Основи політології - Bregeda A.Yu.

3. Vidrodzhennya democratic institutes of leadership in Ukraine

Radikalnye zmіni in the form of a functional and systematic system in Ukraine has hunted an institute of gromadsko-polichnichnogo lіderstva . Vin, yak tsez vzhe vzraivlyaetsya, budee yakisno neishim, nizh in the near past. Prior to the gromadsko-polichnichnyh lidery, the CPSS could be brought in from the people's home and communal services, they were too busy on that part of the party-state hierarchy, and all the authorities, gromadskiy organizatsii and ikhnі lidery buly in the most varied ways, the vikonavtsi party plans. Pіslya lіkvіdatsії monopolії CPSS that formuvannya bagatopartіynoї Sistemi E opine the prospect appeared velikoї kіlkostі sub'єktіv Gromadska-polіtichnogo lіderstva rіznih tipіv i rіvnіv, kotrі stanovlyat Pevnyi Yednist, pіdsistemu within reformovanoї polіtichnoї Sistemi nashogo suspіlstva, and cutaneous warehouses tsієї pіdsistemi Got its essence, Its own guise.

In this situation, the uneasy situation is the problem of the preparation of the formulations of the grenadier and new leaders of the new Katunka. The old system of preparation of bulldozers of a bullet is sufficient for a rosewood and a small one to finish the kvalіfіkіovі викладацьіі сили. ALE її interchange of polygal in the fact that the Wohn clinched the Party, trade union, Komsomol activists of the "Vimagati", "Spryamovuvati", "Organizovuvati", "Dome", "Zabezpecchuvati", and other special methods of squeezing, admin. Ninі majbutnim lіderam-upravlіntsyam treba vchitya naukovyh metodіv sotsial'nogo upravlennya, znannya dovagi up to chinnikh lawyv, vikoristanya methodі in dialogu ta perekonannya, treba vchitisya bachiti dovkola to itself concrete people, gromadyane, partneriv, and not unvarious "vikonavtsiv."

Characteristic of the rice of a real life in Ukraine is bagatopolism . At the end of the political parties, which are registered with the Ministry of Justice, it is already done. Mi є svidkami th participants unikalnogo yavishcha in politsitsi - mayzha odnochastnogo vyiknennya numerical partners i gromadskikh rukhiv і, zvichayno, the phenomenon of suspolno-polichnichnogo liderstva, scho z'yazany z zim process. On our eyes, the throat of schlidko evolyutsionnyu logistic zomovleny lancuge: nazhenzhenya gromadskoi organizatsii, її nasuponniy rozvitok і zapovedannya z neї partneri abo grupi partіy, perehііd vіd informatsiiї stadії to stadії normative konstitutsyuvannya. І on all stages of the whole process of mi bachimo dії gromadsko-polіtichnikh lіderіv, zrostanya їhnyogo authority, vplyvu, vladi, ale takozh i pomilki, kidnapped, failed, zniknennya z politsichnoy stage.

Звичайно, багатопартійність в Україні, плюралізм суспільних поглядів і суспільно-політичної діяльності перебуває тільки на самого початку розвитку. Potribny trivaly hour, shobo ta chi іnsha partіya, її lіderi zvehlisya, yak kakuut, on foot, rasprobili svoї progry, tsіlі th statutny poslozhnya, characteristic methods diyalnosti, symbolism, corrected the robot drankovanyh organіv, zdobuli (and tse duzhe it is important) wide pidtrimku, They created their own social base, integrated it with their own partners and rukhs, constituted themselves in a pragmatic sense of the word, became part of the functional and systematic system.

For the parties, gromadskih rukhiv, їхніх лідерів на цьму шляху becoming can and pograki, and zabuttya. Їh you can share the proportion of blizzard-one-piece. On our duma, Sama taka share of checks on the Ukrainian party shanuvalnikіv beer, napriklad. Mabut, not to be separated, without the demands of the deeds, legalities through the gromadskiy organizatsii and the party members, political enthusiasm, stimulation of dislike, and the threat of misunderstanding of national social groups.

