Історія України - Полонська-Василенко Наталія: Том 2

Persha add the rebellion of Bogdan Khmelnitsky - 1648th ric

On Zaporizhzhya Bogdan Khmelnitsky acquainted zagobuv zagolnu poshanu and yogi with a hetman . At the yogo bik, the voice of the re-strovych kozakivs crossed over, she stood on Zaporizhzhi, and the Tatar Khan vishlav yomu for help with his viasco.

Chutki about ruh, scho yogo pidnyav Khmelnitsky, zanepokoigili polski detachment. Coronet Hetman Mykola Pototsky virgin on Zaporizhzhya, shobob zdaviti insurgency in the very ear. Reєstrovih kozagіv i zagіn nіmetskoї pіhoti vіn Wieslaw Dnіprom, dwellers stink bilja Kodak z'єdnalisya of 4 tisyach polskogo vіyska i reєstrovih kozakіv, scho pid yshli wire getmanovogo sina, Stephen Pototskogo. Behind them, 6,000 wiyska went by the wire of the hetmanis - Mikoli Pototsky and Martyn Kalinovsky.

Rezstrovі Cossacks , plovli chuvnami, zbuntuvalisya, interrupted all the elders, krim Mihail Krichevskogo, і перейшли на бік Khmelnitsky. Біля балки Жовті Води Хмельницький напав на польський авангард, що був під Wire Stefan Pototsky. Реєстрові козаки з війська Stefan Potockić takozh prieednalsya to ynogo. Vіysko Stefan Pototsky boulevard zinischene, and himself vyn heavy burdens, having spent at full to Tatars and died. We live zhisyshsya one person, a liar, who has helped the hetman about proverb. Wongers went on their way, alle Khmelnitsky nadognav їх 26 herbs 1648 р. Біля Корсуня і розгромив. Poryazka polokіv bula rusna. The offense of the hetmanis was uncovered in the Tatar manor.

Tim hour Vladislav IV pomeran і polykіv hunter pannik: ні короля, ні гетьманів, ні війська. Paniku pisilsilo insurgency villagers in Kiev, yaki pityali bati paniv, liquid, palitic polish mates, rebellion spread to Poltava, on Vishnevecchina. The prince of Єremia Vishnevetsky himself is frozen to Poland.

Згідно з конституцією, під час міжкоролів'я chancellor мусів поддатися на демісію, але, зважаючи on the heavy camp of the kraїni, chancellor Ossolinsky почав прати праю сам. Scipno skiklano soymiki, asynovano koshti for 70.000 naimanogo vіyska. At the beginning of the hetman: Prince Dominik Zaslavsky, Mikola Ostroroga, Oleksandr Konspolsky.

Хмельницький дійшов до Білої Церкви. Vdayuchi, but do not know about the death of the king, víslav to a new leaf, in a kind of vimagav zbilshiti reestra kozakiv to 12,000, turn the Orthodox churches and pay the cossacks pay for 5 rock. So modest umvi zaponpovuvav buv Khmelnitsky pislya help at Zhovtikh Vody that Korsuni. Tsі уми привокаційний сойм прийняв, and the boule of peremir'ya has been destroyed.

Bogdan Khmelnitsky does not even himself rozmіv grandiose forms of that insurrection, scho vin pіdnav, schob pomstitiysya vlasnі obrazi. Yogo lyakali villagers insurgency, and vin namagavsya quietly. However, the insurrection spread across all Ukraine - on Podilli, Volin. Vatazhkom ix became Maxim Krivonis, a Scot from the march. W. Vishnevetsky, wielding a rebellion, hitting his Polish side, firing his arms on the floor and thumbing up his hatred.

