhidnogo period // Economist of Ukraine. - 1999. - No. 5. - P. 8-12; Abalkin L. The Role of the State in the Formation and Regulation of a Market Economy // Vopr. Economy. - 1997. - No. 6. - P. 6-21.}

Tsіlkom natural, scho in іndustrіalno rozvinutih stabіlnih powers organic derzhavnoї Vlady, yak usually Uryadov, rozroblyayut i zdіysnyuyut prog sotsіalnogo zabezpechennya nezamozhnih verstv population vstanovlyuyuchi mіnіmalnі rozmіri zarobіtnoї pay, Relief for bezrobіttyu, fіksuyut tsіni s metoyu pіdvischennya pributkіv quiet abo іnshih group population vstanovlyuyut Differentiated rates of tax on the special population of the population of riznyh categories. In this way, the state takes on itself the rule of the regulars of the subordinates pributkiv with a direct hit in the function of the market and indirectly behind the systems of payment of these payments *.

* 29: {The science of Literature approved the Duma, which, in the well-being of the Socialist point of the Sospirism, was rooted out of the grotesques of the 20% nibagatshihs and 20% of the Nayabidniye vestments, the population is not guilty of overhauling 12 raziviv. Перевищення цієї межі пов'язане з серёзною соціально-політичною дестабілізацією суспільства. The fact itself is far from being left to the worm, wiklikav neobhydnist pererozpodilu pributku і bagatstva. For example, the practice, the practice of regularity in the process of the United States. So, in 1981 the river. without urahuvannya sovereign vplivu RPPOs have pributkah naybagatshih 20% i 20% 52.4 naybіdnіshih becomes bi-fold and z urahuvannyam sovereign vplivu (tobto pіslya virahuvannya podatkіv, vklyuchayuchi transfertnі platezhі) viyavivsya an order nizhche i becomes 9.7 times. Prichomu, yak svidchat K. McConnell and S. Bru, "portivnyannya in the other kraїnam show, but in the United States, the pributok rozpodilyaetsya menh rivnerno, nizh bilshostі інших promishlovo rozvineny kraїnakh." }

For the power of goodness, business and the state є naymogutnishimi institutions of the day and industrial supraslystva. Кожен із them стримується різноманітними чинниками: odnі з them constitutionally-legal character, інші - соціально-політичного, resource та ін. Zavshyaki tsim factors in the design of their families, the system of streaming and protivogs, the yak do not give to them, in order to install them, monophonic control over suspenity.

The paradox of the field is in that, the power is regulated by the piadpriemnitsu and the pioneer of the rites, peredvorjuyu rinki, ale with ts'omu vona, і subsidy, і заохочує, і захищає бізнес. Its own financial and monetary policy, which is aimed at reducing the cost of economy and saving economic cycles, keeping the economy on an economic scale, developing business.

At the time of the Suspisol-Pollitum Duma of the Mayr of All Orthodontics, the gas oil became popular, and you should inscribe it as an economist І. Schumacher: "Menshe - tse krasche", pіd yakim мається на увазі ослаблення регулюючих важелів держави, скорочення соціальних програм, що не виправдали я, підвищення ролі ініцітативи і виільних ринкових відносин * 30.

* 30: {J. Will. News Week. - March 16. - 1986. - P. 21.}

Business is conducted in the singing social and cultural and cultural mediums, and, naturally, it can not ignore the nature of the estate, and is guilty of waiting for its own authorities. More, oskilki stabilnist suspylstva є neobhіdnoyu umovoi efektivnogo funktsionuvannya pіdpriemnitvva, vono simply vimushene rozroblyati і zdіysnjuvati go, scho zabezpechuyut taku stabilnist. Розвиток і поліпшення соціального середища відповідають довгостроковим інтересам бізнесу. Prihilnist principles sotsіalії відповідальності підвищує життєздатність і ефективність підприємництва. In the dovgostrochnomu plan sotsіalna vidpovdalnost zdatna pidvishchiti yak doviru spozhivachchiv to produktsii, scho vyroblyaetsya concrete pidpriemstvo, so i yogo акцій course.

K. Walton viocremlyuє takі componenti suhasnoї conceptіі соціальної відповідальності бізнесу * 31.

* 31: {Walton CC Corporate social responsibilities. - Belmont (Cal.). - 1967.}

First of all, you can not put more on the concept of a special vigod, it's not obovzyazko bring you to the welfare of the state. In quiet vypadkas, if private and private, it is better to confuse others with others.

In a different way, the American economy is a system of spiraling a world on the principle of pluralism and constitutionalism, nizh on the laissez-faire principle.

By-trete, kindness suspylstva not mozhut zabezpechiti viklychno urn nap privatnі organizatsii narisno. Tom neobhidno pokinchiti z protistonyanya ulyu iz biznesu.

In the fourth, kerіvnitstvu korporatsіy potrіbno vrіvnovazhuvati konkuruyuchі Interests that vstanovlyuvati prіoriteti, scho yak іnvestorіv vrahovuyut Interests, pratsіvnikіv, spozhivachіv, postachalnikіv i konkurentіv so i natsіonalnih that mіstsevih communities, іnshih dobrovіlnih organіzatsіy i navіt neorganіzovanih group.

Po-п'яте, врівноважуючи ці Інтереси, corporation is guilty of vіdіdati "безрозсудні вимоги", але робити цеггічно, витримано й збалансовано.

Thus, the conception of social and economic development and business is to be found on the basis of the confidentiality of enterprises and corporations and desserts.

Zagalom kontseptsіya sotsіalnoї vіdpovіdalnostі vihodit s viznannya tіsnogo vzaєmozv'yazku vsіh suspіlstva areas, in addition chislі th vzaєmozalezhnostі suspіlstva that bіznesu, i vnaslіdok tsogo fact peredbachaє neobhіdnіst bіznesu to take on itself shirokі sotsіalnі zobov'yazannya.

Between the societal and the past, the corporate shimsh, the chim bolshego pragnennya to vizhivannya i svidzhenzhenya svetye legimichnosti in the sight of suspilstva. In one of the plans alone, the head offices, to stand in front of corporations, are marginalized in that way, economically obryuntuvati progami, yaki vonyi zdіysnyuvati in the social sphere.

At the same hour, suspol'stvo zі svoego boku ma правоe right to check out the biznesu of that abo іnshogo рівня соціальної відповідальності in such питаннях, як the hunter of the middle ground, забезпечення безпеки transport, матеріальне забезпечення незаможних верств поселення тощо. One of the technical, financial and economic factors in the future is not without. Otsinoyuchi can be used to improve the quality of the business, it is not possible to forget the fact that it is the head of the economy and the life of the economy. It is the economic efficiency of the business, the ya viznachaetsya rivnem pributkovosty yogo diyalnosti.