Історія України - Полонська Василенко Наталія: Том 1


Палеоліт відділяє від неоліту - новокам'яної пре-мезолітична addition. Vona pripadaє on pershi tisyacholіtty pislja ostannogo zledennіnnia. The population of the country has lived off in a very important way in the field of onions on other species, such as ptahiv and ribolovets. Vidpodidno up to what changed the nature of the Kam'yanih znaryad, їh robed in a different way - "micro" - for nasazhuvannya on the page, for pasting at the record, harpoon. Naybіlsh is characteristic for Ukraine. M. Rudinsky vvazhaє, scho analogous culture of microcultures is known to him at bugatokh mіstsyakh of Ukraine: біля с. Smyachki, Kolo Okhtirki, according to the Teterev, on the Novgorod-Sivershchyni, in Mirgorodskomu in the Poltava region (in the village of Yareski and Shishaki), on Prip'yat. L. Sa-vitskii znayshov mikrolit on Volyn. Great inventor mait knowledge in 1936 р. That 1938 р. Petroglyph in the Melitogilsky District, біля с. Terpinne - the colony of the Oziv Sea. There, on the skeins, there is a sign of the owls, wisps of the drawings of tvarin - bikis, horses, hijaks, mamut - those drawings of a linear geometric character. Біля с. Терпінне багато мікролітів. At once das mozhnivist, writing V. Shcherbakivsky, kazati about "bezperervnist zhitty mezolitikiv vіd paleolіtu neolіtu. To the other side, in order to signify about zv'yazok із Sviderskoyu culture. V. Shcherbakivsky to hustle the wax, but the life did not stick to the Ukraine in the paleolith to neolith.