Tim hour vіysko Khmelnytskyi zbіlshuvalosya spolschenyh ukraїnskimi nobles, SSMSC passed on yogo bіk pіslya porazki pid zhovto Waters is the Korsun, Sered them boule - maybutnіy vіyskovy Pixar that vіrny spіvrobіtnik Khmelnytskyi Ivan Vigovsky, S. Mrozovitsky-Morozenko, brothers Ivan ta Danilo Nechay, Ivan Bohun , Krichevsky . Deykі zikh people mali osvіtu, yaku zdobuli in zakordonnnyh universities, mali dovvіd. Wongs took a temple to sit in front of the village, grabbed by the old colonels, zeldibolzo Zaporizhzhya, yak Djedaliy, Burlyi, Vishnyak, Giry, Nesterenko, Topiga and others

Selyansky insurgency and theor, having introduced Vishnevetsky, brought Khmelnitsky to ponoviti ru, so that in a way this could happen in the hands of the rebels. Znovu zaklikav vin Tatars, 3rd Lipnia 1648 rock ponovilisya vєnnіі дії

Сили противоників були майже однакові: bl. 100.000 чоловіка і 100 Garmat Mali Poles, bl. 118.000 mav Khmelnitsky, ale in the number of bollocks, 40.000 poorly rebel insurgents-villagers, yakis often confused dyam. Slabistyu polskogo vysyka buv yogo velikchehny convoy: up to 100.000 vozvv with wines, supplies, dishes, odayagom paniv. At the cordon Podillia ta Volin, pid Pilyavtzi, 23 весня 1648 року польське військо було розбите, 80 гармат і tens of тисяч возів took the Cossacks. Qiu zdobich otsynyvano on the decal of the ten million malignancies.

Polske vіys'ko tіkalo zahіd. Cossacks followed him. Stubs zbaruli Zbarazh, Vishnevets, Brodi і 8 жовтня підступили під Львів.

Bohdan Khmelnytsky overlaid Lviv , ale was satisfied "with a 200,000 carat of the Chervynets, with a crimson on the pivmillion of Chervyntsi and ruining Warsaw. Rukh Khmelnitsky wiklikav velikii selyanskyi insurgency in Galicia on Volyn. Villages burned castles, palaces, drove the szlachta. Khmelnitsky did not care about the meaning of the cich rises and not the vichores.

Not zvazhayuchi on the pogrom of the Polish army, Khmelnitsky vvazhav, scho voyuє vin not zstovoyuyu, not the king, and z slyahtoyu. Він виислав до Польщі послів з вимогоію змінць to the king of brother Vladislav IV - Яна-Казіміра. It is unclear, having poured out vin on the nominee of the clothes, small-person people. New korolevі Khmelnytskyi puts minds: amnestіya for vsіh, hto Brave fate in vіynі, zalezhnіst Hetman deprivation od king skasuvannya tserkovnoї unії, renovations Kozatska rights zbіlshennya reєstru kozakіv right vihodu sea, teritorіyalna avtonomіya Ukraine.

Chekayuchi on the contrary, Khmelnitsky zupinivsya in Zamosg, de i distav visty obrannya on King Yana-Kazimir. The reason for this, Yak was defeated by Khmelnitsky's collapse to the Poles, is trompable in a rarity. Nasampered - vys'ko boulo was exhausted, the middle of the swell was spreading, there was a settlement of Osin, and the middle of the Polish population of Buv was not unsuccessful; Colonels vidradali Khmelnitsky go give. W other side of Shanxi Polschі uniquely pіdnyalisya, more in rock zhovtnі 1648 Signed in Myunsterі world yaky zakіnchiv 30 lіtnyu vіynu, i Avstrіya, ally Polschі could dіyati on її botsі. Ale the head of the boule, those of the Khmelnitsky are not maws on the mete of poverty. Polnshu, vin hotis veshchu vstanovititi there is a unit, a kind of viconavi bi kogakaniv kozakiv. Colonel Siluyan Muzhilovsky wrote, but the king Yan-Kazimir before obnanya obitsyav Bogdanov "budi russkim king" and pidstverditi all, but the Cossacks "through the shawl took".

At the mercy of the King Khmelnytsky, lining Zamostya and ruining Kiev.