Examination of goods - Коломієць Т.М.

5.4. Documentary expertise

Documentary expertise - an expert by the commodity characteristics of goods, is based on the information of commodity, technical and other documents. So itself, yak і assortimentna, expertise documentary nayachastіshe vikoristvuyutsya yak obovyazykovy Element of the most visions of goods and services, examinations of experts, obov'yazkovo pereviryayut vidpovіdnist kіlostі, anchorі, naimenuvannya ob'ekta ekspertizi documentary danim. Samostіyno documentary expertise zastosovuyutsya vipadku vіdisutnost goods (napriklad, vaslidok yogo realizatsii, kraudzhki, psuvannya, vtrati iz for neperedbachuvanii obstavin: pozhezhi, poveni tochshe), and takozh vasledodok vikinnennya kilkisnykh ta yakisnyh vtat.

Pid hour Venue of dokumentalnoї Sanitary and Epidemiological vіdsutnogo product expert of analіzuє nayavnі tovarosuprovіdnі documents: nakladnі, sertifіkati, yakіsnі posvіdchennya, acti writedowns, ekspluatatsіynі document, and takozh poyasnyuvalnі memos that Reports of pratsіvnikіv torgovelnoї organіzatsії, tehnіchnі document and s control of the temperature-vologіsnim mode (grafіki, Journal toscho ), Звіти та іншу внутрішню документацію.

Analіzuyuchi document expert of guilty ustanoviti їhnyu dіysnіst for nayavnіstyu seals torgovelnoї organіzatsії that pіdpisіv upovnovazhenih osіb, dati zapovnennya, neobhіdnih rekvіzitіv, perevіriti vіdpovіdnіst danih, zaznachenih in rіznih TSD (napriklad in inventory transportnіy nakladnіy that sertifіkatі i / chi in posvіdchenі of Quality). Especial respect to zvertaєtsya on nayavnіst in the documents rіznomantіhnih vipravlen ta znachok. Takі vipravlennya neobhidno vysnimyvatyva takiriati pidpisom vidpovidalnoy individual.

Skladnіst dokumentalnoї Sanitary and Epidemiological polyagaє in the fact scho for vіdsutnostі product ekspertovі bring pokladatisya on dostovіrnіst danih in tehnіchnih documents. However, documents and documents can be falsified (information falsifikatsiya).

The results of Sanitary and Epidemiological stale at this vipadku od kompetentnostі EXPERT, yogo umіnnya zіstaviti danі rіznih tovarosuprovіdnih dokumentіv, іnshih dokumentіv vnutrіshnoї zvіtnostі іz zovnіshnoyu іnformatsієyu (dovіdkovimi that Naukova danimi, practical dosvіdom іnshih torgovelnih organіzatsіy toscho).

Yak butt navedemo vipadok іz ekspertnoї M.A.Nіkolaєvoї practice, if Bulo conducted vessels Sanitary and Epidemiological pravomіrnostі writedowns plodoovochevoї produktsії in one s magazinіv on dosit Velika scrip [87]. Analіz waybill, for the cancellation of aktіv produktsії that invoices for vivіz zіpsovanoї produktsії on zvalischa showing scho Quantity produktsії, zaznachenoї in rіznih documents not spіvpadaє. More than that, the boole has been shown to be an "incident", if in one commodity covuniv party, according to the acts of the boule, more goods were written off, but there were no more yogas. In іnshomu vipadku for documents Bulo vstanovleno rіzke znizhennya of Quality for rakhunok gnittya Yabluko lying grade 3 Godin vіdstanі od radgospu to store, scho takozh nemozhlivo at visokіy vihіdnіy of Quality.

In the course of the documentary examination of the decommissioning of fruits and vegetables on the value of the part of the pre-announced sum, the boulo was found to be wrong. The director of the boulo shop was attracted to the criminals.

Otzhe, the documentary expertise is written on the detailed information about the documentary documents, the technical documents, the documentary documents, the transfiguration of the transfer, the pornography, and the scientific teachings.