The uniqueness of the form of a bagato-partnership system is, obviously, mathematically the two richest, the most accurate, the two of which are dealt with by the system of party and political responsibility. Persha - leadership within the framework of the partnership. Friend - leadership of the business plan. At the center of the role in Ukraine, the centrist party "Nova Ukraina", the People's Rukh of Ukraine, the Party of the True Bloc, is pretending.

The process of democratization , which is rooted in the present state of affairs, and the principle of the new one, in the form of a pseudo pidhod up to the form of that body of authority, all stages are clamped on the way of the new category of people's deputies-the specialities, deputies-leaders. It is true that some part of them has already passed important wrestling on the alternative basis and otrimala deputy mandate, not only that, but clearly, and clearly, you have to look, but you need to know your position in the world, you must be born in the sixties, ВирішенняіІснуючих проблем. Mi bachimo, scho gromadsko-polichnichnoe liderstvo people's deputies became a legal norm. Deputati, yak said in the law "On the status of a people's deputy of Ukraine", - by the strength of self-government people. Vazhlivim by the principle of deputies 'dyalost' тур turbot about consumer viborets, about the people's good deed, democratization in the region, weather conditions of specialties, societal groups, classes, nationalities and susings in the country [18].

The current status of people's organizations, political leaders of the new formations of the people's deputies has already been increased. Їхній інтелектък, competence, principle, smіmіva gromadyans'ka posіііya, glibokі democratіnіtіtіtіsія іsbistav іnblіvііsti gave rise to the prejudice before them that підтримку of wide verses суспільства. Їhnya dіyalnіst korisna th is prichalna for bugatokh, hto povyazjaniy z polichikoyu.

Zaraz і in the center, і on місцях without іаактивнішої participant of people's deputies not вирішуються скільки-небудь значущі проблемми. With tsiomu znachna part of the people's deputies vyavlyaet vysoku prinimatіst, uncompromising to the past, fight bureaucracy, actively vzaimodіє hromadyanami.

At his daughter's office, insanely, not self-conscious. Їх підтримують виборці, центральні місцеві organization масової інформації, and допомога з боку трудових колективів навіть перевершила всі сподівання. Ale stavlenya central ta mіscevich organemv vikonavochoi vladi to diyalostі people's deputies є bіlsh nіzh strimanim.

One of the nayvazhlivishih naprimkіv bagatoplanovoi suspilno-polichnichy robot of people's deputies є їхня legislative, parliamentary diyalnіst. Do nei absolutna bilshist deputies to be put sergezno. І all the same result of lawmaking, for self-critical otsnikami people's deputies, to satisfy the syspil yak in kilkisnomu, and in yakisnomu vidnoshennyh can not. Foldable takozh nalagoditi diyovy control for realizing the praises of legal acts. Efektivnіy lawmaking robotі, without sumnіvu, †сbetween the parliament and the culture of the people's deputies, kotru treby shih vihovuvati, zmіtsnyuvati, robiti normu povsyakdennogo spilkuvannya.

Nemaє sumnіvіv, shо з з розвитком демократії значення депутатів усіх рівнів як виразників і захисників народних інресресі зростатиме. Mabut, in the perspective of a person of the people's deputy, will be the means of the main candidates for the role of a gigantic-polar leader. And the partnership for the minds of the bagatoes, and zosedirut zusilya for otrimanni deputieskih mandates.

Bud-yake suspilstvo, obirayuchi abo sisuyvaychy its lіdera, put up nyogo neobhіdnі, and unodi dovat suvori vimogi, yakі vyplivayut iz of concrete polichnichnyh situatsії. Pіd the hour of transition from post-totalitarian to democratic will be arranged by such headwomen є: high-grade zagalniy kulturniy rіven, competence in the field of management, umnіnnya organizuvati spravu, mati rіznomannіnu informatіy ta vmіti її with the insolent rank оцінювати, mogulnaya force volі ta vysoka poteutty osobistoї vіdpіdalnostі z stan s pravou Suspenity.

