Derzhavna office - Obolensky O.Yu.

8.2 The rights of the defense of state service

One element of the legal status of state service is the right of the state servicemen . The Ukrainian servant in Ukraine, yak and be-like sub-law is the thunderer of Ukraine, it is constitutionally protected. However, with regard to the state-service service, the most important aspect is the service law, which can be used to talk about the function of the state service. Service rightlessly, they are charged with the vikonannyam posadovyh obovozyakiv.

Viznacheni By the Law of Ukraine "About the state service" the rights of the state service can be sub-divided into three groups:

The right to protect the attention of the servants of their legal status, that yogic legal zahist;

Right, yakі to share the peace-free vikonannu zabolevyh obovozyakiv;

The right to enjoy the peace of the landed activities of the state service, realizing the yogic constitutional rights and freedoms, to protect the social guarantees of the state servicemen.

Until the first group of rights of the state service lie down:

A) zayazyumlennya with documents, yakі vyznachayut yogo rights and obovvozyaki on the state of the state of the state service, criterions of the oshinky robotics otovy prosuvannya on services, and takozh organizatsiyno-tehnichnyi umovi, potrybny for vikonannya him posadovyh obovozyaziv;

B) znakoymolennya z sіima materіalami svoїї osobovevoї sravi, z vіdgukami about his dіyalnіst іn іnshimi documents before the introduction of їх in special to the right, долучення to especially †<†<to his own explanations;

C) conducted on yogo vimogu service desksliduvannya for prostvovannya vidomosti, yakі plamoymut yogo honor i gіdnist;

g) the right to sovereign zvertannya sluzhbovtsya to vіdpovіdnih organіv derzhavnoї Vladi abo to court for virіshennya sporіv scho Reigning pov'yazanі s services, to h chislі food holding atestatsіy, їh rezultatіv, zmіstu Vidanov characteristics priya on Reigning service її prohodzhennya, Realizatsii of the rights of the state service, transferred to іншу landing of the state service, disciplinary and administrative support of the state service, zvіlennenya yogo zholdavnії zabibi.

To another group of rights of the state service lie down:

A) retained in the established procedure of information and materials, which are necessary for the vikonannya posavdih obovozyakiv;

B) in accordance with the established procedure for the vikonannya posadovyh obovyazyv pidpriemstv, installation, organisatsiy nezalezhno vіd forms vlasnosti;

C) прийняття рішень і участь у їх підготовці відповідно до посадових обов'язків;

D) pidgotovka, perepіdgotovka ta pіdvischennya kvalіfіkatsії for rahunok kostyv vidpovіdnogo budget;

E) the entry of proposals for the widening of the state service in any country.

Tretju group of rights of state service becomes:

A) to take part in a competition for a vacancy in a vacancy;

Б) просування по услугі, збільшення заробітної плати з урахуванням результатів і стажу роботи, рівня кваліфікації;

C) pensyne zabezpechennya z urauvuvannyam experience of the state service;

D) joining the profession with the help of the method of zahistu its rights, socially-economical and professional interests;

E) the right to pay a wage, to be deposited from the landing salary, premiè, extra pay for ranks, premiums for vislavu rockies to the state services, and those extra charges;

(E) The right to compensation for the payment of a trivalual debt for 30 calendar days, but legislation does not impose a trilogy on a permit for the payment of a supplement for sanitation for a rozmіrі landed salary;

Є) the right to be admitted to the service of the state service of the state service of the working people until the service of the state service, that is, the right to receive premiums for the viscose rock, the dodka compensation paid for the visa, the recognition of the pension for the viscous rock and the payment of the grocery wine in various cases Pensiyu, include periodi roboti, scho viznachayutsya vіdpііdnіmi acts Kabіnetu Міністрів України);

G) the medical officer obesgovovuvannya state service, that member yogo sіm'ї, in addition to the number of yogo vyhodu yogo on pension.

Obovyazyka state service characterize the daily life of the yogo service, the organ of the state authorities take over the robot of the hulk in the main thing, and put it on one's clothes and clothes.

Legislation on the state service is vain for the main obovyazyka power services. Vodnochas for the above categories of state services, special regulations, vstanovlyayutsya osoblyvі obovvyozyki.

Kolo basic obovyazyvіv state service viznachaetsya art. 10 Law of Ukraine "About the state service":

The restitution of the Constitution of Ukraine of these normative acts of the legislation of Ukraine;

Забезпечення ефективної роботи та виконання заввн державних оргаів відповідно до їх компетенції;

The inadmissible flag of the rights and freedoms of the people of that giant;

Bezposeredny vikonannya pokladenih nyogo zabolevyh obovozyaziv, svoechasnee i bischne vikonannya rishen sternyh organiiv chi posadovikh osib, rozporyadzhen i izkazivok svoїh kerivnikiv;

zberezhennya derzhavnoї taєmnitsі, information The gromadyan, scho became їm vіdoma pid hour vikonannya obov'yazkіv derzhavnoї service and takozh іnshoї Informácie, yak zgіdno s zakonodavstvom not pіdlyagaє rozgoloshennyu;

Postійне доскоколенлення організації svoeї robotіі підвищення професійної кваліфікації;

Sumlіnne vikonannya svoїh sobybovih obov'yazіv, ініціатива і творчість у роботі.

