Зовнішньоекономічна політика - Hramov V.О.


Naprikinsky XIX - cobble of the XX century. Європі та Північній Америці спостерігалося бухливе збільшення кількості банків, що it has come for промисловою революцією, економічним поділом світу імівівням сітовий ринку товарів і капіталів. Bagato bankov so shvidko bankrutili, yak і vinikali, "zabirayuchi" with him not less than the capitals and landlords, and the contribution of the great number of other contributions, but by диdinimi with difficulties nagromajeni grishmi - for the old days on vypadok swearing in the minds of the nezrovi-nenogo Social security. Okremi banks zazdalegli organizovuvali "fіnansovі pyramidi", but from the very beginning of Mali to inter-fooling depositors. Especially the Masovim Bulo bankruptcy of banks, insurances and investment companies in Europe in the period of the Great Crisis - 1929-1933.

The essence of obovvyazkivyh mіnіmalnikh reserves.

Poboyuyuchys respect of social disagreement, lancium reaction of bankruptcies, to begin with the collapse of banks, the troops rozvinenih krayn one by one in the 30th rock XX century. Introduced for bankiv obov'yakov mіnіmalnyi reserve.

The state of zobov'yala all bankovyski establish trimati singing part of vlasnih and depositing their koshtiv on rahunkah central bank. The Central Bank is located in the center of the economy and economy of the economy. ZAP periodicheskie zmіnju normi mіnіmal'nykh zapasiv. Tse zasib penny-credit regulyuvannya maee rozv'yati chotiri zavdanya. Rozglyanemo.

Zavdanya, so virishuyut obovyazykovymi minimum reserves.

Economical zavdannya: in the minds of freedom, priinyattya rishen, iz mozhnolisti rizikovaniy operatsi zabezpechiti mіnіmalnu stіykіst bankov, do not admit, through the tsіlkovity the collapse of one abol kіlіkіv bankіv crises of non-payment and bankruptcy widened on the people's government. Zavdannya zabezpechennya mіnimalnoї garantoanoї stabilnostі bankівської системи розв'язується встановленням розміру мінімальних резервв. Wants flock bouti dostatnіmi, schob zabezpechit robot dermal jar on termin uchonaimenshe one mіsyats.

Соціальне заввання: обов'язкові мінімальні резер є гарантією від повного розорення contributed. The bank does not recognize bankruptcy, it has one thing to be filled with yakas viasnist and vimogi. At the same time, the minimum reserves in the central bank will be sufficient, to compensate for deposits, at the expense of other funds, not to repay, then to private banking. Yakby on the rahunks of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation bui mininimal reserves of the number of financial corporations, they created financial pressures and denied themselves bankrupt on the cob of the 90th rock, then it did not happen that such large-scale pogubuvannya mіljonіv depository, yakі dovirilis ім.

Zavdannya treasury reserve of the central bank І їх підтримка: обов'язкові reserve zberigayutsya in the central bank on bez stropovkikh rahunk. Over the peninsula kerivnitsva of the central bank, stinks can zbilshuvatis chi zmenshuvatis, ale zavzhdi on rahunki zalyshaetsya pivny mіnimum, який з розвитком bankівського credit, збільшенням суми термінових зобов'язань попопово збільшується.

Otzhe, at the central bank bezstrinkovo ​​perebuvayot zrostayucha sums of other people's pennies, but I call out to the accounting region "foreign koshti pririvnyanny to vlasnih." Tse - the reserve of the central bank, which is without any beatings, may be in the vicinities of the dovgostrokovyh tsіlyakh.

Надлишок коштів щодо наймінімальнішого рівня є middle-short-term credit to the side of commercial banks to the central bank.

Zabezpechennya dodatkovyh fіnansovikh resursіv - short-, sered-nyo-, dovgostrokovyh and bezstronstovyh loans to the central bank - one day zavdan obovvjazkovogo zberigannya mіnimalnyh reserves private bankov on yogo rahunkah. Yak zaschachalos, rozmіri tsikh resursіv mait tentsentsyu before zbіlshennya in the world zbіlshennya activeіv private banks.

Vazhlive zavdannya central bank - zabezpecchuvati maynim machine ZEP. Yakshco central bank is exposed to the norm of obovyazkovichi minimum reserves, then rozmіri real kapitalu in rozporyadzhennyi bankov zbylshuyutsya, and oskilki kapital not mozhe іsnuvati without obygu, vinivat'sya v ekonomiku i stimuljuє dilovu activenist. Підвищення норми мінімальних резерів зменшує фінансову база оперативної діяльності часттних банковів, speedily prikpliv poskovoj kapitalu in the people of the state, in the sphere of zvonnishnyeeconomichnyh zv'yazіv.

Before zmіni normi obovvyazkivyh mіnіmalnnyh reserve yak zasobu ZEP vdautsya in rozvineny kraїnakh zrinkovoy ekonomikoyu. Yak rule, tse vidbuvaetsya in poednannі zіnshim tools. Intermediate efektivnosti zyogo zasobu ZEP ti sami, sho zi zmіni oblikovoi rates: інфляція, зростаюча незалежність grandfirms for loans, the ability of vicarities of low-income countries to credit.

Vikonannya vimog central bank shodo norms reserve to spirae on administrativny come. In okremih kraynah for pozhrashenya vstanovleny by the central bank of the rules for private banks to contract a large fine (economical tool). For zlisne povshennya norms vidrahuvan from the reserve commercial bank may be added to the right to conduct banking operations (administrative admissions).

One of the handiwork of the central bank's rasporyadzhen about prorahunok obovyazykovyh mіnіmalnih reserves on yogo rahunki - is unknown. In a nutshell, private private banks do not need to pay attention to the central bank. In a different way, to explain the way of repaying deposits in the territory, de visoki, norms of obovyazkovykh reserves, up to the edge, de tsi normi lower.