Zaraz in Ukraine is subjectively folded so that if there are possible riznomannyh shlyah rozvitku Institute of Policiary Leadership. One of the variants rozvitku, in zv'yazku zmozhlivim poshirennyam s suspilstvii ekstremizmu, mozhut stati wide antidemokratichny come zladi. So, you can call to call up to abdomen abo, navnit, to fence diyalnosty pervnyh saspilno-polichnichnyh techichi ekstremіstskogo spontamvannya tastily obmezhiti dіyalnіst лідерів цих течій. Іншим варіантом розвитку політичних подій може стати пвне подержавлення informal ma nalizatsiy. For such minds, the Lideri Cich Ugrupovan pass to the lavas of the state officials and stacks the part of their own structures. Sami tsі processi in pevnіy mіrі sіогодні відбуваються в Україні. Naybilsh bazhanim є third type of development of sub-projects, of intercourses with a wide roster of democratic processes in custody. Such a variant is a stolyuet neobhіdnі umovi for visunennya viborny kerivnyi sit alternative candidates. At suspilstіi поширюється ідейний та політичний плюралізм, який стає нормамою політичного життя. In the atmosphere of democracy, glasnost, vidkritoї polemiki and tsivilizovanoi competitivi novim lideram vіdkryvayutsya mozhnosty Borotby for voices vibortsiv that prihid to vladi.

Як свідчить світовий досвід, індивідуальне політичне лідерство цілком відповідає вимогам демократії. More than that, the role of the Institute for Indivisible Sexuality is growing. The process of characterization is for Ukraine. Formuvannya іnstitutu polіtichnogo lіderstva here Got svoї osoblivostі, SSMSC viyavlyayutsya in fact scho ruynuvannya totalіtarnoї Sistemi vіdbuvaєtsya parallel s natsіonalnim vіdrodzhennyam she Formation demokratichnoї respublіki. Viznachalnoyu risoyu, yak uskladnyuє rozvitok democratically protsesіv in nashіy derzhavі, Yea i polіetnіchna polіkonfesіyna population structure seryoznі regіonalnі vіdmіnnostі in Yogo sotsіalnіy strukturі that in polіtichnih upodobannyah. The political partnerships in Ukraine did not become a serious force, a building vlivati ​​on vibortsiv.

Yak sidіchit suspilna practice, demand in the authoritative lіderі especialy zrostaє for folding situatsіy zhіttєdіyalnі syspіlstva. Mozhlivostі suspіlstva schodo rozv'yazannya folding suspіlnih problems bagato in chomu stale od nayavnostі zagalnoviznanogo lіdera, yaky bi not tіlki zaproponuvav strategіyu vihodu s crisis, and the second zumіv konsolіduvati suspіlstvo on її vikonannya. Simply "recognize" such a leader is not possible, viniken on the perethin of the needs of the people of the masses, and in democratic syspilstva take advantage of the populations on the vibors. Such zagalnovichiznimi, zagalnonatsionalnymi lidery, scho ocholili vihіd suspilstva z krizi, beslevkomu minus boules F. Roosevelt, W. Churchill, De Gaulle, and in our time - L. Walesa, V. Havel.

Після проголошення незалежності нашої держави in 1991 р. Such zagalnovichniznim lider becoming, insanely, LM Kravchuk. His program (goodwill, democratism, statehood, spirituality, etc.) was hanged by the tsіlkomіpіdіdala to that person's spodіvnnyam people. At the great pity, the real disagreement of the authorities and national leaders did not justify the cih. At the center of svoєї dіyalnostі OAO All vladnі structuring set zavdannya Rozbudova powers - stvorennya armії, mitnitsі, vprovadzhennya natsіonalnoї currency, transition to іntensivnogo Reigning movu toscho, vіdsunuvshi on another plane virіshennya quiet ekonomіchnih problems SSMSC population vvazhalo pershochergovimi. And that zovsim not vypadkovym, scho vzhe pislya fate of his presidency L. Kravchuk vimusheny buv viznati, scho vin "nedootsinniv znachuschіst ekonomichnih problems."

