Derzhavna office - Obolensky O.Yu.

6.2 Social life of the function of the state service

Social nature, meaning and acknowledgment of the state service, is synonymous with the nature of the future.

In a democratic state, in the minds of the legal and social powers, the function of the state service for its own character is the process of serving the people and the state. It is important that the system itself is systemic, moving in the nature of the state, is small in character, popular in nature, and has lived among people and people.

In novices of historical minds, it is pre-requisite to explain the strength of the state. Vona polagaye at the right democratic orders. The power is strong, if the number of people is increasing, prinaimny, yogo bolshosti, if the coordination of the administrative powers is determined by the institutions of the Gromadyanskaya Suspina. Zavshyaki takіy koordinatsії stvoiєyutsya is formal that informal system of law and order of power.

At his chervon, the state service, the peculiarities of social life, the power, the interests of pro-Russian society, the resurrection of international and internal positions. Protsvіtayucha power - tse zzhdi dzherelo patriotizmu, pride for his vitychynu, її power symbols, so yak gimn, coat of arms, prapor.

It is possible to summon the insurrection in the territory of the state to the people and the state structures, but also to settle it in the everyday Ukraine. Significant part of the population is unhappy with the social status of the economy in the face of economical and political reforms. At the tsikh, the service was vivid in the crisis camp. Kriza has called up to a meaningful deformation of the social nature of the functioning of the government, until the time when the services are serviced in the eyes of the known people.

The social nature of the function of the state power is to be manifested in such functions * 2.

* 2: {Public service: Theory and organization. Lecture course. - Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 1998. - 640 s.}

Functionality of social organization. Understand "organisation" to live with three values:

1) internal ordinance, kazhdzhenstіv взаємодії більш-менш диференційованих та that of the autonomous part of the tsіlogo, shоo умомовлене його побудовою;

2) sukupnist proizvodov aby dy, yakі to lead to utovorennya and vskoskonalennya vzajmozv'yazіv mizh parts of tsilogo;

3) people who are in the habit of doing business on the basis of the program on the basis of the previous procedures and rules.

Держана служба має бути зразком организаізації і cервути керуючий вплив на інші інститути суспільства.

For the legal, democratic, social status of the state, the right to viguluvannya tsil'ovogo funktsionnuvannya state service, the high rіven professionalism and the culture of the state service, is effective in ensuring the effective functioning of the state power bodies, and the replenishment of the day-to-day information technology and the adaptation of the advanced management and state service.

The service is itself a storehouse of social systems, which is important for the effective functioning of social and personal affairs . Organized by the state power, the world, the direct contact of the state and the Gromadian, and the self-immolation. With the help of a huge dumka, put down to the richest state actors. The state service realizes the political nature of the state, the enemies of the world, the regional authorities in the process of conducting. This is the power of service, which is an informational and communal system, is itself a branch of the local information system, databases of information, information, information, and information in the structure of the organization, and the organs of the government self-trust. For the world, the service is vikorostvuyu suaschannі іnformatsіynі tehnologii, utvoryou i vikoristovu spetsializovanі danikh, the system of information-analiticheskih services, vzaemodіє s rіznimi zasolami masovoi іnformatsії.

It is the duty of the service to organize the functioning of social and information organizations. Держаний апарат є носієм інформації. Внаслідок цього в системі державної служби виникають зв'язки і відносини з привод володіння інформацією та її використання.

Great practicality is important for the functioning of the state service of the regulation . Vona vyplivaє z stanu sovremennoї sobi yak spuluchchnoї ланки між державою і соціумом. Early in the past about regulyuyuchu the role of the state service in the organisation of the economy and institutions of the power of the institutions of the Hromadianskiy Suspina. Від імені держави вона регулює відносини у областиі праці, власності, житла тощо.

The service is very important for the vihivnu funktsiyu . Вона затверджує у свідомості громадян країни world і злагоду, добро і справедливість, любов до Вітчизни, повагу до пам'яті предків і democratic foundations української державності, to the humanistic values ​​of the susceptibility in all accessible forms and methods.