The power of the serviceman is organically responsible for the consequences of the situation, and already through one and the other, specific speeches are to be hung: do not chinit dy, take to the authority of the state service, not the brothers in the strikes, but also the other parties, and shake off the function of the state organs.

One of the aspects of the whole obovvozyku polagae in the fact that the state servicemen mait umriumvatis not lishe vіd dіy chi vybupіv, but th vіdovlyubavan, yakі mozhut zashkodity ostavnyі sistemy abo zavdati zbitkіv sobstvennomu organi chi spraviti zarozhennya, scho sistemy servicemen do not take advantage of dyut dusuychy Sovereign and suspensive interests.

Obov'yazok not chiniti dіy, yakі zakladnayut robot organіv sovremennoy vladi, modifikuyutsya zalizhno vid sit, yaku obiyima servitsovets. So, nesumіsnі s Posada sovereign sluzhbovtsya publіchnі stated about the wrong polіtiku Kabіnetu Mіnіstrіv Ukraine, President publіchna criticism Prem'єr-mіnіstra, mіnіstra, іnshih kerіvnikіv organіv derzhavnoї Vladi.

The authority of the serviceman does not have the right to abide by his services, the authority of the state service and the knowledge of documents in order to ensure that the government authorities in the state hold power. The servant of the servant does not have the right to criticize his kerivnik, the organ, I have to serve a whim, I feed the politicians, yaku mate carry out the organ and planting of the individual. Yakshtorya the serviceman is not a good man for the sake of a good life, he has to pay taxes to the exhibition.

Derzhavnyi serviceman does not have the right to apelyuvati to press, but in order to be able to do so, he should not be deprived of his trust in the service. About dіyalnіst, nedolіki, loss of chi zlovzhivannya on sluzhbі in dіyalnostі vіdpovіdnogo body derzhavnoї Vladi mozhna rekomenduvati Reigning sluzhbovtsyam zvertatisya in vischі bodies to vischih kerіvnikіv, zokrema to Kabіnetu Mіnіstrіv Ukraine.

Держані службуці do not flout the right of brothers to take part in half-legal acts. At different times, candidates are elected to the people's deputies of Ukraine. They are deputies of the body of the self-imposed self-confidence, and they are obliged to adhere to the license for the whole term of the election campaign.

Legislation, and takozh posadovі інструкції vyznachayut concrete іnсіії та іннавження державних сервибців, які збов'яні correctly їх виконувати. Nevikonannya neoblezhnee vikonannya zabubovyh vozvovazhen can prosozglyadati yak posadovi misconduct.

The Law of Ukraine "About the state service" is falsified, but the state servant of the cronies of the deeds in the borders of his own age. Tsya vimoga zobov'azuє matery servisovtsya mati tsilkom exacty uyavlennya about the otsyag i interi povnovazhen shchodo svoiї posadi.

Normative acts viznacheno rules pіdporyadkuvannya mіzh Posada Reigning sluzhbovtsіv, yakih Got takozh dotrimuvatisya Reigning sluzhbovets, zdіysnyuyuchi povnovazhennya in furrows nadanih Yomou rights zgіdno i s Posadov obov'yazkami.

Obov'yazok sovereign sluzhbovtsya zdіysnyuvati povnovazhennya nerozrivno pov'yazany s іnshoyu vimogoyu - dotrimannyam installed in organі sluzhbovogo rozporyadku, tobto vstanovlenogo regime robochem hour, order vikonannya obov'yazkіv toscho.

Vikonannya obovyazykiv at the pivniy posadі of the state service in the doktrymanyam established in the state power and the order and vikonannya vnovonnazhen sobstvennogo sovrebovtsya danyogo soviet organ.

Yakshtorya serviceman vikoristvuє nadanі yomu povnovazhennya zinoshoyu metoi neo vyhodit for interes nadanikh yomu rights, then yogi dії mozhut bouti kvalіfіkovany yak posadovy misdemeanor.

The power of the servant can not tolerate the over-enactment of the landed ones.

* 1: {Pід перевищенням слубовивих повноважень маьють на повзі навмисні дії державно слубоцця, scho clearly vyhodyat for mezhi rights and obnovazheny, giving yomu for posadoyu law and the normative act of the state sovereignty authority (statute, regulations, instructions, mandates). Pід перевищенням поседових повноважень розуміють дії посадової individuals, but clearly vyhodit for interesіїїїїї повноважень і have been called up to the sotstvennogo pravoshennya of rights and legal interests of the huge organizations that seek to preserve the state that are protected by law.}

Derzhavnі servisovtsі mozhut buti prytyagennі up to krimіnalnoї vіdpovіdalnosti for assigning them to the rear of the landed individuals and their children, they called up to the stagnant rights and lawful interests of the gremyan that organizatsiy. Contribution by the state servants of the allegedly incorrect vidomosti to the official documents, and that they are entered by them in the documented documents, where they are posted, who is engaged in the censorship of the special services (the servicemen), rescheduling in the criminal procedure.