Pogliblennya ekonomichnoy, social and political crisis in suspilstvii called before the rating of Kravchuk, that of the latter, became poorly degraded. Already in the year 1993 p. for danimi zagalnonatsіonalnogo opituvannya, scho boule provedenі center "Demokratichnі іnіtsіativi" for participation Іnstitutu sotsіologії National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine is the center Sotsіs-Gallup, tіlki shіst protsentіv opitanih Mali of Hope to those scho President of Ukraine zmozhe Vivest kraїnu s krizovoe will i tіlki 24% Vislova Yomou dovіru (I'm 55% silent, although I did not finish it). Слід зазначити, що рівень довіри до інших гілок влади - Верховної Ради, Кабінету міністрів - lower down [19].

Yak mozhna okharakterizuvati situatsiyu, scho zaslaslasya ninі in Ukraine? At the gates of the rumored gromadyans and bugatogo spetsialistiv, our crisis is poglublyuetsya crisis in the usual spheres zhittya, yaka zagrozhuyet collapse of the power. For such extraordinarily extra minds in susinstvii rіzko zrostaє heaviness to "strong" лідерів, навіть to "strong hands". At the dumkol, the population, the number of strong kerivnikivs can be enlarged for nashoi kraїni bіshe, nizh zakony i dyskuї. In the middle of the dumas, there was a wait for 58% of the opitu- tives, unsuitable for it, 16% and 27% of their positions did not vanish [20].

The rozvitok poliitichnyh podіy at derzhavі, kolik, z one boku, in suspilstvі - great demand in the strong lidery, and in the net - ikh neme, mozhe prizvest to neperedbacheniyh naslіdkіv. Chi zmozhut u tsіj situatsії demokratichnі sili Ukrainy ob'ednatisya zasadі zagalnonatsionalnykh іnteresіv, mobilіzuvavshi for tsiogo perevazhnu bіlshіst populated? Chi zmozhut tsі demokratichnі sily rozrobiti zrozumіl i priinyatnu dlya sospilstva programu vizhodu z krizi vidiliti zі svogo sredishcha dostizhnyh zagalnovichiznichikh lіderіv? Від вирішення цієї problems of bagatoes in the course of Ukraine's expansion of Ukrainian sovereignty.

Розвиток подій показує, що таку місію повинен зараз visiconati President of Ukraine L.D. Kuchma, publicly oriented on the tsiu posadu in lipnі 1994 р. That in the middle of the conversions near the fall of 1999. For tsiogo the President is guilty dyati yak the representative of not okremoї vstavlenya chi politichnoy techії, ale yak dovіrena person vsyogo people. One of the most important functions of the President and the Cabinet of Ministers is in the field of consoli- dation of the political and legal departments; Democratism presidentsko vladi perebacha dialog i spivrobnitnitswo with the representatives of the local pressures of the Suspilnaya Dumka, the fate of the decisive chi of the latest presidential and non-governmental programs. Shcho stosuєtsya vnutrіshnoї polіtiki, the tse, in Perche Cherga, rozrobka th realіzatsіya novih specific rіshuchih zahodіv schodo radikalіzatsії ekonomіchnoї reforms vsebіchne spriyannya Formation onovlenoї structuring vikonavchoї Vladi, zabezpechennya stabіlnogo suspіlnogo order BEZPEKA gromadyan i Power, posilennya Borotba s krimіnalnoyu zlochinnіstyu, posilennya control For vikonannyam prinyatih legally tochno.

The head office of the Presidential Administration is all zhobiti, so in the iznavnazhennyh, for досягнення our suspilstvom will become, if it were to be ryishennya, scho priymayutsya, buli b competent, and їх здійснення оперативним і ефективним. Tse to spare the President with a credible authority, to reinforce the yoga position of a peer educator. Yogo діяльність at such a time to embed the goodness of the syllable in the estonia of our syspilia, become a butt for all the political leaders and kervivniki.