Історія України - Полонська Василенко Наталія: Том 1


Zhittya pervisnoї lyudini zmіnilosya duzhe povolі. Minaly tysyacholitya, and the people lived so much, yak i ranish. Yakas small zmіna in technic kam'yanyh znaryad vvazhaetsya archeologists for the date that sign of evolyutsії culture. Біля 13 000 років тому на Україні mozhna vіdznachiti a number of new wines, that dosyagnen, yakі in tіlomu ostіlki nalogіlіі, scho dayut mozhlіvіt vvazhati tsy hour neboyu neboyu, neolіtom , sebto novokam'yanoy doboju ("neos" - novy, "lithos" - kamі)) . Do not try the technic of the stones, but give it a new dock to the cross. Zmіni pogalali in zvnіshnіh умыв життя. Змінився клімат, льдовики відступил на північ, підсоння on Україні it became м'якше, тепліше. Pіvnіchna флора has approached to сущасної. The faun has come to rest. Мамутів, тригонтеріїв, печерних левів, бізонів замінили ведмеді, вовки, лисиці, олені, туризм, дикі коні, дикі кабани, кози, зайці, ховрахи. In zv'yazku zmіynoju zvnіshnіh minds zmіnivsya people are driven. Vona is not a small consumer, yak ranish, hovatisya in pechera. I call the ground-based - hanupi. Zdebylshogo stink did not stand in the middle of the room, but they were resettled villages. About velikі sela sііdchat grids budіvel ta tsvintari.

Head marks in the galusi vibrobnitsva in the stone of the bouti: a peasant, a shlifuvantsya ta sverdlinnya. Ci Vinodi gave mozhnivist ljudinі znichno zbilshiti assortiment znaryad. I declare a rizny type of mowing, motic, oskardi, hammer, adz, chisels, knives, tips of lists. Great znachennya little vinaydennya bow on the walls yogo widely lived - to know the strength of the pages of the various forms. Poluvannya on wild creatures boulo dovgyy hour to the head of the busy people and the jersey її існування. For dopomogoju onions from the walls, the ryznogo clan patch, siltsiv lyudina poyavala on deer, wild horses, vovkiv, rabbit. In povodvnih richki boolo bagatobo ribi, і ribalstvo boulo duzhe is wider. Live for ribaldry, neva, harpoons, fishing with vodkami, vzhivali zamist gachki malusinkih kam'yanih plavivok. Bilya 6-7 tyisyach rock to that lyudina pokala vibrolyati dishes from clay. Spot dishes uttered in rough coarse stunks. Zgodom utensils nadayut garnih forms, prikrasyayut ornaments. On the vogki of the walls, utensils with crochets, bunches, finger nails, vizvodyat riznі ornamentation: smolyzhki, yalinki, hresti. Pottery has brought a great deal of success to the people. Vaughn could variate їжу, zberigati water. For the neolithic work of the Lyudin, the weaving fell. You can choose a primitive vulstya, vibrolyayut cloth from the wives, from fibrous roslyn, spovchatku to type rogozh, and potdim dedalі bіl more vospokononlenі. Vizhitki fabrics zberigayutsya on clay ware - yak ornament. Great is the value for the people little domesticated creature. The first dog is a dog. Пізніше було it is tamed a cow, a pig, a lamb.