A douche is important in the social plan for functional control . Correctly zdіysnyukov control yes to zmogu zabezpechiti dotrimannya konstitutsіynyh povedenie і zavolevih norms usi ma bodies of state power, susinnyh institutions and gromadyans. At the boundaries of the state service, priorytetnim posta control management. Він дозволяє відстежувати ситуацію, що складається, коргувати прийняття рішення, optimizіvati upravlінську діяльність. Potrbno vstanoviti і соціальний контроль за діяльністю оргаів державної влади з бон інститутів громадянського суспільства і громадян. Poki scho such control is a weak function of the functioning of the country in the Ukrainian system of state control. Тому і мають бути вироблені відповідні механізми здійснення соціальной контроль.

Otzhe, sotsialniy zmist sternovyi sluzbi viddzerkalyuetsya through zabezpechennya rights and freedoms gromadyan, їх suspilny goodness, zadovolennya legitimate vimog, zberezhennya gromadyanskoi gіdnostі.

Social life of the function of the state service in the meaningful world is viznachaetsya: polіtichnimi, professiimni te sobistystnimi yannosti sternvnikh servitsov * 3; Democratic procedures for the management of business services * 4.

* 3: {Until the half-century anchors of the state services, the patriotism, the building of the constitutionally constitutional ladies, the fondness of the humbugs, the toot of self-sufficiency, the power, the interests of the former and the princes, the service are vaguely vidnosyat. Up to sistemi professiynyh anchors nalezhat so, yak інтелектуальність, competence, organізаторські здібності, umnіnya effectively ta efektivno dіyati, innovation. Before osobistіsnih nalezhat tak soi of groups of anchors: moral, fizichny, komunikabelny. Prior to moral vіdnosyat chesnіst, sumnіnnist, fairness, order tescho. Фізичні якості include in itself a camp of health, pratsezdatnist, pritatnist up to roboty in particular plows. Komunik-belnі jakostі - komputіkіst, bozizichlivіist, umnіnnya sluhati people, nalagodzhuvati dіlovі kontakti, reguljuvati mіzhosobistі vіdnosini, building sprimati іnshu dumku, perekonuvati. For kerivnik importantly takozh umіti viklikati прихильність people to themselves, gurtuvati kolektiv.

Подібні ancients are formed by the social mode of the system, by the system of vichovannya і освіти, by the practice of the function of the state service.}

* 4: {Such procedures are:

The collective nature of the virublenya і priinyattya naybіlsh importantly rіshen. In the structures of the organisation, special arrangements are made, and the kollegia, expert groups, legal services. Systematically practice the increase of service in the ranks of professional and service organizations;

Nayavnіst oblast and control over the course of the vikonannya priinyatogo rishennya z vikoristannyam principle of free-calling zvo'yaku, sho dyo zmogu keruyuchim bodies vrahovuvati dumku pidleglichi i koriguvati priinyatі rishennya;

Osobiste spilkuvannya kerіvnikіv svyazhvnykh organіv z pіdleglіmi, beside that number zkerivnikami periferazhnih organizatsiy, for kuzhenzhennya i koordicіії dіyalnіy suppidryadnyh structures.}

Completing the description of the state service to the Social Institute, especially the pidcrelity, її reputable reagulvania on the zmіni suspilstі. The process of democratization of the Suspisi Zhittya, which is spent in the territories. At the beginning of the day, in Ukraine, in the Ukraine, on the day, on the state services. Vona all bilshoyu mіrou peretovyuєtsya in the system zadovolenya zapitіv populated, nadannya різноманітних адміністративних послуг кіїї клієнтам. Tim himself delineated vidchuzhennya gromadyan vіd state power, stvoiєyatsya environment social partnership, scho сприяє стабілізації суспільства, розвитку його на справді демократичній основі.

Analis of the state service of a social institution, about the socio-educational nature of a visa and the drafting of the phenomenon of the suspected invalids, the solicitude of the social nature of the state service, the establishment of a state, the type of power, the storage of state services in power institutions, and the universal call of the best societal institutions.

Vikonuyuchi the role of spoluchnoї Lanka mіzh power and gromadyansky суспільством, the service in the democratic stage of development of the syspinal system to serve the intrepids of the Gromadyans, is important to the prince of the social, economic and political changes.