It is the duty of the servicemen to recognize the rights of the freedom of the Gromadyans, to stop publicizing their lawfulness. The rights of those lawful intrepids for the servicemen are the most important categories. Vikonoichi tі obovv'yazki, zavlevnі sistemovtsy zabezpechuyut stabilnist suzpilnikh vidosinin, dotrimannya regimes legnosti, garantyutt zagalny law and order. Yaksho rights and lawful intrigues gromadyan zahischeny power (the state servants), one of najvazhlivshih servicemen vvadan vvazhaetsya vikonanim.

Оскільки державна служба ґрунтується on the principles of ієррхічної підлеглості, державні збыбов'язані виконувати накази, розпорядження та виказівки вищих що підлеглості керівників, видані в межах їхніх посадових повноважень, за винятком obviously illegal.

Derzhavny zubovobovets zobov'azaniy vikonuvati vsya zagalnі іnstruktії, vkazivki, zakomovі chi usnі osobisti rozporyadzhennya kerіvnikiv, yaki perebuvayut v vishchimu posadovoi iorarhichnomu steps.

Усі розпорядження державний слубовецьк виконує під особисту відповідальність. Tom, otrimavi for vikonannya rozporyadzhennya, the state serviceman moe yogo otsіniti z poglyadu vidpovidnosti law ta vernovnim enteressam.

Згідно зі ст. 10 Law of Ukraine "About the state service" of the state servicemen of zobov'azaniy, yakshcho іsnue hocha b namenshy sumnov shchodo pravornostі otrimanogo vikonannya proruchennya, odzra poidomiti pro zec in the letter formi posadovu persona, yaka gave proruchennya, and at razilyagannya yogo vikonannny - poidomititi I'm behind the person. At the ts'omu razi umovoi pravnirnosti priruchenny budey letter pidstverdzhennia vidnogo rozporyadzhennya vishim for posadoyu kerivnikom.

Entering into the service of the state, the state servicemen of the ministry, we prepare the services in vikonuvati for the sake of the functions and the posadov obovvozyki. Jodo dinovih anchors, vin ma vidpіdati tim vimogam, scho vyplivayut z poznachennya ta zmistu sit, yaku vin obiyama. Theoretical and practical navchannya є servile obovvozykom usіh stern services.

Suttsevoyu means that the warehousing profesional diyalnosti of the state service - the sub-standards of service to him. Predbachaetsya, scho Gromadyanin, entering the state service, sub-critically, the moral right to hiccup ziu posadu, tobto vin not deprived professionally, but positively characterize the moral side, it does not seem to be honest, obovyazyu, sovisty, vidpovadalnosty tochno. To that arch is the most important - the helm of the shodo to the supreme commander of the standards of service, that was put in the state power and service order.

The power of the servant is the sum of that self-imposed vikonuvati of the professorial obov'yazok.

Державний службовець своєю поведінкою має demonstrustati прихильність до суспільного ладу в дусі Constitutionії України та конституційних законів і виступати за їх виконання. In the context of the contacts and contacts of the statesmen, the servicemen of the cronies must take part in that step of the vitrimacy and acuteness, which is dictated by the yogi serviceman in the manner of the susceptibility of the obovyazykov of the state body, to serve.

Zberezhennya sovremennoy taemnitsi, information about the Gromadyans, has become a secret to the servicemen, since the hour of vikonannya obov'yazіv, and takozh іншої інформації, яка не підлягає згідно з legislіvstvom rozgoloshennu, vіznachaєtіya by the laws of Ukraine thіn аnу normative acts. Derzhavny zubovobov zobov'azaniy zberigati in taemnitsі іnformatsіyu, yaka became yomu vidomoyu pіd hour vikonannya him servicemen обв'язків і зачіпає privetne zhittya, honor i gіdnіst hromadyan.

The power of the servant can not be a vikorovuvuvaty information and a written opinion of the state service, but the information became a yomu vidomu y zv'yazku vikonannyam him posadovyh povnovazheni і to become a state servant, that one's taemnitsu, scho zhoryronyaetsya law. Pislya pripinennya sobstvenno-zabolevyh vіdnosin svyazovobov zobov-ziyaniyah turn all the documents, yakі mistyat zabolevu information, in the body of state power.

The state servicemen of zobov'yazany have their own eyesight at the borders of their own landed obovyazykiv zverennya gromadyan і gromadskikh ob'ednan, and takozh pidpriemstv, installation і organizatsіy, sverhvnyh organіv і organіv mіsssevogo samovyryvannya ta priymati udo ikh rіshennya y order, vyznachennymu laws of Ukraine.