Scottishness became a familiar goluzzy of statehood. Наприкінці неоліту людина has started to crush the earth: копати мотиками з каменю, great патиками, сиіяти, жати кам'яними серааіаи. The grain was grinded with stone grain containers. Wheat, barley, millet. Usya hliborobskaya pratsya lying on the zhinkah. For neolithic prodigious chimalo budivel on rafts, on lakes and richek, and takozh on paleah, yaki drove into the bottom rychok that lake. On them there were bridges in the huts. Такі будівлі відомі на Поліссі, на Волині, on Поділлі. For chasіv neolіtu drove sporudzhuvati chovni. In the middle of the great stovbura of the tree, the middle part was humming, wiggled together with sokirs in stone, lining one-two septa. This has been known since. Sabatinivki, on the river. Возі. Tzimi you can buno viplivati ​​in the middle of the great rychok ta lakes for ribbalty, and takozh robiti bilshi reishi rychkami, yaki nabuli znachennya goryachi shlyakhi, scho raznichali rizni tribes. In the middle of the hour in the life of the people, a new era is beginning: to wake up for inter-teritorii, de meshka. Поволі зникають межі між and the tribes, get started зв'язки між віддаленими країнами. Зарожується обмін, починаються впливи різних культур. In Ukraine, it is necessary to know virobi from kam'yanikh porіd, yakih nem in tіy місцевості. So - smugnastiy kamіn z Volin, srednіyan z Vіmmenії abo Carpathians on Naddnipryansky Ukraine. For tsej an hour it is possible spostieriagi on Ukrainі kulturnі vplivi різних країн. Wants vyayavlyayutsya at forms znaryad, at types їх. For a few hours neolit ​​can konstatuvati, scho Ukraina mata bishe zv'yazkiv with cultural landscapes at once (Mesopotamia, Caucasus, Little Azii), nizh zhuschimi susidami na pivnochi. Thus, the Declaration of Europe, in addition to the two parts: південну - майбутню Україна та північну - майбутню Московію, які перебували під різними впливами і did not speak about the culture. Widen misterstvo, ali in nyomu znikayut realistic vidobrazhennya tvarin, mabut at zv'yazku zim, scho polyavannya on wild tvarin ceased vidigravati taku great role, yak boolo for chasiv paleolytu.

You can talk to people. To broaden the cult of the woman , the godly deity. We can see the ritual of the past. Pokiynika often scribble, navyat zv'yazyuyut. Yogo posypayut chervonoyu vhryo, scho symbolized trupopalennya. Z pokiynikom hovayut zbroyu, prikrasi, їжу in the hillbilly - a mustache, scho yomu potrybno on that svіtі. Lyudina neolithu virila in those people who do not stick to death in the land. The people of neolithic lived in the family groups, the members of the special zhinki-materi, the children, because of the presence of the post-soviet shlyubivs, did not know batkiv, and the dispute was behind the rozraunk zv'yazkiv z matir. So utvoryvsya harmony, in yakomu zhintsi nalezalo pershenstvo v zhitti grupi: matriyarhat. Матріярхат відбився on релігійних уявленнях, on cult богиі-матері. Vzagali for neolith has come so Bagato zmіn u pobotitі people in the ії phіzichnіy budovі, but anthropologists admit the appearance of the news in Europe, Zokrem, in Ukraine. Rasa, yaka zmіnila Neanderthal, Cro-Magnon. At 8-6 tisyacholittyah before R. Kh. Stoya pomitnoyu balto-bilorussko-ukrainian єдність on тлі distant brosvitku Bvropi. Viyaavila vona in kulturyi neolitu yamkovo-grebinchastogo style. The name of the culture is similar to the characteristic for the dishes, ornamental vidtiskami grebintsіv abo patichchiv, wrapped in laces. Nosії цієї of the culture lived in great villages on Uzgir, belya water. In the Ukraine it is settled in the settlement of із цього часу (біля Погорілого на Чернігівщині, Міньєвки на Ізюмщині, Зоранки на Волині, Кам'яні могили на Маріюпільщині тощо). In Zahidnyi Europolim, villages were assigned to the type of "k'okkenmedding": so I am going to buy kharchovih out-of-doors, it is important to get rid of ryb, myshlіv tochno. Keramika yamkovo-grebinchastogo style became the basis of the word'yanskogo style keramiki. Єдність balto-білорусько-українська не була тривка. Vaughn sprawled on three complexes. Але на Україні від цієї групи почалася Tripolska culture, find a job in ії історії.